Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/695

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Xlll-lWd: III-706C Rocheville, France, pilgrimage to

XII-94C Rochford, priest, Dominican Ter- tiary Congregation XIV-()40d — Joseph, martvr VIII-167c —Robert XIV-9.3a Roch of MontpeUier, Saint, See

Roch, ,-^3int Rochon, Alexis Marie, and Bosco-

i-ich Il-iifilSa Rochow, Friedrich Eberhard von

XI-797a Rock, Christ as I-.346d: in svm-

bohsm VIII-756b —DANIEL, Uturgiologist XIII- 10.3a: 71b; Cross, adoration of VI-64tb — Simon, and Gazzaniga VI-401d — Castle, Virginia, Institute of St. Francis de Sales II-,i99d; Catholic School for Negroes XII-628C Rock-Cisterns, of Amasia I-380d Rock Clan, Huron tribe VII-

574a; IX-360C — Creek, town, Maryland, Car- roll, John XV-.i.5Sd; Church II- 230a; mission III-3S2a Rock-doves, in Bible I-."i21d Rockford, town, Illinois, and "A, P. A." I-426d; Fort Cr^ vecoeur XI-6(i2c —DIOCESE OF XIII-lOoc: VII-6.i7a; XV-176C; charities in Xll-24sa: Poles in XII-211a ROCKHAMPTON, DIOCESE

OF Xlll-ior.c; loiia RockhiU, WUliam WoodvUle, in

Tibet XIV-71M Rock Hill Academy, Baltimore

II-233a — Hill College, Baltimore II- 233a: Brother Aznrias II-166d; foundation IX-7«0d Rockingham, St. Ansolm in I-

.i47d Rockley, South Dakota, Syrian

Greek Catholies VI-7.51d Rock-rose Xll-1.56b Rockstro, William Smith, and

Miserere X-3.->3d RockweU College, Cashel XIII-

57.Sb Rocky Mountains XV-l,57a: 724d; Canada III-227c; Mass on II-,593c ROCOCO STYLE XIII-106b; architecture, in Italy VIII- 226c; in churches XIII-107b; decoration from a ch&teau near Paris (ill.) XIII-107a; doorway at Toulouse, France (ill,) XIII-lORc: tablets, me- morial X1V-774C; wood carv- ing XV-701d Rocotona Indians, habitation VII-7,5.Sa; X-6or>c; Mexico mission XIV-13a Rocque, Augustine, in Wabasha

XVHi.^Sc Rocroi, battle VI-171d; XIV-


Rod, Edouard VI-2n3d; 20 ja Rod (Rood) of Aaron He; 721d;

X-596d; in Ark I-724C — of Moses I-378a Roda, Biblical MSS. XV-ol9b —See of II-285d — Pedro de. Bishop of Pamplona

XI-4.3.Sa — Ducis iRolduc) Xlll-llSb Rodas, Miguel de III-127b Rodat, Emilie de, fotmdrcss

Xlll-loOa Rodd, to Negus I-7,8b Roddan, John P. II-706c; VIII-

142c; XI-('>94b Rodde, Johann, Abbot of Lies- born IX-23Sa Rode. See I{oo<l — Jacques Pierre Joseph XV-

44 7d — Johann I-.514d Rodeger, Brother V-390a Rodenbach, Georges VI-2n4d Roderer, Johann Georg X-13.jb Roderick, maru-r XIV-179a — Bishoo of l^on, IX-177a — Bishop of Oviedo XI-3fi4b —Bishop of Sigilenza XIII-7SSb — King of Visigoths XIV-178a; and Arabs XIV-17Sc; XV- 477b; and Jews VIlI-392b; in Spanish literature XIV-196C

—of Cerrale XII-364d

— of Sequirol II-lf.2b

—of the Cross, Brother II-53,id

— of Toledo IIl-MWd

— the Goth. See Roderick, King

of Visigoths —the Great, of Wales. See

Rhydderch Mawr — O'Coimor, King of Ireland,

See O'Connor Rodericus, Emanuel XV-523b Rodersdorf, convent VI-533C Rodes, Robert Emmett I-241b Rodez, town XIII-278d —College of, Toulouse XIV-797C —DIOCESE OF XIII - 107d; 109a; amalgamated III-141a; cathedral Xlll-lOSb; cathedral (ill.) Xlll-lOSb; Jesuit College XIV-SSc; Lazarist seminary X-361c; Magnien IX-o33d; map Vl-facing 188; Pilgrim- age of Notre Dame de Ceignac Xlll-lOSd Rodigang, Saint. See Chrode-

sang Rodin, Auguste, sculptor XIII-

U4t>d: reliefs II-343C Rodingus, Saint. See Rouyn Rodney, George Bryages, baron,

and De Orasse \T-728c Rodoald, King of the Lombards

IX-33.Sd —Bishop 'of Porto XII-290b; and Photius of Constantinople XII^4b RodoUo, sculptor VI-125b — Saint, Bishop of Gubbio VII- —Bishop of Siena XIII-781b Rodolphe, anti-king, legend VI-

r)24c — Nicolas VI-2S,5a — of Turenne, Saint, Archbishop of Bourges III-310b; XV-86d Rodostanus, Bishop of Trani XV-17b; and Latin Rite VIII- 207a Rodosto, episcopal residence VII-

