Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/686

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Rennenberg, Herman van, Arch- bish.Ji) c)l Utrecht VII-38Sa

Rennert, Robert, in Baltimore USMd

RENNES, ARCHDIOCESE OF XII-771b; Carmelite convent, reform III-36Ia; cathedral (iU.) Xn-7T2d; convent VII-59d; map Vl-facing l.SS; Notre Dame des Miracles et Vertus. pilgrimage XII- 773b; Our Lady of Charity, convent XII-712c; seminaries V-596d

-^Missionaries of. See Immacu- late Conception, Mission Prii>sts"f the

Renou, Charles Rene, ini.^sionary XlV-7-'Ub; XVI-7SC

Renouf , Peter Le Page, Egyptolo- gist XI-304d; on Honorius, Pope XV-303C; at Oscott XI- 33(;a

Renouvier, Charles Bernard, philosopher, and Kant VIII- 606b; on Monads X-448c; and Pragmatism XII-33oa; on Vol- untarism XII-34a

Renovation of consent, in mar- riage XV-257a

Rense, assembly of German elec- tors (133S1 II-221a; VI-195a; (1341V), II-221a

Rental-Purchase, Gregory of Valencia VII-22d

Rentengiiter I-227c

Rentina, See of, and Lete IX- 200b

Rents, British legislation I- 227d; Henry George on I- 228b; in Ireland II-756b; in political economy XII-214C: Ricardo XII-215C

Renty, battle (15.M) VII-74d

— Charles, Baron de XII-773d

—GASTON JEAN BAPTISTE DE XII-77;;d; Adoration. Per- petual l-lj3c; Cunipagiiie du Saint-.Sacrement IV-184b; por- trait XII-774a

RENUNCIATION XII -774a; baptismal II-275d; in Celtic rites in-o02c; tacit XV- 24Sb

Renville, Joseph, and missions XIV-19b

Renwick, James, architect, St. Patrick's Cathedral XI-25d

— James, Scottish Covenanter



Renzi, Salvatore de, on dissec- tion I-l.-)9b

Reomais, tnonastery IV-795b

Recme, monastery. See Moutier- Saint-Joan. monastery

REORDINATIONS XII-774b; Anglicans I^96b

Reparata of Casarea, Saint, patroness of Nice XI-18d

REPARATION Xn-775c; by accomplice I-lOOc; for calum- ny ni-190b; Comnmnion as I-633a; in restitution XII- 78Sd

— Archconfratemity of XII-77.5d

— Communion of. See Commun- ion of Reparation

— Sisters of, of the Congregation of Mary X\ -7f)2c

Reparatus, Saint, tomb I-ti.j9d

— Roman Senator XV-427b

— Bishop of Barbarano XV- 489b

—Bishop of Carthage III-387c

— Saint, Bishop of Florence VI- 111a

— Archbishopof Ravenna V- 133a; XII-6G6b; XV^85c; and mo- saic V-25ia

— Bishop of Tipasa (Tubunie) XIV-738C; XV-.84C

. — of Nola, Saint, mart>T XI- 89d

Repartimientos ni-39Sc; IV- 14 lib

Repeal, Ireland Vin-108c; a.s- Bociation Xl-202a; and "Na- tion" V-187a

Repentance, and angels IV -76(>b; Calvin on III-201a; in Clemim- tincs IV— lid; and confession XIII-659d; Homilies, Book of XIII-655a; in Zoroastrianism II-l.'i.5d

Repertorio Americano, periodical XIV-200a

Repgowe, Eike von VI-519b

Rephaim, Palestine VI-399d; 432b

Rephidem (Rephidim). See Kaphidim

REPINGTON, PHILIP, cardinal- priest. Bishop of Lincoln XII- 776a; IX-267b; and . Wyclit IX-334a

Replication, and Eucharist 11- 568a

REPOSE, ALTAR OF XII-77eb; I-3,; \'I-|-.44c; VII-347b; 437b; .Mnziiral.ic Rite X-G16a

—Chapel of lll-.57sb

—of the Mother of God. See Transit us Marise

Repository. See Repose. Altar of

Repousse, sculpture XIII-642C

Reprebes. .See Offerus

Representatives, House of. United Stales X\'-lG4d; on slavery X\'-170a

Repression of Books III-519c; and persecution XIV-761d; and toleration XI\'-761d

Reprobation VI-621b; XII-379c; advocates XII-379d; Calvin on III-199d; Dort on III- 203c; and Divine Will in VI- 620c; XIV-o84b; Gazzaniga on VI-401d; Molinist teaching X— 441a; and Predestination n-97d; XII-378d; in theology XlV-oSod

