Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/716

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Saint - Germain - des - Pres»

church, Paris Xl-lSld; 486a; apse I-6R0b; Childeric I XV- 434d; decoration VZ-96d; Ger- main, relics of VI-474a; and Oppenordt XI-261d; Pange Lingua XI-443a; and Rome XI-482d; and St. Vincent's VI-474a; windows XV-G54a

Saint-Germain-d*Hauterives» pil- grimage XV-251a

Saint-Oermain-en-Laye, France, colloijuy XIV-SSc; St. Vincent de Paul X-3G0b

Saint-Germain-en-Laye, treat.v (1570) VII- 531d; (.1570) Charles IX and Protestants XIII-334a; (1032) III-232a; (1632) and American coloniza- tion XIII-355b; (1632) terms I-91b; III-56Sb; XI-136a

Saint - Germain - TAuxerrois, church, Paris XI-4S5b

Saint-Germain. .See San Ger-

Saint-Genner-de Flay, church,

Beauvais VI-671a Saint-Germer-de-Flay, monas- tery, Beauvaia X-71b; St.

.^nsegisus at I-545C Saint-Gerold, monastery, Vorarl-

berg VII-61a; XIV-444d Saint-Gertrude, abbey, Louvain

X-104C Saint-Gertrude, church, Louvain,

Harding, Thomas, tomb of VII-

135c; st.alls XIV-244b — Gertrude, convent, St. Bene- dict, Louisiana XI-16a Saint-Gervais, church, Paris VI-

570c; XI— 4S5d; Scarron, tomb

of XIII-516C Saint-Gervais, hospital, Paris

XII-773d Saint-Gervais, church, Rouen

III-575a Saint-Gery, church, Brussels VI-

53Sa; St. Gudula, relics of VII-

56c Saint-Gery, monastery, Cahors

IV-7olb Saint-Gery, abbey, Cambrai III-

210c Saint-Getreu, Bamberg, stations

XV-S70a ■ — Ghislaln, abbey, Cambrai III-

210d; St. Gerard at VI-16,5d Saint-Gildas-de-Rhuys, abbe.\-.

Vanncs X-71b; I-37d Saint - Gildas - des - Bois, monas- tery, Nantes X-71b Saint-Giles, church, Edinburgh

V-284c; 285c; VIII-6Sld;

682c; (ill.) V-286b — Giles, church, France VI-560a;

Pierre de Castelnau, tomb of

XII-79d — Giles, leper hospital, London

IX-184d — Giles, abbey, Reims IX-22oc — Giles in the Fields, church,

England XV-e09b — Giles. See St. .Egidius; St.

Giles; San Gil — Gislen, monastery, Germany,

and St. Poppo XII-275b — Glossinde, abbey, Metz VIII-

374b; X-248C — Godelina, monastery, Ghis-

telles VI-624b — Godeliva. .See St. Godilina — Gondon, Gien, patronage VI-

633d — Gondulphus. See St. Gon-

tlon — Gorgon, monastery, Alsace

VII-384d — Gothard, tunnel VIII-20SC — Gothaid, abbey, Hungary VII-

198c — Gregory, church, Baltimore II-

234d — Gregory, seminary, Cincinnati

III-775C — Gregory, monastery, Douai.

•See Downside .\bbey — Gregory, cathedral, England

XIlI-431a — Gregory, hospital, Milan III-

623b -.—Gregory, church, Valladolid

XII-368a — Gregory, college, Valladolid

II-247b; (ill.) XV-258d; 259b — Gregory, Antiphonarium of


— Gregory, Office of, and Leo IX Vll-UO.'d

— Gregory the Great, university, Quito XV-201d

— Gregory the Illuminator, church, Leghorn I-739d

— Grimbald, abbey, Winchester VI-5o2c

— Gudule, church, Brussels III- 23b; VII-56C; (Ul.) Il-facing 400; and Orley XI-321a; sculpture XIII-646b

Saint - Guilhem - du - Desert, pil- grimage, France X-546c

Saint - Guilhem - du - Desert, monastery, France X-71c; 546c; XV -633b; illuminated MS.S. IX-624d

Saint-Guilhem du Desert. See WiUiam of GeUone, St.

