Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/152

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the body to the church or burial-place, even when necessity, to bring the corpse to the parish church it is inconvenient, provided they pay the expenses, and penorm the luneral services there, in case the If a cardinal dies in Rome the funeral services are deceased belonged to the parish in which he died, to be held in a church selected by the pope; if he If he did not cue in his parish and his remains can dies out^de of Rome, they should be held in one be transported conveniently, his parish priest should, of the more important churches of the place where after notifying the priest of the place of the death, he died, unless he save other directions. The re- brin^ the body to nis own church for the funeral mains of a deceased residential bishop, even if he services. If the funeral church belongs to regulars is a cardinal, or of an abbot or prelate nullius, pr is not under the parish priest's jurisdiction the should be brought to his cathedral, abbatial or latter should brine the body thither, preceded by prelatial church, if this can be arranged conven- the cross of the church where the ceremony is to iently; otherwise they are to be taken to one of be held; but the rector of the funeral church is to the chief churches in the place where the death officiate. If, however, the church is not exempt occurred, unless the deceased chose another church, from his jurisdiction the right of officiating belongs The body cf a residential beneficiary is to be to the parish priest of the district where the church brought to the church in which he held his benefice, is situated, provided the deceased was one of his unless he selected another. The remains of pro- flock. If a nun or novice dies in a convent her fessed religious and novices are to be brought to remains are to be carried by the sisters as far as the church or oratory of their house, or at least the enclosure; then if the nuns are not under the to one belonging to their order, but a novice has jurisdiction of the parish priest, the chaplain accom- the ri^ht of selecting another church; the right of panies the body to the convent chapel or orato^, removing the body rests with the religious superior, where he officiates; if the nuns are under the juris- If the death occurs in a place from which it would diction of the parish priest, the latter holds the not be convenient to transport the body to the services as usual. If a nun dies outside her con- residence or a house of the order, the corpse should vent the ordinary regulations are followed. When be buried from the parish church of the place where the^ corpse is sent to a place which is not in the the religious died; though again, a novice may parish of the deceased, and no funeral church has choose another church, and a superior may bring been selected, the funeral service, if any, are to be the body home provided he bears the expense, held in the cathedral of that place, or, if there is What is here said of novices also applies to ser- no cathedral there, in the church of the parish vants who were living permanently in a religious where the cemetery is situated, unless local custom house at the time of their death. If a person dies or the diocesan statutes provide otherwise, in a religious house or college where he has been The priest who performs the funeral services residing as guest or for purposes of health or educar not only may but must, except in case of grave tion, or in an hospital, the service should be' held necessity, either personally or by a delegate priest, in his parish church; seminarians, however, are accompany the remains to the place of burial. The not under the parish priest's jurisdiction. priest accompanying the body to the church or

Any person is free to select his funeral church burial-ground may freely pass through another or cemetery, if the canons do not expressly deprive parish or diocese with his stole and upraised cross him of this right; a wife or child who has reached without the permission of the parish priest or the the age of puberty may make this choice even con- ordinary. It the remains are to be buried in a trary to a nusband's or a father's desire; but pro- cemetery to which they cannot be carried con- fessed religious who are not bishops and children veniently, the parish priest or rector of the funeral below the age of puberty have not this power of church has no right to accompany them beyond selection. In order, however, for the selection to the limits of the city or district. A parish priest be made validly, one must choose the parish church, may not, except for a reason approved oy the ordi- or a church of a regular order (now, however, the nary, exclude secular clergy, or religious, or mem- church of nuns professed with solemn vows, unless bers of a pious sodality invited by the family or in the case of females residing within the clausura heirs from attending a funeral service and burial; as servants or for purposes of education or health but the clergy of the church of the family or heirs or as boarders), or in case of a patron, the church of the deceased should be invited in preference to of which he enjoys the patronage, or any other any others. Notoriously anti-Catholic societies or church authorized to hold funeral services. Reli- their insignia must never be tolerated at Catholic gious and secular clergy are expressly forbidden to funerals. It is to be remembered, moreover, that induce anyone to swear or to promise to select clerics are forbidden to cariy the coffin of a layman, their church for his funeral services or their ceme- After the burial the minister should enter in the teries for his burial-place, or to bind himself not register of the dead the name and age of the de- to change his selection if he has already made a ceased, the names of his parents or spouse, the date choice: if this injunction is violated the selection of his death, the sacraments administered, the is voia. If anyone desires to be buried in £t ceme- name of the minister, and the place and date of taiy other than that of his parish, his wish should burial.

be carried out if the administrator of the cemetery Bvrial Fees. — Local ordinaries should draw up in question raises no objection; should one desire for their territories a schedule of funeral taxes or to be buried in the cemetery of a religious order, alms if none already exist; this is to be done after this may be done if the religious superior consents, consulting the cathedral chaptpr, and, if it seems A deceased person who has a family burial-ground good, the diocesan vicars forane and the parish should be buried in it if possible, if he has not priests of the episcopal city, and allowing for selected any place; a widow in a similar case is lawful local customs and the varying conditions to be buried with her husband, or if she has had of persons and places. The taxation snould, how- more than one, with the last: if there are several ever, be moderate so as to prevent disputes and family burial-places, the decedent's family or heirs remove occasions of scandal. It is strictly for- are to decide in which of them the interment is bidden for anyone to demand for funeral services, to take place. burials, or anniversary services more than the

The parish priest of the deceased not merely has amount fixed in the diocesan schedule. The poor

the right, but is bound, except in case of great must have their funeral services and a decent burial