Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/747

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Sawcunk, mission, Pennsylvania X-3S7d

Sa'weh, Kh. (Jesfie) VI-t41b

Sawley, Monastery of XIII-9Sb

Sawtrey, William IX-335a

Sawyer, Frederick H., on Fili- pitios XII-12a: on the Kati- punan XII-13b; on religious orders in Philippines IX- 598c

Sax, barbarian weapon XIII- 497d


—JEAN DE iJOANNES DAN- KOi Xlll-4'.i:id

SAXE-ALTENBURG, duehy XI 11 l',i:(d; (luirch in XIII- li'la: .■,lnriiii,,n XIII~494b

SAXE-COBURG AND GOTHA, durhv Xlll-J94b; Chunh in XI1W94C; Church and !State in XIIi-4a4d; education XIII- 4',l.ja

Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, House of, foundatinii XI1I-494C

Saxe-Lauenburg, Heinrich IV, Duke of, Bi.-hnp of Paderborn Xl-:iMd

SAXE - MEININGEN, duchy Xlll-l«')t); Church in XIII- 49ob: Church and .State XIII- 49.5c; education Xin^9.5c

Saxe-Sion, pilprimage X-ti.Sla

SAXE - WEIMAR - EISENACH XIII^9.5d; Centre Party XVI- 23d: Church in XIII-i96a; Church and State XIII-496c; education XIU-496d; Com- mission for the Cathohc Church and Schools svstem XIII- 496d

Saxinger, physician XV-84b

Saxius, Joannes Antoninus. See Sassi

Saxnot, deitN- XV-002b

Saio, abbot XIII-47.5b

—Bishop of Cassano III-40,3d

— Conradus. See Conrad of Sax- ony

— Jordanus. See Jordan of Sax-


IV-730b: V1-745C; IX-435a;

XVI-72a; and Absalon of

I.und I-fiOb; "Gesta Dano-

rurn" XIlI-4n7a Saxon ambush VII-14Sb —Capitulary (7.S1) III-613C Saxonia, Joannes de. See Saxe,



— John of. .See Saxe, Jean de (Jean de Counnout)

Saxonicus. .See Bruno the Saxon

Saxons XIII-497C; and Amor- bach monks I-433a; in Britain I-.50.5c: and Charlemagne III- 612a: 612d; 013c: in fifth cen- tury I-.505b; and St. Fursey VI-32.5b; and Henry IV VI- 489d; and Gregory VII VIII- 8.5b: and .Maria Theresa IX- 663b; and Pepin the Short XI- 663a; 663c; in Transylvania XV-20d; in Wales XV-.532d; in Westphalia XV~fi02a

— Law of the, date IX-208C

—West VI-.579d

— .S.'. Angl.i-Saxona

Saxon Upper Lusatia, Prefecttire Apostolic of XIlI-.501b

— War lll-lsd

SAXONY XII1-197C; .5(X)d; V- l.Wd

—Church in: Centre Party XIII- .tOIc; XVI-24a; oldest See XI-.341b: organization XIII- 498c; under Propaganda XII- 4.57b; toleration V-1.58a; Vica- riate Apostolic XIII-.501b; Vicariate Apostolic, map VI- facing 514

— Geography. See Germany, (leographjf

— Uiittiry: cities VII-TOc: duehv, division of Xni-499a; duchy, medieval XIII-498b; Dresden V-I57c; electoral III-48b; VI- 492b; Xni-J99b. electoral, and Thuringia XIV-713a; elec- toral, Wettin, House of VI- 497a; Ferdinand II XIV-6.50d; fiola; Frederick II of Prussia XII-523c; and Friesland VI- 4.57c; Henry III VII-229d; Lausitz VI-42a; Magyars (907)

VI^87c; Meissen VI-499a; mining guilds VII-69d; Napo- leonic system VI-509b: over- thrown VII-230a: province, Prussia XIII-503C; Reforma- tion XIII-499C; Saxon tribe XIII-497C: statistics, illegiti- macy VII-650b; statistics, sui- cide XIV-327d; syncretistic strife XIV-384b; Thirty Years War XIV-650b: 653b; 657a; Thuringia XIV-712d; and Westphalia XV-602b

— Legislation: capital punish- ment, mode of XII-569C; di- vorce in, statistics IX-696C

— Religions: Anabaptists I-445d; Bible Society II-544d; Hus- sites VI-496d; Protestantism Xlll-.WOb

—ALBERT OF, philosopher XIII-504C; XI-297a; earth's equihbrium, theory of XII- 53a; earth's motion, theory of XII-55a; impetus, theory of XII-51d; precession of the equinoxes, theory of XII-51a; as physicist XII-50d; and da Vinci XII-52d

