Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/850

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Portuguese literature XII- 309c

Vieira, Damasus de Abreu, at Bahia XIII-166b

— Joaquim Jose, Bishop of For- taleza VI-U5d

— Lopes, poet XII-310d

— e Brito, Francisco Jose de. Bishop of Lainego VIII-762a

Viel, Bernard, in Louisiana XI- 8b

— NICOLAS, pioneer missionarv XV-416d; X-378C; XIII- 563a; death III-232a;VI-301d; X-548a: XIII-324d: and Hu- rons VII-577a

— Ventura Blanco, jurist, and Santiago University, Chile XIII-462b

Vielle X-6o7a

— Abbe, at La ChSnaie VIII- 762c

— Lorette, Notre-Dame de la, Indian village IX-360C

VIENNA, town, Austria XV- 417a; Albrechtsberger at I- 270b; Baldung II-220c; Bron- zino I-325d; buildings II-123b

— Congress: Consalvi IV-263C; XII-133b: diplomatic prece- dence IX-120d; Frankfort VI- 238b; Genoa and Sardinia XIII^76a; and German Cath- olics XV-205d; Germany VI- 509a; Hesse VII-299d; Hof- bauer XII-6S3d; Holstein XIII-544a; Italy VIII-234a; Metternich X - 245d; Olden- burg XI-238a; Papal States XIV-26oa; Poland XIII-249b; XII-182a; ,Saxe-Weimar-Eise- nach XIII-490a: Saxony XIII- 500d; Silesia XIII-791b; Swiss canton XIV-360c; TallejTand XIV -435a; Trier XV -44b; United Kingdom VII -390b; Warsaw XII-187b; vn-128a; XI-596C

— Dioscorides of illuminations IX-622b; Donner V-131d

— Education: Academy, and Tem- pel XIV-480C; Academy, Ara- bian expedition I-664b; Acad- emy, Poet's III-493a: Academy of Sciences, founded V-4_21c: Academy of Sciences, Quirini at XII-614d; Avancini at II- 14Sa; schools XVH120b; medi- cal school, and Skoda Josef XIV-35a; seminary, and Jo- seph II VIII-511a; Sodalitas Litterarum Danubiana III- 492d

— Ferstel, works of VI-oOc ; found- ling asylum VI-159C; 160a; Freemasons in n-127d; Griin at VII-42a; Haller at VII- 119c; Hansii at VII-130b; Herder company VII-253C

— History XV-417a: Bohemians XIV-49C; decline XV-418a; events of 1848 II-129d; im- perial court and Hosius VII- 474b; made capital II-122d; Matthias Corvinus in X-67b; Napoleon in X-691b; 693b; plague (1680) Abraham a Sanc- ta Clara I-56d; Poland XII- 186b; Sobieski XIV-62a; Turks IX-403d

— hospital, Spanish military, and Auenbrugger II-72b

—Imperial gallery: Bordone II- 684d; Mor, Antonis Van Das- horst X - 555d; Moroni X- 576d; Teniers the Younger, David XIV-508a

—library, and Clavus IV-lOa; Library, Imperial, manuscript of Genesis IX-622a; local press in XI-670b; manuscripts IX- 620a; 622a: 629d; monument of Empress Maria Theresa (ill.) IX-663d; papal nunciature XI- 161b; Pichler XII-74d; Pius VI II-127d; population II- 121b; Sanchez, Alonzo Coello Xni-427c

—Siegea X-599d; bv Turks XV- 418a; (1529) III-627b; IV- S12a; (168.3) II - 126d; VI- 505d; VIII -22c; XV - 98b; ( 1683) Abraham a Sancta Clara I-57a; (1683) Filicaja VI-72d

—statistics XV - 418d; Titian XIV-743d



—Treaties: (1606) VII-S54a; (1735) XIV-184b; XV-104C; and Tortona XIV-785a; (1738) IX-364b; 663a; Lorraine and France VI-507a; (1S09) See Schonbrunn, Treaty of; (1815) ni-6b; Bruges III-6b; Pomer- ania and Prussia VII - 25c; XIII-501b; (1864) conditions IV-729d; Salzburg XIII-415b; Schleswig-Holstein XIII-544d

— Veldzquez, portraits XV-325d; Votivkirche (ill.) Vl-facing 50; Votivkirche, spire (ill.) XIV- 220d

—ARCHDIOCESE OF XV-419a; XI-520a; absolution XV-41SC; Apostle of (Hofbauer) XII- 6S3d; Apostolic school XIII- 5S7a; -\ugU3tinian monastery VII-284a; Azaria II-166b; II-302C

— Cathedral: St. John Capistran, statue of II-124C; pulpit XII- 565b; Worndle's works XV- 709d

— Catholic Congress (1853) IV- 242d; XV-754b

—Churches II-123b: 131a; Maria Christina, monument Ill-298d: Maria Christina, monument (ill.) Ill-facing 298: Italian, and Hofbauer II -129b; and Kahlenberg II-123a

