Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/732

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Salon, Miguel IV-239a: on grace IV-239a

Salona. See Spalato-Macarsca

Salone Sistino della Libreria

Vaticana, Vatican Library XV-

29eb Salonica, Ambo of XII-564b;

Greeks revolt VI-730b; port

XV-97b; revolution of XV-

99a — See Thessalonica Saloniki. See Salonica Salonina, Roman Empress, and

Plotinus X-742d Salonius, companion of Palladms

XI-425b —Bishop of Embrun VI-3o3b;

and John HI VIII-422b — Saint, Bishop of Geneva VI-

396c; IX-42a — Saint, Bishop of Genoa VI-

421a; and St. Eucherius V-

Salop, parishes, Wales XV-533a

Salophaciolus, Timotheus, Patri- arch of Alexandria VlII-4Soc; IX-ISIJc; XI-770a; and Leo I IX-15Bb; and Peter Mongus, tomb of XI-770b; reinstated XIV-3a; and Simplicius. Pope XIV-2d

Salpetriere, hospital. Paris I- 2.33d; XI-491b; XV-J30b

Salpointe, Jean-Baptiste, .■\rch- bishop of Santa Fe XIII- 457b; and Chapelle III-.579c; at Indian School, Arizona XV- 85a; on Penitentes XI-636b; San Xavier del Bac mission XIII-465a; as Vicar Apostolic of Arizona I-720c; XV-84d

Salri., abbr. I-23b

Salsa, Saint, martyr, Tipasa XIV-738b

Salsette Island VII-730d; Bus- ton, mission of III-S9a; insti- tutions II-645b: and Portugal VI-603a

SALT XIII-403d; and age of earth XV-706b; in baptism II-273b; blessing of II-7.50d; in bles.sing of bells II-420C; in burial III-76d; and catechu- mens III-431b; in Celtic baptismal rites III-502d; div- ination bv XIV-33nd; ex- orcism I-143a; V-711b; in GalUcan Rite VI-364d; in Galilean Rite, consecration of church VI-365c; in Gnostic Eucharist VI-597b; in Hebrew rites XIII-313a; in holy water I-28.'id; in oblations I-302b; St. Rupert, mines opened by XIII-229C; Russia, production in Xni-240c; as symbol XIV- 374d

— Henry, at Axum II-164a

Salta, province, Argentine I- 703a

— DIOCESE OF, Argentma XIIl-404a; Jesuit missionaries in XIl-ti,S9b

Saltarelli, bishop, mausoleum Xll-llOc

Salter, W. M., ethical movement V-5r,la

Salters Guild, London IX-34fid

Saltholm, island, Denmark IV- 722d

SALTILLO, DIOCESE OF, Mex- ico Xlll 4()lb; iri:ip X f:irinK


id i,i



Saltire Cross (Ci (ill.) lV-.i3S

SALT LAKE, DIOCESE OF, United States XIII-4(Uc: XV- 240c; and San Francis.n Xlll- 439c; statistics XV-17Gd

— Lake City, charitable institu- tions XII-24Sa; incorporated XV-239b; Mormons in X- 572d; I.:itter Oav Splints' Uni- versilv X .■)74a; l> popu- lation", siulisii.s .Nil 211b

—Lick (Nashville) XIV-.^)()9a

Saltmarsh, John, .\ntiuomian I-


—William, Bishop of Llandaff

IX-31ilb Salto, port, Uruguay XV-232d — province, I'rugua.v XV-233a —DIOCESE OF, Uruguay XIII-

405b — de la Gariocha, in bull fight


Saltorelli, Simone, Bishop of Pisa Xll-Uld

Saltpetre, cavern, Virginia XV- 4,-,2b

Salts, copper, as adulterant I- 102d

—ethereal, Chevreul on III-651a

Saltus, Abbot of Valladolid XV- 2oSb

Saltykofif, Mikhail Evgrafovitch, author Xni-273b

Salustius, Patriarch of Jerusalem. See Sallustius

Salut, in France XIII-410a; XV- 4G4b

— Notre-Dame de. See Notre- Dame-de-Salut

—papal nuncio XII-6.S.3c

Salutare, Constitution of Bene- <lict XIV IV-li2c;r,3d

SALUTATI, COL0CCIO DI PI- ERIO DI, huinaiust XUl- 4n,-,c; VII .-..i^ia; IXl.Wb; on a^trolu;;v ll-2Jb; and Bruni Ill-Ub

— Nicola di Piero, and Dominici V-112C

Salutation, Angelical. See Hail Marv

— of the Angel (Veit Stoss) XIV- 31 la

Salutatorium, in Greek Church IV-769C

SALUZZO, DIOCESE OF, Pied- mont XIII-40.5d; and Pinerolo. Diocese of XIl-102b

— Marquesses of, Fossano VI- 154c; Mar.iuissate of Piedmont Xll-70d: Su.^a XIV-345C

Salvado, Rudesind, missionary II-449a; in Australia XI-731d; Abbot of New Norcia II-116d; 4lild; XI-5b