— Conrad of. See Conrad of Saxony

— John of. .See John of Saxony

Saxulf, .\bbot of Peterborough XI-75Ba

Say, Jean Baptiste, economist XV— 131b; on private property XII-463d

Saybrook, Connecticut, settle- ment IV-2.53d

— PUtform XI-rilTb

Sayce, Archibald Henry VII- 30.5c; ..ti Al.raliam'a history I- 53c; .\ninrrhite3 I-434a; on Ass\-rian monuments VIII- 554d; on Bersabee II-518c; on Biblical chronology III-733b; on Biblical exegesis and As- syriology II-lOc; Biblical in- troduction VIII-80d; on Pen- tateuch XI-654d; researches II-9c; on Semitic angels I- 480c

Sayda, town, Syria, episcopal residence XIV-404C

Sayings. See Commandments of God

— of Jesus. See Agrapha; Logia Jesu

Sayne, Marie de XIII-387d

Sayn-Wittgenstein, Caroline von. Princess IX-286b

Sazawa, monaster\'. Prague XII- 339a: Slavonic liturgy IV-599a

Sbaralea, John Hyacinth IV- 34.5d: on Luke Wadding XV- 523b

Sbarretti y Tazza, Donato, Bishop of Havana VII-155a: a.s Apos- tolic Delegate to Canada III- 237c; Canadian Church Ex- tension Society XIV-79C

Sbeitha. .See Sufetula

Sbi^ew, Olesnizki. See Oles- mcki, Zbigniew

Sbinco, Archbishop. See Zb>'nek

Sbomik, in Russian literature XIII-207b

S. C, ahhr. I-25d: 28a

Scabini, Lf)mbard office IX-339b

Scaccabarozzi, Orrigo, hvmno- dist VII-603d

Scaccani, Franciscus, as Bishop of N'ola XI -90a: as Vicar of Rome 1II-.342C

Scaccarium, in monasticism I- 12b

Scaffi, priest, and Bor6, Eugene XVI-llb

Scagliosi, Luigi IV-741a

Scala, familv, tomb XIV-774a

— Italy, convent at I-336a; Re- demptoristines XII-682d

— theatre, Milan X-302a

— Alverto, Ivord of Verona XV- 361b

— Antonio, Ixird of Verona XV- 361c

— Bftrtolommeo della, Bishop of Verona XV-362a; and Dante IV-62sd; death XV-361C; par- entage XV-361b; and Politian XII-21.3C

— Can Grande I, Ivord of Verona XV-361b; and Dante IV-6.30a; and Ghibellines Vll-SSb; at Tre\nso XV-3Sd

— Can Grande H, Lord of Verona

XV-361b — Consignorio XV-361b — Francesco della, tomb XIV-

773d — Guglielmo, Lord of Verona

XV-301C — Julius Cffisar della. See Scali-

fr. Jvilius Ctesar astino della. Lord of Verona VI-107d; XV-361b; 362a; Luc- ca and IX-405d

— Nicodemo della. Bishop of Freising XII-127a

— Onofrio della, feudal lord of San Severino XIII-452d

—Paolo Alboino XV-361C

— Pietro della. Bishop of Verona XV-362a

— Smeduccio della, feudal lord of San Severino XIII-452C

Scalabrini, John Baptist, Bishop of Piaeenza, and emigrants V- 404b; foundation X-368a

— Fathers. See Missionaries of St. Charles Borromeo

Scala Pia, Vatican Palace XV- 281a

— Pilati. See Scala Sancta

— Regia, Vatican II-510d

—SANCTA XIII-.505b; illustra- tion XIII-.5n.5d; iiididgence, totiea qunties IV~774d: indul- gences Xlll-.5(X5d

— "Tyriorum (Ras-en-Naqurag) I- 774d

Scalette XI-637c

Scalich, Paul, encyclopedia V- 4I4d

Scaliger, Joseph Justus, Biblical r.siarfh Xlll-722d : as human- ist VII .-)12a; Julian Period lll-74lia: Samaritan letters XIll-t20b: stvle XII-769a

—JULIUS CESAR XIII-506a; VIl-541d; IX-392d; Xn-57a; on falling bodies XII-56b; and Pompanazzi XII-227c; portrait XIII-50fib

Scaligeri. See Scala

SCALIMOLI, theologian XIII- 50Rc

Scalita, Jacobite Bishop of Rhe- aaena XlII-19a

Scallabis, town, Portugal. See .Santarem

Scallan, Vicar Apostolic of New- foundland XIII-356b

Scallop, as pilgrim sign XII-97C

Scalp dance, Indian VII-7S2c

Scalpel XV-494d

Scalping, in cannibalism 1-68 Id; among Indians VII-752b; ori- gin of custom I-^lla

Scalp Level, Pennsylvania, Ru- manian Greek Catholic settle- ment VI-751a

Scalzetti VI-2Slc: XI-637d: as friars V1-281C; vows XII-4.52a

Scalzi, Venice, Pozzo XII-331b

Scalzo, in Montepulciano X- .53 Id: in Orvieto XI-332a

Scamazzi, architect XV-405b

Scammell, Alexander, general X- 7S7b

—Walter, Bishop of Salisbury Xlll 4111b


Scamozzi, Vincenzo, Cathedral of Salzliurg Xlll-414b

Scampe, See of VI-738d

Scanda, cleitv ll-73.3b

SCANDAL 'Xni-50fid; active XIII-.507b: diabolical XIII- .507b; divisions XIII-.507b: in- ductive XIII-.507a; malice in XIII-507b; notion of XIII- .506d; passive XIII-.507b: per- jury in XIII-.507c: aa sin XIII- .507c; usury in XIII-S07C

Scandella, Vicar Apostolic of Gi- braltar III-710d: in Italy VI- 752b

Scanderbeg, .Albanian leader, birthplace IV-513d: in Italy VI-752b: and Paul II XI-579b; tomb I-284C: and Turks I- 2.5.3d; III-1S7C: IV-30.5b

Scanderoon (Issus) I-7d0b

Scandicus, musical term X-7fi6d

Scandinavia XIV-482c: area and population V-608C; bishop, vestments of X V-,39nd : C harle- magne. Legend of IX- 122c: cosmogony IV-412a; Counter-


Reformation in IV-444b; Do- minicans in XII-358d: earliest description of VI-^4Sa; Luth- erans in IX-459d: manuscripts IX-620a; map IV-facing 722; VI-76b; Methodism in X-240c; and migration X-297c; mis- sions 1-5 11a; mythology I- 775b ; temperance movements XIV-482b; versions of the Bi- ble XV-373a

Scandinavian Augustana, synod, foundation IX-461C

— Japan Alliance VIIl-309c

Scandinavians, in the Azores Il-ieSc; and Eskimos V-540b; ethnology XII-626c; North- men XI-115d; in Scotland XIII-613C; tradition I-551d

Scandlan Mor, poet III-504b

Scanferla, Domenica, birthplace XI-3Sfic

Scanlan, Lawrence, Bishop of Salt Lake XIII-404d: XV-240b

—Thomas, at St. Joseph XIII- 357a

Scannabecchi, Dalmasio XIII- S08b


— Lamberto. See Honorius II, Pope

—Teresa XIII-508b

Scannell, Richard, Bishop of Omaha IV -207a; VIII-601d; XI-2o0b

— Thomas Bartholomew, theo- logian IX-321a

Scanonaenrat, town. See St-Mi- chel

Scanzoni, Friedrich Wilhelm X11I-712C

Scapegoat, in Jewish RiteII-54c: XIlI-31.5a

Scappi, Alessandro, Bishop of Piaeenza XII-70d

Scapula, Proconsul of Africa, letter of Tcrtullian III-3S5c; 3S6b: XIV-523b

SCAPULAR Xlll-SOSb; Biz- zoche Xni-509b: Black, of the Passion Xin-5I2d: Black, of the Seven Dolours of Mary XIII-512a: blessing of II- 601b: Blue, ol the Immaculate Conception XIII-512b; Can- ons Regular III-289b; 29.5a; Carmelites ni-356b: Carthu- sian Ill-390a: devotional prac- tice XII-275d; fivefold Xlll- 510c; of Friars Preacher XII- 357a: medal XIII-510d; regu- lations, ecclesiastical concern- ing XIII-.510b

-Confraternity of the III-3G9b

— Feast IIl-3.5.5a; in Carmelite Rite Xlll-74a

— of Mother of Good Cotinsel XI-361C; X1II-513C

— of Motmt Carmel, Confrater- nity of the, indulgences of XIlI-29(lb

— of Our Lady of Mount Carmel XIII-611b

—of Our Lady of Ransom XIII- 511a

—of Precious Blood XII-373a; XIII-512C; red. of the Passion III-6n7c; Xlll-512d

— of St. Benedict XIII-513C

—of St. Dominic XlII-514b

—of St. Joseph Xlll-51.1d

— of St. Michael, Archconfrater- nity of the. I.e., Xlll Xlll- 513b

. — of St. Michael the Archangel XIII-,5i:ib: and St. .Simon Stock X-(liMd: Xlll-SOOc; small XIII-.509C

— of the Blessed Virgin Mary XIlI-513a

—of the Holy Face .\lll-514b

. — of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Xlll .513b: laity, use by the XIII-SIKlc: medal, as sub- stitute for X-lloa: monastic, in Burial Xlll-.5fl9a — of the Most Sacred Heart of

Jesus Xlll-.5lla — of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus

and Mary XllI-5Ma —of Third Order of St. Dominic XI V-6,39c: Third Orders XIII- 5(«a; Trinity, Most Blessed XIll-510d Scapus (Mesarif) I-457a Scarab I-443d

Roman numeral indicates volume; arabic. page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.