Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/683

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Bernardincs II-507b; Bethle- ^^.esII-334d,b.shoP..uns.

M3d- XII-755d; 758d; mil 760a; Blessed Sacrament. Conereeation of the U-oUsO; BleJeTsaerament, S,stersof the II-599b; Bobbio Il-OOat). Boni Hommes H'l^'r?', JJ Secoura de Paris, Institute of ff!g?Sa; Bon Seeours do Troyes, Institute of_II-678|>, Boyle Abbey i^r'J'\ f'" BriEid II-7S4b; Bngidmes. In- SS of the XVI-Uc; Br.g- ittines II-785dj Brothers Hos- pitallers of St. John of God II 802b; Brunner, Francis de ^les 111-12-1; St Bruru-I": 14b; 16c; Buckfast .\bbe> lU 27d Bursfeld Abbey III-84C, Butler, Maig Joseph III-91'- Cffisarius of Prum III-lSSc. bt. cS^tan III-U.5a; Calvarj. Congregation of Our Lady of in-190c; Camaldolesc III- 20 ic ; St. CamiUus de Lelhs 111 217d; canoness 1 1 1.Tr Jo";.,?: canonesses regiilar I" -»»°'.

X- iT- 7 5?c*;" Capuchin'esses

?T •>.^/^,. r-annchin Friars

Ili-320aT ' Capvrcto Friars

protector III-41*'„-^„„ TTi-l cardinal vicar of Rome lU 313b; Carmelite Order lU 3^4a- Carmelite Third Order XlV^^sId; Carmelite Third Order, Secular XI V-md; Car- thusian Orjier III.-*Sa S^. Catherine de Uicci 111^*:;,'^ St. Catherine of hwcden 111 4 18c; Caulet. F^ncois-EUenne Ill-loSb; St. Ceadda III-4'O':, St Cedd III-475a; Celestine Srfer XVI-Wd;. Ce estines XVI-20b; cemeteries lU-5U^a. Ccnaclc. Ueligiou.s of {^e lU- .51Sc; cenobilic f"? X^f'-^?": censorship of books Ul-o^oa , St Ccolfrid III-536b; charity 'xil-749d; Charity. Congre- gation of the Brothers of Ul- fi04d- Charit V .Sistersof (Cmcin- Sl XIV-2.Sa; Charity, Sist^s of SU John. N. B.)in-608d; rhSv of Jesus and ilary, Si^Ss of III-609C; Charity of Our Lady Mother of ^Iercy Sifters of III-6.10b; Chanty of Providence. Sisters of m 60Db; Charity of St. Eluabeth, ^ters of 111-^508'; Chanty of St Txiuis Sisters of IU-l)U»a. Charity of St. Paul. Sisters of (Chrrlres) IU-6IO1; Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, Sisters of III-60.5b; Charity of St. \in- cent de Paul, Sisters of (Neft York) in-607d; Chanty of the Meild Virgin Mary Sistersof in-609a; chastity Xn-50d^

Brothers oV Ireland III-710b; ?hSrclies IU-»2a; Cistercians

l^.^-'cr^'^of'^ts^i iv-i';

!^ric?I\^9a;ClejtoRegtiar IV-19d; .314; XII-io2b. Clerks Regular of Our Saviour 1\- 52c; Clerks Regular of the Mother of God of Lucca IV- ^^reloister IV-f-Ob: C'""^;-

gKn'-Mbfc-oinmonLif.^: B?eXren of the lV-16tlc; com- munism IV-180b; Concep.ion- ists IV-inOc; Ci-necte I\--l.Ja. confessors I-fio^b: \-t)Hp RELIGIOUS LIFE. Conares^^onH XII-7.57b: archives ol-<>90a, di.smi»sal. from X" " ^^^1^ ecclesiastical and lay All

—c'oMcience, manifestation o^ IX-597a; contemplative 1 v

ll^i- ^^^"^^^^ ^SversilT340d;Corl«e.Mon-

aster,- of IV-3Md; Cord Con fratx-rnities of the IV33o7a, Cornillon. Abbey of l\-ilio. co™ ations X-.37nb; Corvey Ab^y of IV-'(«ti„-»<^V^ XII-7.")3b; cowll\-l"lD. l^ro- riera IV-olOc; Cross. Daugh-


ters of the (Belgium, XVI- 30d; Cross, Daughters of the (France) X\ l-3la Cross. Daughters of the Hob XVI-31b; cross, veneration 01 iv-537b; Cross of Jesu|, Brothers of the I\^.-539a. Croyland. Abbey of IV -541c Crutched Fnars IV-5o/a. em

deW'lV'-, "' '■-^,",1^ 9-0. Y)'- ' \^ ■ ■■ I ^ ' I 4a, ae-

6' '»■,. ,1 XII-

i^'"i,i': V ■. sr" Dili- bod" v.. ^ , i\t

7-,qc- 11 ^' "■ °' ,

Iva 1 -- ' • D='«Kh-

t'J \ -.'i ]• "" Chanty,

Sls?e; of S- 'Id: IHvine Char- ity Society of V-.^ld; Divine Compassion. Institute of \ - 52a- Divine Providence. Con- gregation of the S.stersrfV- 52d; Divine Providence, listers of (Kentucky) V-.i3a; D.vino Providence. Sisters of (^ ainz) V-52C- Divine Providence,

fJk*"'mv5fnr'p"ovidence'; Sbters of . ( V-53b; Divine Providence of bt., An- drew Sisters of V-53b; Divine r^r^J^ Vincent^

deemer. Daughters of the \- 53c; Divine Saviour. Society o the V-53C; Divine Word, Society of the V - o4a;, St.


T^ ; „ ; „ i Giovanni V

uSb? ' ° Dorch";e;,"""Abbey

of V-133C; p.;--, .11, r, ,,rre V-145b; dow.'i \ ' ■•■' ;"' aide Abbey \ ' ' ' , ',', ;

AW" , n',!i,k

m"'^ I , ,11. Aiii'i-y

bey V-192b; Uurandus of Troarn V-20Sb ; Eastern Or ders XII-7.-.2d; Y'^^'-^'I "C tina V-211a; 1 l; ; v-

bey of V-Tn, 1 . ^\

273b; Ed.n" ' ' ' ' J]

of St. V--:'^b -' > ■■■ ' Rich V-294d:e,lu.;..ii,.". 1^.1 ence on IV-lUSc; bt. Egmn v a'JOa; Einsiedeln, Abbey 01 v 367b; Elias of Cort.>na V- 382d Elizabeth. Sisters of St V-38Sb; Elizabeth of Schonau V-392a; EUwangen .^bbey V- 392d; Emery. Jacqucs-Amlre V-401d; St. Emmeran, Abbey of V-406b; Emmench Anne C. V-406C; Engclberg. Abbey of V:t29b; Engelbert V-430c; and English hierarchy XV -313b Erdington Abbey y-517d, fcs senes V-546b; Estiennot de la &fr?e V-5.51b; E«?«h™ad|m V-571C; Eudists V-596c; St. Fuscbius V-614b; evangehcal Ulea xTl-749b; Evesham Ab- bey V-64Sb; Ex.gtius Dm- nysiusV-ind; Eymard, Pierre- JuUen. Venerable \-7iX. Faithful Companions of Jesus, Societv of the V-769d; Farfa Abbey of V-7S.Td; Fathers of Mew V-794C; Feckenham, jihn de V1-2.5C; feet washing of the XV-5.i7c; FeuiUants VI- f>4d; St. Fiacre \I-07a. ilori- nns VI-U5a; Folkestone Ab- bey V1-12.TC; Fontbonne, Jeinnc VI-127C: Fonte-AvoJ- lanrVI-128a; Fontenelle Ab- w VI-129a; Fontevrault, gfderIn/AbbeyofVI-129d: Fontfroide Abbey VI-IJIC Forbin-Janson VI-133C; forms Vll-7.'i3c; Forster. Frobenius Ol-U4d; Fountains Abbey Vl-lfila; in France II-2c; 30^