—Concordat of lUS II-I23d; 33Sb; IV-203c; Vll-IOb; XI- 59b: concessions VI-497C: constituted Vll-lOb; Pius II XII-127C

— Confraternity of Priests in XII-421b; court preachers II- 129a

—Councils: (1276) XII-340a: (1311) XI-258b; XIV-155d; onThomismXIV-678d: (1312) Inquisition at Pamiers XI- 436a: Tertiaries XIV -639b; (1.849) II-130a; XIII-596c; XV - 4oc; (1856) _ II - 130d; Schwarzenberg XIII — 596d: (1858) XI 1-66 la; decrees on education XIII-558d: decrees on estate of eccle- siastics IX-llSa; (1864-72) Edition Babylonian Talmud XIV-438d; (1867) II-132b; (1874) II-133a

— Franciscans II - 123d: Him- melspfortkloster II-126b; Jes- uits II -125c: 148a; XII- 654a; XIV -90b; and Linz IX-273c; XIII-J47d; Mechi- tarists I-739d; II-166b; XV- 420b; and Milde X-302b; ery at V 1 1 - 2 8 4 a ; Nausea's sermons 1 1- 125b; Passion Play in XI-533a: Paz- maneum foxmded II-126c; re- ligious houses closed II-127b; seminary, papal n-127c; VII- 2d: Scot's Abbey joins Con- gregation of Melk X-167b: Sisters of the Poor Child Jesus at XII-251a: societies XV- 420d; statistics XV-420a; sta- tistics of religious orders 11- 136d; Teutonic Order at XIV- 541b; Turks, deliverance from, memorial ll - 302c; Wiener- Neustadt incorporated XV- 618d

—UNIVERSITY OF XV-421a; 19.Sa; II-129d: IV-109d; IX- 219a; C6.1b; XIII-600a; .\cker- mann I- 105b: architect VI-50c ; Aschbach I-773c; astronomy XII-52b: Balbus II-217b; botany V-421b: calendar, re- form IX-250d; Concordat II- 130d: Counter-Reformation XV^21d; decline XV-421d: and Kbendorfer V-241d; End- liilierV 421b:toundedII-123c; X-lL'Tb; .\Ill-504c; Haschka \I1 117d: llenrv of Langen- stuin VII 237a; (ill.) XV-J21C: and Immaculate Conception VII-680b; .Iesuit3 II-125c: Khlesl II-126a; in Maria Theresa's reign XV-422C; non- Catholic t.-n.leni-v XV-4L'ld; and popes .\\' IJlb; prosperity and humanism XV-421c; Prot- estants ll-12l'>a; reforms .\V- 421d; self-government X\'- 423a: as state institution XV-

422c: statistics XV-423d; stat- utes XV-423C; theology, dog- matic II-131a; Zwingh XV- 772b

Vienne, town, France, .\rchelaus banished to VII-290d: droit de regale, exempt from XII-713b; and Gondebad IV-66d; Pilate's tomb XII-84b; territorial limit of powers VII-27b

— department, France, map VI- facing 188

— Ado of.- See Ado of Vienne

— Diocese of VI-396a; and Apos- tolic origin VII-27a: arch- bishopric VH-27a; Aries, Dio- cese of XIV-378b; church, per- secution VI-395b ; church, priv- ileges III-186b

—Councils: (471)IX-580b; (1060) VII-52oa; XI-56a; ail2) III- 185b; (1141) VIII-13a; (1311- 13), see Vienne, Council of

— and Crescens IV-4S4c; mon- astery V-603a; Jesuit college VII-27c; persecution VI-39Sb; primacy of XII-424a: Wav of the Cross in XV-570d

—COUNCIL OF (1311-12) XV- 423d; IV-42Sd: VII-172b; 483d; 787d: IX-63c; XI-219b; 245d: XII-5d; XIV-495a; and Beatific Vision VI-til7a; on Beghards and Beguines II- 390c; VII-172a; XII-609b; and St. Bonaventure II-652a; and Boniface VIII II-668a; IV-21c: Colonna, Egidio IV- 127b; on consanguinity IV- 266c: Corpus Christi, Feast of IV-391b; and Durandus V- 207d; Holy Land XV.^24c; Oriental languages V-704b: VII-273b; soul, decree on I- 64Sa: III-462c: XIII-610d; XIV-155d; Templars IV-22c: 553a; XI\-495a; 698d; XV- 424b: union of body and soul IX-.5S1C: usury XV-236a

—John (HI) of. See John (III) of Vienne

Viennese Transaction, at Frei- burg University VI-268d

Vie Nouvelle, founded VII-536d

Vien-tian, Laotine capital VII- 767b; destroyed VII-767c; ruins of VII-774a

Vieques Island, Church in XII- 292d

Viereck, parish XII-226d

Vierge au Panier (Correggio) I- 31Sd

— aux Cerises (Carracci) III- 375b

— Noire, Chartres III-636b: Mende X-lSOc

Vierordt, Heinrich, poet VI- 52Sa

—Kail von, andMilller X-628b; physiological investigation X- I,39c


Vierzehnheiligen ^Fourteen Mar- ty rs), church, llaii, I. .r- 1 1 -LM.od; altar, priyil,!;...! XIll-107c: and Neumann X-773b

