Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 16.djvu/858

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Waade» Sir William, lieutenant of the Tower VII-84b


Waal, Antoine de, arch^ologist III-707b; Vlll-eSa; and De Rossi IV-740d; sarcophagus of Junius Bassus XIII-373a

Waast, Saint. See Vaast

Wabash, river VII-738C

Wabasha, town XV-GoSc

Wabash CoUege, Indiana VII- 7a',lb

Wabassimong, mission X-3Slb

Wabenakies. 5f« Abenakis

Walram of Mors, Bishop of Munstcr X-637C

Wace, Henry, on authorship of Pentateuch XI-654d

— Richard, Canon of Bayeux Xl-106a

— Robert, canon. See Wace, Richard

—ROBERT, poet XV-521b; I- 53od

Wach, Adolf, Jurist IX-141a

Wachilap, Duke of Spoleto XIV- 2:)3b

Wachter, periodical, Holland XI- ijsla


— Karl von, jurist, Leipzig IX- 141a

— Karl Georg, jurist, Tiibingen XV-S4b

Wackenfels, Johann Matbaus Wacke von I-in.',a

Wacker, Theodor XVI-23C

Wackerbarth, Francis, conver- sion V 1-4 23b

Wadaw n. King of Poland XII- lS3c

Waco, college II-323C

Waco Indians XV-616d

Wada, abbot V-5o5b

Wadai, Africa I-lS2d; Moham- medans in I-lS6b

Wada Koresama, in Japan IX- 74oa

Waddell, Laurence Austine, in Thibet XIV-719a

Wadding, Bishop of Ferns VI~46a

—Ambrose XIV-93b; XV-S22a; birthplace XV-566C

—LUKE, Franciscan XV-521d; II-303d; VII-141a; annalist XIII-353a; on Benedicti II- 442a; birth and education XV- 521d; birthplace XV-566c; and St. Clare of Montefalco IV- 6d: on Franciscan Crown IV- 540b; Franciscan Rule XIV- 641c; and Hickey VII-321d; and Ireland XV-o23d; literary activity XV-522c; and Mac- Caghwell IX— 4S4c; and Mes- singham X-218a: official career XV-524b; and Ponce XII- 227d; portrait VIII-125; XV- 522a; and relics of St. Roch Xlll-lOIa; at Rome VIII- 157d; XIlI-171d; embassy to Rome XV-522b; Scotist XIII- 612d; and Urban VIII XIII- 5I4d; and Ward XV-oSOc -Luke, Jesuit XlV-93b

— Matthew XV'-r>22a

— (GODINEZ), MICHAEL XV- 524d; 522a; birthplace XV- 566c

—Peter XIV-93b; XV-522a; birthplace XV-566C

—Richard XV-522a

—Walter XV-521d

Waddington, George, explorer l-il|-.8a

Wade, M. J., Iowa VIII-97b

—Richard, martyr V-477d

— Thomas F., British minister II 1-07 lb; CS4b

—William B., on blind-deaf V- 3ir)c

Wadham, Dorothy, foundress XI-309C

— College, Oxford XI-369c; archi- tecture VI -080b

Wadhams, Edgar P., Bishop of

Ogdensburg XI-24b; 222d Wadhurst, monastery XIII-201C Wadi (Wady) I-663b; VIII-

349a Wadi, Palestine XV-E81b Wadia, Parsi family XI-509a Wadi al-Jos, Cedron III-47tia — el-Ajam, identity IX-79»a —el-Kelt, Achor I-103C — en-Nar, Cedron III-470a — er-Rababi, Vallev of Hinnom

VII-20-C — er-Rahib, Cedron in^76a —Haifa, battle XVI-loc — Hammamat, Egypt V-33Ia;

quarries V-338a — Natrun, Egj-pt V-330c — Sitti Mariam, Cedron III-476a;