Saint-Guilhem. See St. William

Saint-Guillaume, town. See Teo- tondiation

Saint-Guillaume. See St. WilUam

Saint Guy, church, Anderlecht III-21C

— Habacuc, abbey VI-105C

— Hadrian. See St. Adrian

— Halvard, cathedral, Oslo XVI- 6oc

— Haon, Pierre de, Saint-Flour, prior of XIII-347d

— Hedwig, church. Berlin II- 494b; VIII-629d; Cohen, Her- mann, tomb of IV-95a; (ill.) Vl-facmg 492

— Hedwig, hospital, Berlin II- 494d; founded X-201d

— Helena, church, Cleveland VI- 751a

— Helena, Island of. Napoleon at X-e9Sd

— Helen's, Lancashire, England, Poor Servants of the Mother of God XII-2,'JSb; St. Anne's Re- treat V-113b; statistics IX- 314b

— Helen's School, Kurseong, In- dia III-154d

— Heribert, shrine, Deutz X- 222b

— Hermagoras Verein VII-89a

— Hermes, monastery, Palermo XIII-774d; St. Agatho I- 204d

— Hermes, catacomb, Rome III- 419d; 517b; St. BasUla, tomb H-329d; crypts IX-643d

Saint-Hilaire, church, Poitiers and Beaton II-374d; chevet V-260b; relics VII-350b

Saint-Hilaire, monasterv', Isle of Yen. France IX-413C

Saint-Hilaire, Auguste de, bot- anist XV-S6b

Saint-Hilaire, Barthelemy, on Buddhism V-704a; on Scholas- ticism XIII-.5.')0b

Saint-Hilaire, Etierme Geoffroy X-137a; and Cuvier II-574b; V-659c; nn evolution V-656b; on Hauy VII-1.52b

Saint-Hilaire, Isidore, on evolu- tion V-656C

Saint-Hilaire Lalbenque, pilgrim- age, Cahor.'i I1I-141C

Saint-Hilaire. .See St. Hilary

Saint Hilary, Oblates of. See .\mbrosians

—Hilda, Abbey of, Whitby. See Whitby Abbey

— Hildegard, convent, Eibingen VII-352b

• — Hippolytus, church. Delft VI- 535c

— Hippolytus, church, Pittsburg XII-123C

— Hippolytus, catacomb, Rome III-ol.5b

— Hippolytus, monasterv, Sankt Pcjltcri Xlll-447b

— Hippolytus, Brothers of III- 602b; founded VII^88a; in Mexico XII-239d

Saint-Honorfi, convent, Paris



Saint-Honorfi, oratory, Paris IX-

112d Saint Hormidz. See Rabbau



— Hormisdas. See Rabbau Hor-

midis — Hubert, abbey, Ardennes II-

450c — Hubert, abbey, Luxemburg


— Hubert's Society, Amsterdam, Holland I-443a

— Hugh, shrine, Lincoln, cathe- dral IX-266d

Saint-Hyacinthe, college, Mon- treal III-240b; X-548C; and Plessis XII-166a; statistics XIII-56Sa

Saint-Hyacinthe, Academic de, founded V-202a

SAINT HYACINTHE, DIOCESE OF XIII-Solc; X-547c; 549a; Grey Nuns VII-31c; XII-241C; map X-facing 546; statistics III-238a

Saint-Hyacinthe, Sisters of St. Joseph of, Canada. See Joseph, Sisters of St. (St. Hyacinthe)

Saint-Hypatius, monastery, Chal- nedon III-555a

— lago, church, Beja, Portugal II-394a

Saint-Ignace, mission, Michigan IV-7oSb; X-388a; La Salle VII-216C

Saint-Ignace I, Huron town, mis- sionaries VII-580a; site VII- 571b

Saint-Ignace H, Huron town, de- struction VII-.574b; 57Sa; mis- sionaries VII-5S0a; site VII- 571b

Saint-Ignace, Henri de X-487c

Saint-Ignace. See Saint Ignatius; .San Ign.icio; San Ignazio

Saint Ignatius, trades institute, .\ntwerp I-591a

— Ignatius, church, Buenos Aires I-705b

— Ignatius, college, Chicago III- 654d; founded VII-655c

— Ignatius, college, Cleveland, Ohio (ill.) IV-facing 54

— Ignatius, college, Galway XIII- 578b

— Ignatius, church, Havana VII- 154d

— Ignatius, college, Malta X- 577a

— Ignatius, church. Hickory, Maryland II-228d

— Ignatius, mission, Montana IV-752C; VI-97d; VIII-594a; X-519a; and De Smet X-517c