243a Rodrigo. See Roderick Rodrigues, Francis, missionary

IV-77b;.568d — Gontalo, martyr IV - S6Sd;

610d — Manoel, Blessed. See Manoel — Martinho, Bishop of Oporto

Xl-iWIc: .Xll-,300a — Olinde XIlI"377b: 378a — FERREIRA, ALEXANDRE

XIII-109b Rodriguez, island. Church in

XII-289a — Archbishop of Toledo I-535a — Alfonso, architect XIII-392a — Alfonso, painter X-217a — ALONSO, theologian XIII- 109c; XIV-200b; 612b; and asceticism XIV-619d — Alphonsus, Saint. See AI-

phonsus Rodriguez — Angelo XV-31()d — Antonio, priest X-612d — Antonio Jose, at Veruela XV-

378c — Augustin, niissionar>' X-390d; XV-7B9b: expedition XI-2a; in New Mexico XI-2d; Pueblo Indians XII-oooc — Bias, missionarj*. martjT X-

390d — JOAO XIII-109d — Jose, writer XIV-200C — Louis, version of the Bible

XV-374C — Simon XIV-87b; and Carneiro III-370C; and St. Ignatius Ix)V0la Vll-tvlla; 64.3c: XIV- Slc: in Portugal VII-643a — Tomas VIl-2S4b — Chico, Francisco Jose, Bishop

of Trrnfl X!\'-.i2.M

— de Guevard, Alfonso XV-259lJ

— de la Gala, Leandro, Bishop of

Vuc.itAn XIV-423b; XV-7.37d

— Galvan, Ignacio, writer XIV-


Mohedano, Pedro, writer XIV- 2ofld — Mohedano, Rafael,writer XIV-

200d — Osorio, Gonzalo, BLshop of

Zamora XV-74Sd — y Gonzalez, Jose XIII-460C Rodtnida, princess, and Candidus III-24,5c

Rodulfus, Bishop of Upaala VI-

7l3d Rodziewicz, writer XII-201a Roe, in Bible I-517d; 523b —BARTHOLOMEW, martjT ^'-

476d: XIII-l09d — E. L., and Church Extension

Society Xn'-79b — J. A., Church Extension .So- ciety XIV-78C Roebuck, in Bible I-517d: 520a Roed, painter IV-732b Roehampton, England, Poor Serv- ants of the Mother of God in Xn-258b; Sacred Heart Con- vent XIV-112C Roelas, Juan de las XV-770a Roelens, Victor, Vicar Apostolic of Upper Congo IV-235d; XVI-SOc ROERMOND, DIOCESE OF XUI-nOa; VII -391c; IX- 237b: Carthusian monastery IV-73.5a; cathedral V-172c: episcopal residence VII-390d: S^•nod of (1867) XII-llOc Roeskilde. .See Roskilde Roessler, Stephen, Abbot of

Zwettl XV-772a Rogacci, Benedico, theologian

XIV-Ci20c Rogat, hermitage III-207d Rogatian, confessor, at Carthage

IV-5S4a — Saint, Cotmt of Rfthcl XII-

729b — martyr X-6Sld — missionary ^T-SOc ROGATION DAYS Xlll-UOd; abstinence I-69d; abstinence. Jacobites I-71d; abstinence, Nestorian Church I-71d: Agnus Dei. melody of I-223a: Clove- sho. Second Council of IV-69a; instituted VII-27b; in Latin Church XI-517a; Litany of IX-287b; 292a; and Mass of Requiem XII-780d; in Moz- arabic Rite X-616b; and Nup- tial .Mass X-5d —Processions IX-oSOb: XII- 447c: Xlll-llla: Andechs II- 77d; Augsburg II-77d; Dur- ham V-214b; England XII- 448a Rogatists V-127a Rogatus, Donatist Bishop of

•Vssur V-127b Rogel, Fountain of VIII-351c:

.XV-oSlc; Adonias I-146C — Juan, missionary VI-119d: X-

384c; XIlI-.50b: XV-455d Rogelim VI^44b Roger, founder III-218a —in legend of St. Bertha II-519b — priest, and Society of the Sa- cred Heart XIV- 1 12a — Bishop of St. Andrews XIII-

332c —Bishop of Bath and Wells II-

34 Sa — n. Bishop of Chalons III-43,5d — Blessed, Abbot of Elan XII-

729d — n. Count of r.,ix XI-13.-id —III, r.,.,1.. . r -: ,-d



— E;