Reproduction, and heredity VII- 254b; and memory X-175d; and morality I-369C

Reptiles, in Bible I-517c

Repton, Abbey of I-508d; IX- 232c; Guthlac at VII-92b

Republic (Plato) II-140b; III- 343d; IV-lSOa; VII-688a; XII- 160a; 161c; XV-243b; on ed- ucation I-761a; V-297d; and Utopia XV-243b

—periodical II-707c; XI-694d

—First, French XIII-13b; chronology III-740C

— Second, French, and Thiers XIV-035d

Republican Party, United States, and American Protective Asso- ciation I-427d ; and arbitration I-684d; electoral controversy (1876) XV-174d; financial plat- form XV-177d; founded XV- 171a; nomination XV-164d; in Pennsylvania III-346d; in Wisconsiii XV-663c

Republique de Plsere, periodical XI-677a

Repudium V-65a

Repulsion, of elements of matter

Repus (Passion Sunday) XI-535b

REPUTATION XII-776b; loss of, and canonical dismissal XV-24Sd; restitution of XII- 789a ; right of self-defense. See Honour

Repyugdon, Philip. See Reping- ton

Req., abbr. I-25c

Requesens, Luigi di, and St. Charles III-622d; in the Neth- erlands 1-371 c

REQUIEM, MASSES OF XII- 776d; l\'-il">iia; Abraham in I-35b; m African Liturgy I- 198d; Agnus Dei I-221a; 223a; II-751a; Alleluia after Gradual I-319c; VI-717b: on all Souls' Dayl-315d; XII-779d; altar, privileged I-348d ; altar carpets I-3S1C; Anglo-Saxon Church I-509c; anniversary daj's XII- 708b; antipendium I-354b; in Bobbio Missal III-502b; can- dles III-247d; catafalque III- 427c; celebration XII-778a; in cemetery ehapcls XII-782a; chantries III -573c; .577c; chapels, private XII-7Sld; Collects IV-104a; conventual IX-790C; daily XII-782a; dal- matic, use of IV-60.8d; Dies Ira! IV-787b; dismissal VIII- 253c; early Church I-190d; in endowment ni-.599b; exequial, high XII-779a; exequial, low XlI-7Slb; formulary XII- 777a; at funeral III-74b; Gloria omitted VI-.5S4b; for heretics IV-(')56d; XV-»03c; Introit Vlll-82a; late sumptum XII-


7S0d; monastic XIII-18.5b; Missce Cantata; XII-7sla: Monday privilege XII-77Sc; obsequies, dav of XII-781c; Office of the Dead XI-220c; origin XII-776d; Post Accep- tum Mortis Nuncium XII- 7S0a; Preface Xll-S-jlia; pro- hibition da\'s \ 1 1 XII-77Sd; IlLiiiil 93b;Sequen(r ]\ 7^,b i-.ivhes III-264a;XIl tslc, ^rMIn^■^ls XII-233a; 777d

— EBtemam III-73d; and Gloria Patri V-150d; origin V-538a

Reredos I-356a; 330d; 366b; tabernacle XIV-424b; of St. Mark's, V.-nw- l-:;iir,a


— DEUS TENAX VIGOR, hvmn XlI-7S2d; Xl-9Sb; authorship I-:i93c

— NOVARUM Xn-7S3a; II-.3c; IV-107a; lS3b; 185c; lS5d; 709d; V-414a; IX-172C: 607d; XII-216a; 237b; 464a; on alms- giving I-32Sd; on arbitra- tion I-685a; Azarias on II- 167c; Henry George on I-228b

— Novarum, periodica! XI-685a

Resaka, periodical IX-511b

Resby, John XI 11-61 7c

Resch, Alfred, on Agrapha I- 22.)d; 22i'.d; on St. Luke XV- 44Uc; on Synoptics XIV-392d

Res cogitans, mind X-321b

— consecratEB, immunity of XII- 440a

Reset., .ihl>r. I-2.-,c

Rescripta IX-202d

RESCRIPTS, PAPAL XII-783C; III-.53a; I\--:i21t; V-712d;


1 V-6S3b: as de- cretals IV-671a; dispensation V— 44d; and emancipation XV- 394a; executor V-691d; forging V-781a; Motu Proprio X-602c ; nature of IX-203C; seculariza- tion XIII-678C: subreption XIV-322a; on Vespers XV- 3S3a

Rescue ■Work,EnglandXII-24.3b; XV-313d; .59.3d

Rese, Frederic, Bishop of Detroit IX-6S9d; and education XIII- 580b; Henni X-319b; and Pas- serat XII-684a

Research, and Faith XIII-606d; and science XIII-599a; 60Gd; and theology XIII-606d