— Ignatius, chapel, Newtown II- 228d

— Ignatius, church, San Fran- cisco XIII-442b

— Ignatius, college, San Fran- cisco, Bavma, Joseph II-360b; founded ill-173a

— Ignatius, college, Stamford Hill, London XIV-310b

— Ignatius, mission, Washington XII-662a

— Ignatius, Mother. See Thc- venet, Claudine

— Ignatius, Sisters of VII-288b

— Ignatius Loyola, church. Balti- more Il-233d

— Ignatius Loyola, college, Mon- treal. See Loyola College

— Ignatius Loyola, church, Vilna XV-133C

— Ignatius. See St. Ignace; San Ignacio; San Ignazio

— Imier, abbey, Switzerland XIV-362C

Saintin, Saint, Bishop of Meaux X-98b

Saint Ingbert, monastery, Speyer XIV-215b

— Inigoes, chapel, Maryland II- 22Sd

— Inigoes, Jesuit house, Mary- land II-286d

— Inigoes, mission, Maryland 11- 229a; XIV-95C

— Irenseus, monastcrj', Lyons IV-84a

— Irene, church, Constantinople III-94b

— Isaac, cathedral, St. Petersburg Vni-793d

— Isaac, monaster^', S p o 1 e t o XIV-232d

— Isabella, church, Lisbon II- 319b

— Isaias, chapel, Bologna II- 641a

— Isaias, Maronite Order of I- ,5,55c; IX-6S4d; X-472c

—Isidore, college, MvnU I-271C

— Isidore, churcii. Le(Sn IX-732b; architecture VI-678C; (ill.) IX- facing 176

— Isidore, chapel, Madrid IX-

356a — Isidore, church, Madrid IX-

518h — Isidore, Ubrary, Madrid IX-

517d ■ — Isidore, church, Oviedo XI-

364a — Isidore, chapel. Reductions of

Paraguay, XH-691b — Isidore, church, Rome XIII-

171d —ISIDORE, college, Rome XIII-

352c; VII-141a; X-630a; XII-

458c; Baron, Bonaventura II-

303d; foreign mission X-375b;

founded XV-523d — Isidore, convent, Rome XIII-

164d — Isidore, church, Seville IX-

355d; XIll-746a; XV-270b — Isidore del Campo, monastery,

Seville X-520d — Ives, priory, England XII-638C — ^Jacob, abbey, Constance XIII-

590a 1 — Jacob, abbey, Erfurt XIII-

590a — Jacob, church, Laibach, Austria

VII1-744C — Jacob, monastery, Mainz IX-

551b; in Bursfeld Union III-

85a — Jacob, church, Nuremberg XI-

169c — Jacob, church, Ratisbon XII- I

657c — Jacob, monasterv. Ratisbon

Vlll-766d; XIII-590a — Jacob, church, Stockholm

XIV-297d — Jacob, monaster>', Wiirzburg

XIII-590a; and Trithemius

XV-62d — Jacob on the Anger, convent,

Munich Vll-512b — Jacob on the Birs, battle (1444)

Basle VI-497d Saint-Jacques, church, Antwerp

I-o90d Saint-Jacques, church, Douai,

France V-138d; Baily, tomb of

II-207C Saint-Jacques, seminary, Finis-

terre, France VII-115b; XII-

284c Saint-Jacques, church, Ghent

Vl-.544b; (ill.) VI-543a Saint- Jacques, parish, Manville,

Rhode Island VI-274C Saint-Jacques, church, Muret

V-107b Saint- Jacques, church, Paris (ill.)

X 1-489 Saint-Jacques, convent, Paris

Vll-,500b; Xl-62d; 66c; Alanus

de Rupe l-246b; Alexander

Na'ahs I-296d; and Annibaldi

I-540C; Coeffeteau, Nicolas

IV-91d; "Studium generale"

Xll-361a Saint-Jacques, hospice, Domini- can (1218), Paris V-108b Saint-Jacques, hospital, Domin- ican Sisters (1907), Paris XI-

491c Saint-Jacques, town, Quebec,

Sacred Heart Convent VII-

134c Saint-Jacques, mission, W'iscon-

sin IX-769C; X-271C Saint-Jacques. See Saint James;

San Diego; San Giacomo;

Santiago Saint-Jacques du Haut-Pas,

church, l'ali> XlV-024b

Saint-Jacques sur Caudenberg,

church. Hiu.smIs in-2;!c Saint- Jacques sur Caudenberg,

c.ll, ,:.• X lIMc Saint-Jacut-de-la-Mer, nionas-

teiy. l)..l, Friincc X-71b Saint James, church, Aachen I-2c — James, almshouse, Amsterdam

I-442d — James, church, Baltimore II-

232c — James, home, Baltimore II-

234a;XII-493c — James, church, Boston II-

706c — James, fort, British Columbia

ll-792b — James, church, Brooklj-n II-

799c; Turner memorial II-


Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.