VIII-346a; See Ain' Sitti

Mariam — Tumilat, Egypt V-330C Wadschaggas, ethnology XII-

026d Wadstena, convent. See Wad-

WLdsworth, James, spy VII- 701d

Wady. See Wadi

Waerfrith, Bishop of Worcester X\'-704a^

Waermund, Bishop of Dunwich XI-121d

— I, Bishop of Rochester, Eng- land XIII-102b

— n. Bishop of Rochester, Eng- land XIII-102b

— Bishop of Worcester XV-703d

Wafer bread. Ritualism XIII- 91b

Wagener, Guido, physiologist X-G2Sb

— H., dictionary V-417c

Wagenseil, encyclopedia V— 415a

Wages, arbitration I-t>S2c; com- parison of XII-279d; and mon- opoly X-497d; political econo- my XII-214C; Leo XIII on XII-7S3b; subsistence, theory of XII-215C; and Sj-ndicalism XIV-385d; See Compensation

Wagga Wagga, Australia, con- vent XII-397d

Wagigo, Indian feast XV-6.5Sa

Wagner, Adolph, on private propirtv XII-4R3d

— Arthur, and Kent XIIl-6.5Sa

— Caspar, and Leopoldine Society XVI-52C

— Christian, poet VI-52Sa

— Cosima IX-2S5d

■ — Dominic, Prefect Apostolic of Kafiristan and Kashmir VIIl- 591b

— Franz Xavier, in California VI-47Sa

— Herman, Toscanelli's XIV-7S7C

— Joseph, engraver II-319a

—Marcus III-534d

— Marie Anne, mother of Marie Josephine Goctz VI-62fid

— Michael, Bishop of Sankt Pol- ten XIII-448a

— Peter Joseph, on plain chant in Germany XII-14.">c; on Sacris Solemniis XIII-322b; on the Tract XII-144d

—Richard VI-527c; chant, plain VI-780b; and Liszt IX-2S5d; music, ecclesiastical X-649d; music, vocal X-651C; Parsifal VI-720d; Tristan und Isolde Vl-fiSlc

— Rudolf, physiologist X-139a

— Sebastian, .\bbot of Heilsbronn Vll-iysd

— Theodore, at Cape Town X- "(isd

Wagnereck, Heinrich. Sec Wang- ncreck

Wagoner, Oklahoma, school XI- 231b

Wagram, battle X-093c

Wagstaffe, John, non-juror XI- 99c

Wahabis, Mohammedans X— i25c

Wahala, Augustin Paul, Bishop of Leitmeritz IX-141d

Wahl, Ludwig, Vicar apostoUc of Saxony Xlll-oOld

Wahlbeck, monastery, Thuringia XIV-712d

Wahlstatt, battle VII - 189d; Xlll-790d

Wahlstod, Bishop of Hereford n-.'JSOa

Wahpeton Indians, Sioux tribe XIV-23C

Wahrheitsfreund, periodical III- 774c; Vl^SSd; X-319b: XI- 215a

Wahriz, Governor of Himyar I- 673a

Wahspaton Agency, Canada, ■Sioux Indians XIV-24b

Wahuma, ethnoloirv XII-626c

WaibUngen Vn-57b

Waidring, battle (1809) XIV- 211b

Waiilatpuan Indians VII-7o4b

Waikato, confiscation of XV-579C

Waikouaiti, New Zealand, settle- m.Mit V-191C

Waikurian Indians Vn-756d

Waihng, Wall of, Jerusalem (ill.) VII1-3S7

Wailly, Natahs de, paleographer XI-103d

Wai Mung-ku, Mongohans X- 479d

Wain, in Old Testament II-30c; 31a

WAIRE, VENERABLE, martvr XV-32Ja; V-475d

Waisenfreund, periodical, Ohio 111-774C

Wait, William B., blind, t%-pe for (ill.) V-3I0; 31 Id; blind, writ- ing of V-312b

Waitangi, treaty XV-580a

Waite, Davis H., Governor of Colorado IV-130b

Waitz, on Monotheism IV-6SSc

WAITZEN(VACZ 1 , DIOCESE OF II-136b; XV-52.5b; and Bill- bus II~217b; cathedral (ill.1 VII-557d

Wai-wu Pu, Chinese ministry III-666b; 6S.5b

Wajashk myth lV-412d

Wakan, iliitv Xlll-7.iOd

WAKASH INDIANS .XV-52,5c; VlI-7.-.4b; d.Tivation XV- 52.5c; Kwakwiutl Il-792a

Wake, custom III-77b

— William, Archbishop of Canter- bury IV-349b; V-203a; eccle- siastical union XV-147b