Researches Degrees, at Oxford XI-367d

Res ecclesiasticae, immunity of XII-139d

Resen, town Il-lOd; VI-444b

Resende, Garcia da, poet XII- 30Na; 3llsb; X\'- ll)4c

Reseph VI- I lib: .-:,,' Sergiopolis


— Mental. See Mental Reserva- tiim

—OF THE BLESSED SACRA- MENT XII-7S4a: adoration I~153a; ancient I-346a; ancient vessel V-144d; in Anglican Service XIII-92a; to benefices II^75b; canonical regulations XIV^24b;in censure IU-530a; ciborium ni-767a; in France XII - 797d; in Greek Church I -359c; in Middle Ages II- 466a; in United States I-354d; and visit to the Blessed Sacra- ment XV-4S4a

Reservatum Ecclesiasticum. See Ecclesiastical Reservation

RESERVED CASES XII-785b; Ambrosian Library I-394b: apostasy I-62.ib; 626b; and approbation I-6.57C; and bishop II-587b; censures I-646c; clois- ter, transgression of IV-60d: collegiate institutions IV-114d; excommunication V-6,S6b; fran.l \ 1 J .ol> interdicts Vlll :ia :i VIII-.S2d;

irr..,";' ■ \ 111 173b; nun-

.ntiarv,du- Pi


iif X11I-M7C

II-68d; Pius IX on I-(i45c;

Worship, Disparity of V-40b — Causes, of auxiliary bishops II-

146d Reservoir, in Bible XII-235b

Resh, letter, in Bible VII-176c; XlV-529b

Resi, priest XVI-32a

Residence, Canonical. See Domi- cile

—ECCLESIASTICAL XII-785c; l^i>!lol.^ Il-.'jssc: civil constitu- tion XI II -lib; cloister IV-61a; Ne Teniere l\'-3d; non-observ- ance Vlll-70a; Trent, Council of VII-2b; XI-581d; XV-32d; 34d; unity of III-439a

Residencia, in Spanish colonies 1-4 13b

Resignation. .See Abdication

ResineUi, Roberto del. Bishop of Bertiuoro n-523a

Resino, Auxiliary of Santiago de Cuba VI-118C

Resins (bakams) II-226a

Resmo, See of. See Rhithymna

Resolutions, in meditation XII- 340a

Resp., abbr. I-25c

Respha, and Abner I-45d; and Saul VlII-64Sd

Respice in servos tuos, at Prime XII-424d



— PietTO, cardinal, and ,\rch£eoI- ogj , Commission of I-690C; and Pius X Xni-145b

Respond. See Responsorium

Responsa, letters IX-202d

Responsales, in Latin Church \'I-7t)Uc; See Apocrisiarius

Response, and antiphon I-576d; in Office of the Dead XI-220C

Responsiale, Office Book VI-71Sa

Responsibility, and habit VII- 101c; and ignorance VII-648d: and insanity VIII-41d; and psychosis XI-546a; and relig- ion XII-741b; and sin XIV-4c

Responsio, of Anglican Arch- bishops I^97d; 49Sb

Responsions, of Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem VII- 47Sd; of Oxford I-756d; XI- 367b

Responsoriale I-579a

RESPONSORIUM (RESPON- SORTfl Xll-7s7a; Ambrosian I-390a; 399c; in Breviary II- 772c; in GaUican Rite VI- 361d; Gradual VI-71Sc; Office for the Dead III-74a; XII- 7.s7d: in Saruni use XIII^SOc; s-inuniL' MI-M4b

Ressa \ 1 I lib

Res sacra; XII-140a; 467a

Restaurai;ao, periodical XI-6S9b

Restauracion, periodical I-592d

Restaurador, El, periodical XIV- 785d

Restello iBelem) IX-2S2b

Rest Harrow. See Briers

Restigouche, mission II-802a; X- 383d

Restituta, Saint, martyr VII- 360a

Restitutio in integrum, particu-

of I-

RESTITUTION XII-7S8d; by accomplice I-lOOc; detractor lV-75.Ka; to injured husband I-165a; in Mosiiio legislation XIII-314C; obligation of IV- 603d; XII-789b; and seduction XIIl-679d

—Edict of III -610a; VI-41d; X :;Jib. MV-6,)(lc: in Augs- 1 ni ■ II :• .1 if Ferdiniind 11 I\ 1 Lb \ 1 .iO:ib; lX-9.'Jc;

,n.| ,1, Mill- M\ -90b; and Tilly

Xl\ -72.'ib; and Wartenberg XV-557a; and Westphalia XV- 6(Ha

Restitutus, name X-674b

Restitutus, Saint, martyr, ceme- tery XIlI-291a

— first husbanil of St. Darcrca IV-63,")C

—Bishop of Carthage III-387c: at Council of Rimini XIII-57C

—Bishop of London IX-347c; at Council of .\rlcs IX-;i42a

— Donatist Bishop of Menibrcsn V-127b

— Bishop of Mile^^lm X-304C

— Saint, Bishop of St-Pnul-Trois- ChAtoaux XV-2,50b

— Bishop of Thagora XIV-553C

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics tieated; (ill.) = illustrations.