Salvador, church, Buenos Aires I-705C

— coUege, Buenos Aires III-37b

— cathedral, Orihuela XI-3!5c

—church. Teruel XlV-525d

— Luiz do, and missionaries, in India IV-70d

— Republic of. Central America I-lI5d; XIII-4,50d; concordat (1862) IV-197C; 204c; XII- 136b

— Geography: San Miguel XVI- 36b; San Salvador XVI-36b; Santa Ana XVI-36C

—Guatemala, war with III-37Sd; statistics XIII-J50d

Salvadora persica (Bib.) XI-463d

Salvadores, Pedro, Bishop of Oporto XI-260d

Salvador Point, Andros Island, mission II-205d

Salvador y Barrera, Bishop of Madrid IX-51Sd

Salvagnoli, jurisconsult, Pisa Xn-112c

Salvandy, Narcisse-Achille, de Bonald on Il-li4Sa

Salvatierra, Spain, Calatrava monastery Ill-1.50d

—JUAN MARIA, author, mis- sionary XIII-406b; in Cali- fornia III-178b; XII-106a; in Mexico X-250C; at Our Lady of Loreto VII— 45a: portrait III-17Sb; punishment, mode of IlI-lSlc

— Knights of. See Calatrava, Military order of

SALVATION XIII-407a: Apos- t:.-3, teaching of XIII-.530d; Athauasian Creed II-33d; Brahmin teaching II-732d; Buddhist teaching lII-2Sc; Calvinist teaching VI-699C; and Carmelite scapular XIII- Sdllc; Cerinllius' 1,'aching III- .'■,:«lb; an,l 111,- Ciiurcl, III 529a; 7.0L'c : X 1 1 1-.'..". Id ; XIV 7r.iid: 767a. and Divine Will XIV ,'.slb; d..Kinatio intoler- ani.' Xl\ 7r..'.d; error, inno- ct-iii Xl\' 76 Ic; and extreme iMMihiii \ 7J'i,i; and faith VI- Vc;., ...,1M ...luiouledgc VI- r./iNl ■.. t" ii. iiliri, Vl-701b; II . : ,: . 1 M 1,11,^ \ 11 529d;

I !. r.A I . \I\"-:,:;7d; indi-

vuliial Xlll Iil7d; J.insenist l.aihmir \l-i;99c; .lesus Christ Xlll-lil7a;aTMl Judaism Vlll- 402d; Men of I'nderstandinK, teaching XI-191b; Michelian teaching X-279b; Pauline

teaching XI-57.3d; XIII-161C; and Predestinarianism XII- 376b; and praver XII-34.5d; 347c; and Redemption XII- 679c; Reformers' teaching XII- 704a; and Resurrection XII- 792b; in Sikhism XIII-789a; and Simeon, Holy XV-465a; theosophic teaching XIV-626c: and Unam Sanctam XV-126b; 126c; unbaptized children VI- 700a; uncertainty of VI-70Sb; Upanishad teaching XIV-626c; universal I-599b; 600c; VI- 699c; XV-181b; Will of God VI-699b — Army, in Athens VI-743c; in Australia, statistics II-118a; in India VII-733b; in Indiana, statistics VII-742d; in Japan VIII-309C; in South Dakota, statistics XIV-162b Salvator, Saint, Bishop of he\~

luno II-424C —Bull of John XXII X-524C — Rosendo, Bishop of Port Vic- toria and Patmerston XI-llSc Salvatore, Era XIV-33c — SS., Canons Regular of. .See

Lateran Canons Salvatorianiscbe Mitteilungen,

periodical V-53d Salvatorians. See Divine Sav- iour, S,„ K-ty of the — 'Mokhallasites), in Syria XIV-

4(J4c Salvatoris et Domini, Bull of I'r-

ban VIII lll-323b — Nostri, Bull of Urban VIII X-

35Sa Salvatorkirche, church, Frank- fort -on-th.-Main VI-2.37b Salvator Mundi, Bull of Boni-

f.ace VII ni-666b Salvatormiinster, abbey school

XV-721a Salve, religious serx-ice Xlll-tlOa Salve, church. Floreffe Vl-lO.ib — caput cmentatum — Jesu, pastor bone Xlll-4( — Jesu, RexsanctorumXIII —Jesu, sunune bonus XIlI-4il,sc —MUNDI SALUTARE, devo- tional poem XlII-408b — nobilis regina, in Salve regina