Vierzon, Maurist monastery X- 71c

— Louise, Comtesse de XVI-24C

Vierzy, Jocelyn de. Bishop of Soissons XIV-131a

Viescas, Ramon, writer XH'- 204d

Vies des saints, periodical, France XH;76d

Viestnik Europy, periodical XIII-


de l.,i Bi(

al- X\' 125b

Vieter, Henry, Prefect .-Vpostolic of Kamerun VIII-596a

Vieusse, theologian XIII-3S0b

Vieusseux, founds .\ntologia III- 312c

Vieuville.aii.l Calvinists IX-474b

Vieux. moMa.xlery. founded I-267b

Vifredo the Hairy, Covinl of Bar- celona, and Vuh XIV-174a

Vig., I-26b

Vigan, See of, and Nueva Segovia XI-U9c; seminary XI-149d

Vigano, Bishop of Hyderabad VII-.593b

Vigar, Felipe de II-516C


statesman X^'-425d

— JACQUES, antiquarian X\' 426a; and Martin IX-727c

Vigerio deUa Rovere, Marcc Bishop of Sinigalgia XIV-13i

VIGEVANO, DIOCESE OF, ii Itah- XV-426b; and Vercell XV-349C

Vigil, priest, and Hationalisn XIV-369b

— Donaciano, Governor of Nev Me.\ico XI-2C

— Office of the. Blessed Sacra ment in the Escorial I-153c of knights 1 1 1-69 Id; and Masi I-195a: Saturday I-314c: list IV-63Sa; XV-382b; See Eve o a Feast

— Peter, Count of Thim, Prince Bishop of Trent XV-36C

— Zarco, and El Siglo XIX XI- 6S6d

Vigilance, and residence of in. cumbent XII-7S5C

— committee, diocesan IV-165b of Montana IV-480d

Vigilantes, in San Francisco III- I74a

Vigilantia, mother of Justinian ] VIII-578d

Vigilantise, letter of Leo XIII II- o57c; IV-J97a

Vigilanti studio. Decree of Con gregation of the Council V- 691c

Vigilantius of Calagurris VI- 396d; on candles, use of III- 247a; and St. Exuperius XIV- 795d; and St. Jerome VIII- 343b; X-346a; particular judg ment, denial of VIII-551b veneration of saints, oppose: IV-171C

Vigilia, prayer, in S e r v i t e Ritt Xni-7,Sa

VigiliK I\'-574c

— Mortuorum. <See Office of th)

■ Dead

Vigilius, Saint, Church dedicate< to, Australia XI-566a

VIGILIUS, Pope XV-427b; II- 660b; XII-273b; XIII-793b and Bishop of Bracara I\'-673b at Constantinople XIII-536a Constantinople, Coimcil o (553) IV-309a;XI-311d; deatl XIV-397b; election XII-271b in False Decretals V-775d; oi Holy Ghost XV-711C; anc IlhTia, Patriarch of I-103d infalhbility of VII-79Sd; in scriptions VIII— 14c: Judicatun XIV-708b; and Mennas o: Constantinople X-190b; Mon ophysitism XV-427c; and Moz- arable Rite X-611C; and Pro- futurus of Braga IX-311d leaves Rome XIII-168a; anc Theodora, Empress XIII-793c and Three Chapters 1-25 la XIII-533d; XIV-573a; 707c tombIII-516c; and Verectmdui X\'-352d

— Saint, Bishop of Auxerre XIII- 71Sb

— Saint, Bishop of Brescia II- 700c

VIGILIUS, Bishop of Thapsus XV-427a; Vll-lOa; and .\th- anasian Creed I-553c; II-34C; and Huneric XIV-556b

—SAINT, Bishop of Trent, mar- tyr XV-420C; 36a

Vigils, abstinence: in Australia I- 70b; Canada I-70b; Great Britain and Ireland I-70a; Greek Church I-70b; United States I-70a

— Alrican liturgy I-194d; Agnus Dei I-22.3a; Alleluia I-319d: Anglo-Saxon I-510c; Gloria VI-584b; Matins IX-38b; X- 50d; Office, Divine XI-219d; origin of I-69c; X-52c; privi- Iege<l VI-23c: Requiem XII- 780d Vigna, Peter della. See Peter de

— Codini, columbaria, Rome

XIII-176C Vignaiuoli, Academy of I-S4a Vignal, missionary, at Beauprfe

l-.Wgd; death XIII-379C Vignali, Abb6, Chaplain to Napo- leo n X-69Sd; XII- 133d

type indicates titles of articles; other tj-pos, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations.