Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/751

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XIV-782a; statistics XIII- 565a; territories XIII-571b

SCHOOLS, canonicate XIII- 5o6b; canon law Xlll-oold; catechetical XIII-555a; catc- chumenal XII I-554d ; cathedral XIII-556a;chantryXIII-55Gb; choir Ill-093d: Christian, cur- riculum XIII-548a; city XIII- 53Gb; conciliar decrees XIII- 556d: Dominican XII-360d

—ETigland XIII -557b; 559b; 57 Id; Catholic elementary XIII-573a; Catholic primary XIII-574d; Catholic second- ary, and Governmeut XIII- 573d; Catholic teachers XIII- 575b; chantries III-574a; col- leges XIII-572b; penal laws XIII-572C; pre-Reformation XIII-")71d; Reformation XIII- 572a; n-vival XIII-572d; spe- cial classes Xni-57od

—Episcopal XIII-555a; in France XIII-55Sd; in Germany XIII-5o8C; Guild XIII-556b; hospital XIII-o56b; infant, Italv I-624b

—Ireland xni-539c; S76a; Christian Brothers XIII-576d; finance XIII-o78a; national schools Xin-578d; prominent schools XIII-578a; prosely- tizing XIII-576b; secondary, and colleges XIlI-577d; semi- naries XIlI-578d

— mission. Alsace-Lorraine I- 34 2d

— monastic XIII-553b; equality III-598b; suppressed XIII- 557d

— night, institution XIII-398C; non-Catholic, toleration of XIII-558a

— Parochial XIII-561a; German VI-4S3a; in Guadalajara VII- 43a; Polish, American XII- 209a; Redomptorists XII- 684b; statistics XIII-561d; XIV-27.3d

— public XIII-561a; Alabama I- 241d; in "Syllabus" XIV-369C

—in Quilon XII-Gllb; Ratio Studiorum XII-G54a

—Rome XVI-19a

—Scotland XIII-578d; Catholic Voluntary Day XIII-579b; dual system XIII-579a; sta- tistics XIII-579b

— United Slates XIII - 560a; 579d; attendance XIII-581b; Catholic, and State XIII- 583b; colored XIII-584d; curriculum XItI-582b; dcvel- opiiicnl Xlil-.WOb; endow- ment XIII ."ts;ia; examination XIIl-.">sJd; finance XIII-583a; foreign XIII-')S4a; legislation XIII-"i80d; organization and administration XIII-582b; or- phanages XIII-5S4d; second- ary XIII-5S3d; statistics XIV- 271c: l.^ XIII oMb

SCHOOLS, APOSTOLIC XIII- .-,\:,c: IX 'la; ^..iirHc of sludi.s XIII-.-.M;c;.l.v.|.,p.a.ntXIII- .ISGa; founders XIII-580d; in- fluence XIII-5S6d; institution XIII-583d;obiect XIII-5S3d; statistics XIlI-387d

—CLERKS REGULAR OF THE PIOUS Xlll -:.^^a; IV-,i:ib; VII-5d; Hui ii.i- \ir. ^ III HTb. charily Hl-i.ll->c; XII 23'.ld; foundation IV-52c; 443d; VIII-519a; XII-755C: Inghi- rarai, Giovanni VIII-7b; in Moravia X-563b; Name of Marj-, Feast of X-fi7.3c; in Poland IV-38a; XII-191b; 195a; in Rome XIII-lfi5b; in Russia XIII-260a; in .Spain XIV-175d; in Valencia XV- 252c; vows XII-452a

— Summer. .Sec Summer Schools

— Sunday, origin III-<>2Id; Tem- perance movement XIV-4S.3a

Schoot, Caspar, Magdeburg ex- periments Xll-tiOc

Schooten, college XII-45SC

Schopenhauer, Arthur, and Bud- dhism VII :iisd; on causality III-ti;:id; 4i;.-,d: on evil V- f,3()c: XI-741a; on free will VI-2fi2b; and German litera- ture VI-52Sb; idealism I-176c;

on immanenee VII-683c; met- aphysics X-232b; on optimism XI-742a; on pain V-649d; Pantheism XII-32d: on reason XII-674a; on self love V-563b; voluntarism XV-506b

Schopfer, Biblical introduction VIII-81b

Schoppenzaun, Ulrich, Abbot of Kri-iiismiinstiT V1II-701C

Schopper, John, Abbot of Heils- broiin VlI-1'.ISd

Schor, Paul, painting, Vatican,b

Schorb, Basil, IV-5Ga

Schork, Joseph von. Archbishop .,f; ll-21.-)b

SCHDRLEMER-ALST, BURG- HARD FREIHERR VON Xlll-."issd; Vl-:>llc; VII- 19(lb; XVl-22b