XIII-41l)a Salver, for Cmnmunion l-3.ii;b SALVE REGINA, aul hem XI 11- 4UUa; 1-575C; II-4li-'a; VI- 425c; XI1-723C; XV-4t.3b; 464b; Adhf^niar of Monteil IX- lS6b; XII-92d; Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament XII- 275d; in Carmelite Rite XIII- 73c; Contractus, Hermann VII-266C; Divine Office XV- 463c; Mozarabic Rite X-filSc; 621d; Saint Peter de Mosoncio IV-lS8d; Servite Rite XIII- 7Sa; special service II~166b — salus mea, Deus XIII— lOSc — splendor prsecipue XIII— UOa SALVETE CHRISTI VULNERA,

hyiiiil Xlll 4111c — Flores Martyrum. See Qui-

Salvetti, Angelo, and Friars

.Minor Vl-2S.ia Salvi, Ambrogio, Bishop of Nardo

X-704a — Giovaimi Battista. See Sasso-

ferrato, Giovanni Battista Sal- vi da — Nicola. ,Sef Clement XII — Salvio de'. Bishop of Perugia

Xl-7:ii;d — Tarquinio Xlll-tSflb Salvia family I-267b Salvianus, Donatist Bishop of

Lipiis Macna IX-18.5d; Pris-

.■iniaiiisl .\ll-i29c SALVIANUS, Latin writer .XIII-

4Ila; Vl-396a; IX-25c Salviati, Antonio, artist XIII-

171b; Aachen cathedral, work

in I-2a; mosaic work X-.-).s9d;

Vatican. puintmL's \\ .'T'ld — Anton Maria, ,ai,liii,l .\ 1 1 1 -

334b; in Fran, r XI H. ;. nid

Gregory Xlll Xlll :l:i7a;

337b; in Paris Vn-3c; XIII-

336d — Francesca, mother of Leo XI

IX-166d — Francesco, of Pisu,

death \'I-109a

— Giacomo, grandfather of Leo XI IX-16tid

— Giorgio Benigni, at Pisa XII- 112b

— Giuseppe, and Tintoretto XIV-737d

— Leonardo, writer VIII-25Ia

— Maria, mother of Cosimo I de' Medici X-121b

— Maria, wife of Guicciardini VII-64C

— Palace, and the "Arcadia" I- S5d

Salvini, Marian, theologian XIII- 737b

Salvinianus of Marseilles III- 4S.5b

Saivinius, Bishop of Macon IX— 507b

Salvinus, Saint, traditional Bishop of Verdun XV-351a

Salvita, Bernardo, Archbishop of Toledo XI-339C

— Raymond, Bishop of Osma XI- 339c

Salvius, father of Desiderius of Cahors IV-751a

— Saint, martyr III-210d

Salvius, Saint, Bishop of Albi I- 2fi7b

— Bishop of Membresa, Donatist V-127b

— Bishop of Sion, and St. Eucher- ius I-205b

—Bishop of Valence XI-318b

Salvo-Cozzo, Vatican MSS., in- v<-ntor>- XV-292a

Salvotti, R. von, and Austrian concordat II-130b

Salvus of Albelda, theologian X- 611d

Salvuzzi, Giovaimi, Bishop of Lucca IX-106b

Saly, Jacques-Franjois-Joseph, sculptor IV-732b

Salz, Treaty of, date X-323a

Salza, Hermann of. .See Her- mann of Salza

— Jacob von. Bishop of Breslau II-7(i3a

Salzano, T. M., canonist IX-66b

Salzburg n-121d


— Abbey: Benedictine II-446b: 450d; librarv II-4SSa; St. Peter's II-122a; (ill.) Il-facing 1.30

— Brixen suffragan of II- 793d; cathedral" XIV-133C: X\ 7ii',id: t aiholic daily pa- pn- \1 i>7>ia, i-.illege V-54c; in\.iii"rx ..I r.lii'S Xll-738a; h-Kaii iiaii IX 119a; Muhlstatt VI-734a; and Old Aquileia I- 662a; papal nunciature XI- 160d; the press XI-669d; 670b; primate XII^24b; Saint Pe- ter's church, Assmayer. organist II-lc; and Seckau XIII-672b; statistics of religious orders II- 130d; and Trent XV-35d

— Synods: (8th cent.) and Metho- dius XIII-411d; (799) XV- 464Fc; brotherhood for the dead XII-573C; (1451) XIII- 413d; Berthold of Chiemsee at II-520b; (1537) XIII-414a, (1.564) XI-75Sb; (1569) XIII- 5.">Sc; (1S4S) XIII-596b

— University, founded XV-197C

Salzburger Chxonik, periodical



Salzburg Rubentaler (ill.) XI-

facins; 152 Salzmann, Anthony, Bishop of' 11-341* —Christian Gotthilf, and Philan-

thropin Schnepfenthal XI-

796d —JOSEPH, ecclesiastical founder

XIII— 11.5c; at St. Francis Sem-

inarv. Wisronsin XIII-fi9Sc: in

Milwaukee Vl-t.81a; X-319C Sama (Bib.) VI-444C Samad, and Lod, town of IX-

468b Samadhi, theosophic XIV-626C Samael, Kabbalistic angel VIII-

,">90d Samaia, and Nehemiah X-738b Samali, and Sargon II ll-14b Samana, Bahama Islands XIII-

4.50c —Gulf of, and Columbus V-llOd Samani, family of XI-71Sb

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.