—Bishop .if XiH.,, XI 171b

— Bishop of Salisbury Vll-678b; Xlll-lOlb

— I, Count of Sicily X-6S.5b; and St. Bruno III-15d; in Calabria VII-73a; death III-16a: Mes- sina X-216d: Milcto. Cathedral of X-303b: tomb to Odo, Bish- op of Baveux XI -210b; Otran- to. Cathedral of XI-351d; Palermo XI— ll9d: as papal legate XV-211C: Patti XI- 567a; S^Tacuse XIV-397a: and Urban II X-451b

— n. Count of Sicily. .See Roger I, King of Two Sicilies

—I, King of Two Sicilies H47d; II-296a: VI-491b: VII-"4a; X-6S5b: XII-9,Sa: XIII-397a; 775c; and Alberic of Ostia I- 259b; and Alexander II I-286d; baptism III-15d; and St. Ber- nard II-500b; and St. Bruno III-15C: in Byzantine State Ill-llOd; IV-54.8a; and cathe- dral II-788a: in Ccfalii HI-


476b: Pope Celestine II III- 478d: Constance VII-233d; Blessed Eugene III V-600d; excommunication IX- I 7a: Grottaferrata VII-41a: Honor- ius II VII-457a; and Lothair II I-379b; Pope Lucius II IX- 412b: and piipacy XIV-263C; and Paschal II X-451b; Pier- leoni, Peter XIII-534b; in Rieti Xni-54a; in Salerno X- 126c; XIII-397a: 397b; Wil- liam of Vercelli XV-640a; Veroli XV-359c —Bishop of Syracuse XIV-397b — Bishop of Western Wessei

XIII-756C ROGER, Bishop of Worcester

Xlll-lUb; XV-704a — Hugues, Bishop of Tulle XV-

86d —Jean XIV-SSc —Pierre. See Clement VI — Ponce, case of V-107c —BACON Xlll-lllb; II-192a; IX-248b: XIII-lllc; 549b; Al- bertus Magnus I-265d; Clement IV XIII-112a; epithet V-74c; geographical research \T-450b; as humanist IX-33d; and the languages XIII-114d; logic IX- 327d ; on iMaricourt ,X I I-80a ; on Marisco IX-671d: and natural science XI 11-11 5a: as physicist X-127a; XII-49d; portrait XIII-lllc; on projectiles XII-olc; and Psellus XII- 545b; Rolls Series XIII-120c; saltpetre XIII-593d: as scientist VII-782d; IX-327d; on Scot, Michael X-275c: XII- 49b; "Sins'- XIII-114a: on So- ciety of Jesus XII-769a: on theology XIII-114a: XIV- 474d; treatises XIII-112d; on ^■ulgate IV-395b; writings XIII-112c: 113c — Bernardo HI, Count of Foix. at

Anrlorni X\'-223d - CADWALLADOR, VENER- ABLE, martvr XIlI-llGb; V- 47f.d; Pn.tcstation of Alle- giance II-oS9d — de Flor, expedition III^28d — de Moulins, Hospitallers of St.

John of Jerusalem VII-478b — de Pont I'Eveque, Bishop of

York XV-734b Roger-Ducos, statesman X-689b Rogerius, surgeon X-126d Roger James, Blessed II-462d — le Fort, Blessed, Bishop of

Orleans XI-319a — of Apulia. .See Roger I, King of

Two Sicilies —of Caen XV-660d: and Sher- borne Abbey XIII-756b —OF HOVEDEN, historian

XI11-116C: XV-634d —OF WENDOVER XIII-116d; IHi,2b; lX-126b; and Paris, M.itthew .Xl-499b — of San Severino IV-552a Rogers, Frederic XI-374C —Harriet W. lII-SSc —James, Bishop of Chatham lll-642a; educational policy Ill-237b — James Edwin Thorold, political

economist .\II-327d —John, Bible XV-376C — John, moderator in Campbell-

I'urcU discussion XII-572a —John, sculptor ,XIII-647c

— Joseph lll-77.5d

— Margaret ^'-510c —Patrick III-775d —Randolph, .sculptor XIII-647C —Robert, soldier X-386c; XIII-

349a — R. W., Orientalist XI-304b —Thomas II-80,3c Rogerson, Abbe XII-.50,Ta Roger Williams University,

Nashville XV-.ilOc Rogge, Conrad, Bishop of Streng-

nas XVI-77a Roggenbach, John Conrad von,

Prmcc-Bi.-h..p of Basle II-339d — John Sigmund von, Prince- Bishop of B.asle Il-340a Rogier, Charles, statesman II-

,3H9d; 40()d: 401b Rogo Maia, Franjois de. Bishop

of Petropolis XI-782C Rogozhsky, Moscow XII-649C

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a. b, c, d, quarter of page.