XIII-559a; 678a; St. Francis Borgia VI -213d; Franciscan Order VI -217a; Franciscan Third Order, Regular XIV- 642b; Franciscan Third Uraer, Secular XIV-641a; St. Francis Carraciolo VI-218b; St. Francis de Sales VI-22pa; St. Francis of Assisi VI-221d; St, Francis of Paula VI-231C; friar VI- 280c , Friars Minor VI-281C; Friends of God VI-306C; Frigolet, Ab- bey of VI-307b; Blessed Fro- Tviii VI-310d; Furness Abbey VI-324a; St. Fursey yi-324d; St. Gall, .^bbey of VI-347b Gemblours VI -*07d; genera chanter VI-412b; XII-i54d; Geoffrey of Dunstable VI-427d; Clramb VI-4G4d; St Gerard VI-465d; in Germany VI-516b Gertrude of Nivelles VI-533d, Gethsemani, Abbey of Our Ladv of VI-.541b; Gilbertines. Orfer of VI-S56b; Gilbert of Sempringham VI-oD7b; bt. Giles VI- 559d; Glastonbury Abbey VI-579b; Godnc VI- 626c; Good Samaritan bisters of VI-647b; Good Shepherd, Our Lady of Chanty of the VI- 647b; St. Gottschalk VI-681C Gottweig, Abbey »/ VI-682C, grace at meals XIV-550D, Grandmont, Abbey and Order of VI-72.5d; Gregory 1 VI- ?S0d; Gregoo' VH XIII-412a; Grey Nuns VH-^'h: Clie> Nuns of the Cross VII-31d. Groote, Gerard Vll-3fia; Grot- taf?rraiaVII-40d;GuastalhneB VII-53d; Gu6ranger VII-5Sd, Guorin. Anne Thfrese \ II- %]y r,\n-nr- .1,1 Chastel \II- 'iit;a'li,i>i"\n 7.-i:ib;756d;hair sliiTt VII ilia; Hallahan. Mar- pa. 1 \ll n-'l. liardey Mary ^M,,,, ,, Ml 1 Mb.TI.Hi.Inettes

VI' ' •" " ■ ' ,' ' " li™

, . I J 1 1 . . . 1 . ' rsliam

;::.:, ::,].■ n..ivandim-

,, iriil ,f \ II l7b; Heart of ^^l^^ ' Dcni-' of the Holy Vil iV.Tb: II. art of Maty. 1) .r.-lit.r'i of the Immaculate VirAi.7b; Heart of Mary, Mi~-i..ii:irv Sons of the Im- ,„.„^nlate 'VII-167c; Hear* °f Mim- Sisters of the Holy VII- 167a'; Heart of Marj', Sisters of the Holy and Immaculate VII- 107b; Hear, oMarv,S,s,e^of

'he •^'•' ,,i tiie

Heart .1 "' "'?

sr«' .' ::;ftte

il I '\ 11 !■ , il,.ari..iMary. !, ,it the Immac-

,l .' .1 . .,,1) VII -167c

i|, ,,1 ,1 Mary, Sister-Ser- vinta ot the Immaculate (Quebec) VII - 167c; Hecker. Isaac VII-186b; Heeswijk VII- 190c; He igenkreuz VIl-iy»c. Heisierbaeh VII-202b; HH- yofs history of VII-214a, heraldry VII-247d; hermUs VII-280a: Hermits ol bt Augustine VTI-2Sla; Hor^fe d

Abbey VII jrM.d, ii"'-;"^-

mite3VII-31..a;lliM."".^'l'J VII-3.54b;>\ - 363a; historical "",' >,. V-,!! 750a; Hohenburg Abbe.v \ll 384c; Holy Child Jesus, So- ciety of the VIWOOc; Hoy Cross, Congregation of VII 4n3a- Holy Cross, Sisters Marikniresifyil-^OSb^Hob; Cross, Sisters of the VII-40.)d. Holy Cross Abbey )' IW" f: Holy Faith, Sisters of the V 11

407b; Holy Fanj-'y- vV^iimc' fraternity of the YII-J"^; Holy Family, Association 01 {^e-VII-407d; Holy Family, Brothers of the VH.'^'ff; Holv Family, LiHlc Si»ter.s of the VII-408b; Holy Famib^ Sisters of the (Calif orma) VII-