Wakefield, mystery plays. See Towneley mystery plays

— Henry, Bishop of Worcester XV-704a

Wakeman,SirGeorge, and Gates's Plot XI-174C

— John, .\hbot of Tewkesbury XIV-542d

— Roger, confessor V-477b

Wakering, John, Bishop of Nor- wich XI-122b

Wakhpekute, Sioux tribe XIV- 23c

Wakhpetonwan, Sioux tribe X1V-23C

Wakidi, and Mohammed X-424C

Wakinyan, deity XIV-23d

Wakkerstroom,and Natal X-70SC

Wakuset, prince, Slav version of Hililf X\" 3f.9a

Wala, A1.1...I of CorLio XI-518a

WALAFRID STRABO .XV-526a: Il-162a; Xll-72.fc; XVI-4a; on Ambrosian Rile I-395b; Biblical commentary IV-16()a; on St. Blathmac II-396c; on Credo XI-2S6b; Florus VI- 122a; St. Gall VI-347b; Glossa ordinaria I-550b ; glossarist VI-i5S8b; Gregorian antiphon I-580d; hvmns VII-t)02c; hymns. Ambrosian I-392d; on images III-372c; and Latin

epic IX-30c; on Liturgy XIII- 72a; on Mass, Canon of III- 256a; on Office. Divine XI- 219b; on Ordines III-538b: Ordo Romanus XI-2SCa; on Preface Xll-384d; at Reiche- nau II-457c; and Thegan of Treves XIV-565C

Walahfrid. See VValafrid'Strabo

Walam Olum, Indian records IV- 695d

Walapai Indians X-372d

Walatoa. See Jemez Puebio

Walbeck, monastery V-47d

Walbert 1-279C

Walbodon, Bishop of Lidge IX- 23tid

WALBURGA, SAINT XV- .526b; II-463b; IX^06b; churches in United States XI-565b; mis- sion II-454C; oil of XI-229a; rehcs V-365d; 366a

Walburgis oleum. See Walburga, St.

Walch, Johaim Georg, historian VII -377c; on Luther IX-445b

Walcher, Bishop of Durham V- 21 Id; murder XI-210a

— .\bbot of Great Malvern IX-

Walcheren, Viking fort XI-116b Walchstod, Bishop of Hereford

V1I-255C Walcker, of Ludwigsburg, organ

builder XI-300b Walda-Qeb. See Sons of Unction Walda-sega. See Sons of Grace Waldburg, Truchsess von. See

Truchsess von Waldburg Waldburg - Wolfegg - Waldsee,

Prince von, librarv XV-531b Waldby, Ralph, Bishop of York

XV-734b Waldebert, Saint, Abbot of Lux-

euil IX-407C WALDECK, principality XV-

527b — Benedict, poUtician XII-530c — Franz H von. Bishop of Minden

X-324a — Franz von. Bishop of Miinster

X-636a; 637d — Franz von. Bishop of Osna-

bruck XI -341c — Gottfried von. Bishop of Min- den X-323d Waldeckers, in American Revolu- tion XV-163C Waldeck-Pyrmont. See Waldeck,

principality Waldeck - Rousseau, and Cis- tercians Ill-7S5d; and Jesuits

XlV-lOtlc; ministry VI-179a Waldegrave, Sir Edward, martvT

V-47sa — Samuel, Evangelical Bishop of

Carli.sle IX-40tlc Waldemar, Danish prince IV-

724b — I, the Great, King of Denmark

IV-727b; V-539a; Xlll-497a;


Denmark, under I \'-73 Id : King

of Scandinavia I-60b — n, the Conqueror, King of Den- murk l\-727b; Vll-l5Sb; IX-

434a; Xni-197b: 543a —in, Kini; of Denmark IV-727C —IV, King of Denmark IV-727c;

Urban V XV-215C — V, King of Denmark XIII-

543b —of Schleswig Vll-121d Walden, Roger, -Vrchbishop of

Caiitirburv I-7t;.-ib; as Bishop

of London' lX-34 7c — Thomas. See Netter. Thomas — University, Tennessee XI\'-

510c Waldenburg - Schillingsfiirst,

Alexander Leopold Hohenlohe.

See Hohenlohe - Waldenburg

Schillingsfiirst. Alexander Leo-


X\'-527d; administration XV-

Large type indicates titles of articles; other types, topics treated; (ill.) = illustrations, 842