Schorrer, Christopher, theologian Xl\-ii2lla

Schott, Andreas VI-15C

— GASPAR XIII-5S9b; XV- 493a

— Johann X-19ec

—Peter VI-4IMb

Schotten, Martin von den XIII- 4i:id


3s9c; X\'-417b; Vienna II-


Schottgen, Johann Christian, ex- ogete V-703C; XI-47:ic

Schottmuller, Konrad VIII-63c

Schouler. James, on Fillmore \'I1I-I')79a; on Knownothing- iam Vlll-lJSIIb

Schouten, Willem Cornelius X- 7s:tb

Schouvalofl, Cunt ll-3l)3a

SCHRADER, CLEMENT XIII- 590b; 11 -l:!2c; XlV-39l)a; Poi- tiers XII-179d; at Vienna II- 131a

— Eberhardt, Orientalist II-9c; IV-IGlb; X-717C; XI-304a; onHab.-IXV-3c;onP.Mtafru.-li XI r,.-,.-,b; ..n,, XI 11 477a; ..n S.ripliirr> \II 17:.c

SCHRAM (SCHRAMM, DO- MINIC XIll-:i!lllc; lX-li3d; nivstic XI\-(i22d

SCHRANK, FRANZ PAULA VON XIII - 390d; portrait XlII-3'.lIa

Schrant, J., journalist XI-GSOc

Schrantz, Charles B. XIV-:!31c

Schrattenbach, Vincenz Joseph von. Bishop of Brttnn III-12a

Schraudolph, Claudius XIII- 59 Id

—JOHANN XIII-591c;inSpeyer XI\-213b; XV-577b

Schreck, Johannes. See Terren- tius, John

Schreckenbach, on Luther IX- 450b

Schreiber, Version of the Bible XV-374a

— Frederick von. Archbishop of Bamherg Il-243b

— Heinrich, historian \I-2i;9b

—Jules, liiiiruisi X-:ii;4a

Schreiner, Chrysostom, at Nas- sau II-20.5d

— Johaiin, Abbot of Kremamun- ster VIII-701C

— Simon, at Langheim Abbey \III-7S9a

Schrembs, Joseph, Bishop of Toledo XIV-7fiOb

Schrems, Joseph, choir-master XV-r,7,sb

Schrenk, Aloysius Joseph von. Prince Bishop of Prague X- 201c; XII-341d

Schrevelius, Ewald, physician X- 132a

Schroder, L., Masonic reformer



Schrofenstein, Christoph I von. Bishop of Brix.n 1 1 -79 la

Schroffenberg, Joseph Konrad von. Bishop of Fricaing X- 632b; as Bishop of Ratisbon VI 34b; XII-658d

Schroter, F. C. G., Tibetan dic- tion.ary XVI-78a

— Johann Hieronymus, astrono-

Schubert, Ferdinand Xin-592a

—FRANZ XIII-591d; portrait

XIII-592b — Hans G. W. von, on Prsedes-

tinatus XII-377C Schuh, Franz, sur?con X-142b Schulckenius, Adolpb, Oath of

Allegiance XI-17Sd Schulenburg, Matthias, at Corfu

IV-363a Schuler, Dionysius, Friar Minor

VI-287C — Melchior XV-773a Schuls, nionasl.rv IX-ili.Sc Schulte, Friedrich von X 1 1 l-59f.d — Johann Friedrich, as < ainjoist

IX-ti.-id; (;i>a; an.l old Catlio-

li.s \-y9a; XI-23.5b; on Vat- ican Council VI-51d — Karl Joseph, Bishop of Pader-

born XI -385a Schultens, Albert, Hebraist VII-

18 lb Schultes, Johann, surgeon X-

133a Schnltetus, Joannes. Sec

Schultes, Johann Schulthess, Joharmes, Zwingli,

edition of XV~773a Schultz, Ferdinand Xni-554c Schnltz-Delitzsch, Herman, poli- tician XlI-.>iOc Scbultze, Max Johann Sigismund

X-G2Sb; I-400d; II-574d — Victor, on catacombs III-

.503c; 707d Schulz, David, on Epistlo to Ro- mans XIII-159d Schulze, Johannes XII-527d Schumacher, Bishop of Quito V-

279d — G., archaeologist 1 1 1-57 lb; XI-

303b Schupp, Johann Balthasar VI-

522d Schiirer, Emil, on Ecclesiasticus

V-264a; 2G7c; on Gnosticism

VI-,393b; on Henoch. Book of

I-G02d; on St. Luke's accuracy

IX-427b Schurf, Jerome, and Luther IX-

4r,lld; at Wittenberg XV-679b Schurman, Anna Maria van, and

l,al)adists \"III 717a Schurtz, Camillo Heinrich, racial

.lassificatioii Xll-G2,5c Schurz, Carl, "forty-eighter"

VI-47Gb Schusen, .Saxony, monastery

VII-42nc Schussenried, monastery' XV-

22.5d Schuster, Constantin, Bishop of

Cassovia I11-407C — Ignaz, Hibl.' hisi.,ry V-87d — Leopold, Princ.-liishop of .Sec-

kau Xlll-r,72b Schuttbach, t,.\\n \ lII-60Gd Schuttern, al.l.ry I1-194C Schiitz, Heinrich, musician XI-