408d; Holy F?";f^5^i*Ho?y the (Louisiana) VH-WSdiHoly Family, Sisters of the (fa'is) VIMOSb; Holy Family of Naz- areth, Sisters of the VII-40»a^


HoIyGhost,Cpngregation of the Daughters of the VJI-*! f • Holv Ghost, Order of the VII- 415b; Holy Ghost, Sisters of the (Iowa) VII-118a; Holy Ghost, Sisters of the (Texas) VII-418a; Holy Ghost, Sister- Se"^ntsiftheVII-418a;Holy Ghost, Society of the Servants of the V-54C; Holy Ghost and of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Congregation of the VII-416C; Holy Humility of Mary Sisters of the Vll 418b; Holy Infancy, Brothers of the Vli-418d; Holy Name, Soci^?yoftheVII-420b;Holy- ?ood Abbey VII-423c; andHo y See XII-758b; hospice VII- 475c; hospitality, duty of Vll- 476a; Hospitaller Sisters of bt John of Jerusalem VII-477a, Hospitaller Sisters of the Teu- fonie Order VII-477a; Hos- pitallers VII-470d; XII-752b. ftospitallers of Dijon.and Lan- gres VII^77b; Hospitallers of frnemont yil--477b: Hospi- tallers of Loches VII-477b, Hospitallers of Ste-Martlie Vn-477b; Hospitallers of St. John of Jeiusa em VII-477d Hospitallers of St. Joseph VU 477b; Hospitallers of St. Ihom- as of Villanova Vfl-^l^b, Hospitallers of the Ho y Ghost VIM77b; Hospital S^t"' °f the Mercy of .esus % II-488C. hours canonical \II-5Uia, Howatd. Mary VI I" 502c; Hu- bert. Military Orders of bt. VII-508b; Huelgasde Burgos

Monastery . of \ H"*.!? kifd- Hugh Fanngdon VII-518a, St. Wh of Lincoln VII-519d, St. Hugh the Great \II-524B. Humiliati VII-543b, St. Hja eintha Mariscotti MI-.>91d. St. Ignatius I . illegitimacy 1 1 tion VIII-33d 1 and Blessed ^ 1 of the VII-711 sanction V-32a

\]-[ i;"Ob;

„f tl,i


rian-"viII-Ma-; Institute of Mission Hell" Heart MH theUl.- .'I ' 55b; li.~iii..'


XII-758a; organization Alt


-iSel of France Yin-179b; jlenbert Vlll-267d : Jandel VITT-2Sb- St. Jane Frances de Chanta'l Vin-2S2d; Jans- sen \"'"!'l XVI ITa; .lanrot, ?> 1 \l ,rir \ III :'.-'-lh: -'a-

,Snai. Va""'l"Val'-VlII-

357d;'jcdburgh\lIY32sc St. Terome Emiliaci VIIl7.!43a. Jesurand Mary. Rehgious of

^■'J'^'ff'ihe'Holv'childliood of vTl-37 la; Baptist de la Sallo vni-l«b; Jocelm VnV-llsa;Bl.J..hnColombim \ Ua' John of Biclaro

V -ITib; John of Parma

V -IT'.c; .lohn of Victring

V Md Calasane-


5lh ' ■ I . r'.lish

of .--t Mil • ' ■ \ nl-

IraTri-.." v|[i_

517b;J..^. !■ .,_,,.„

Slid; Jo-. 1' \ ",

of St. VII 1 ,' ,i°l

Chamb^rx , ^ \^


Peare S sters of St. > lii |l7cTjosephofSt.H^c,nhe

'Joseph of St."vallier, Sisters TL Vlll-516d; Joseph of the Apparition, Sisters of St^ Vin-518b; Joseph of tne

h^ ^lim'^^ies,n'b%\r.'of VIII-566a" and Kantiamam

VI-16la; in rrau.-J" --• ■--; ,

^;^^^^;^^^;^^^^;;.^:^... arable, page; a. b, c. d, ouarter of page.