27t)c; 52(;c Schutzengelbund, Temperance

Society XIV-4S5d Schiitz-Holzhausen, von, in Peru

VIl-,30iic Schuyler, Eugene, in Bulgaria

lll-47a — Peter, Colonel, at Onondaga

XV-249C Schwab, Charles M. VI-369d; in

Loretlo. Pennsylvania I-3G8C — Gustav, poet \I-32(ib —Moses, aii'l Al.rasax I-,Wb Schwabach, Articles of IX-453b Schwabe, Heinrich, astronomer

II-2Sb Schwabenspiegel IV-292c; VI-

519b Schwabl, Franz Xaver von. Bish- op of Ratishim XII-G,38d Schwalbach, Eduardo, dramatist

XI 1-31 la Schwalbe, Gustav AJbrecht V-

fitWa; XII-(i20b; skull measure- ment XII-G21C Schwandorf , pilgrimage XII-G57C SCHWANE, JOSEPH XIII-

.392c; at Miiost.r X Glob SCHWANN, THEODOR Xlll-

592d; l-4(;ild; ll-371d; .li.Mi-

ical research X-137b; 139b;


VON XIII-,'.9:ia; 646c; portrait

XIII-.393b Schwartz, Anton Maria, founder



— Berthold. Are Schwarz, Bcr-

thold — Christian Friedrich, Protestant

missionary VII-733a — Peter George. See Niger, Peter

George — Stefan, medallist XI-159b Schwartzer Sonntag XI-535C SCHWARZ, BERTHOLD XIII-

,3'.).ic; p.. Ilia. I Xlll ,-.'j;id — F. von, II, .nd Moii,s lV-704a —Hans, mr.lallist XI 1.3sc Schwarzach, Haden II - 200a;

iiionasterv ll~194b SCHWARZBURG XIII - 594a:

church in XIII-594d; duchies

of. Church and State XIII-

595b; education XIII-595C:

principality XIV-713b — Gerhard von. Bishop of Wilrz-

burg XV-719d -Heinrich von. Archbishop of


Schwarzburg - Arnstadt. See

Schwarzburg - Rudolstadt, prin-

.ipality XIII .-,!l4a Schwarzburg - Sondershausen,

piineipality XlII-594a Schwarzenberg, Count Adam von

Xll-321c; death XlV-G55d

—Charles-Philip, i.iiiiee X-G98b

—Felix VI .-.lla: XIII-.39GC


cardinal I'riiiee-AieiLbishop of

Prague Xlll-3'.t.^c; activities

XIII-597c; Austria, Church in


II-133d; and Concordat II-

130d; portrait XIII-596b; as

Archbishop of Prague XV-

305b; at Vatican Council XV-

306d; Vienna, conference of II-


— Joseph John, prince XIII-

593c —Mathilda von, cure VII-3S,5a Schwarzenburg, Conrad von X-

GSUb Schwarzerd, Georg X-151b — Philipp. See Melanchthon Schwarzert. See Schwarzerd Schwarzes Blatt, periodical XI-



Schwarzhuber, Sympert,

logian X\-,-|'.lld Schwatonberg, ancient countship

of lX-27Gb Schwaz, eliureh II-795C; monas- tery ll-3(Bd Schwebach. James, Bishop of La

Crosse \T11 73,5d Schwegler, Albert, theologian

XV-N4a; and rationalism VII-

379d Schweickhard von Cronenberg,

John, Archbishop of Mainz IX-

552a Schweinbeck, Theobald, Bishop

of I.avaiit lX-49b Schweinheim, Konrad. See

Sweynheim Schweinsberg, Johann Bemhard

Schenk von. Abbot of Fulda

VI-3I4C Schweizerische KathoUsche

Kirchenzeitung, publication

IX-4li9a — Kirchenzeitung, publication

Vll-3i,4b: XI-692b — Rundschau, periodical XI-

692b ^sozialpolit. Blatter, periodical

XI -l'.92b Schweizerische - Wochenzeitung

I)erin, XI l-.92a Schwenkfeld, Gaspar IX-400c;

XI I 71 1'. lb; Xlll 397d; and IX l.'ii.d

SCHWENCKFELDIANS XIII- .-,97d. IX !',(ic; m America II- in9d: HI renosylvania VI- 47Ga; Xl-Gl la; reformers XII- 709b Schweninger. Florian, in Upper

California VI-4Slb Schwerin, Duchy X-108d — Diocese of, P<jmerania XII- 223d; church X-llOd; mission II-312C — Jeannett, suffragist XV-093b Schwertzbriider. See Knights of

the .Sword Scbwetz, on syncretism VI-713C Schwimmer, Ernst Ludwig, der- matologist X-140d

Roman numeral indicates volume; arable, page; a, b, c, d, quarter of page.