Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/274

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the long administration of Bishop Strossmayer of the Frandscans. These schools prepare girls for

(1849-1905) the see of JEhakovu was left vacant the state normal schools. There are 2 orphan

until 1911, when Rt. Rev. John Baptist Krapac asylimtis attached to colleges of Sisters of ChEirity,

was elected bishop. After Bishop Krapac's death and 1 asylum for the poor; 3 hospitals (2 Charity;

(16 July, 1916), the see was again left vacant until 1 Franciscan), 2 in Diamantina, 1 in Serro.

1920, when Rt. Rev. Antonius Aksamovic was ap- The Archbishop of Diamantina is Most Rev.

pointed (22 April) to succeed him. Since 1918 the Joachim Silverio de Sousa, bom in Ssm Miguel,

diocese has belonged to the kingdom of the Croats, Diocese of Marianna, ^ July, 1859, ordained 4

Serbs, and Slovenes. In 1913 a new seminary was March, 1889, elected titular bishop of Bagi 16

erected; in 1920 the diocese lost one of its most November, 1901, and coadjutor at Diamantina, suo-

prominent cler^ by the death of Canon Michael ceeded Mgr. Dos Santos 5 Mav, 1905, promoted

Cepelic: and m 1921 (23 August) occurred the 29 January, 1909, titular archbishop of iucum and

deathofRt. Rev. EngelbertusVorsak, titular Bishop auxiliary of Rio de Janeiro; transferred to Dia-

of Zenopolis, who resided at Diakovu. mantina 25 January, * 1910, succeeding himself and

The present (1921) records of the diocese show a retaining his titular archbishopric; then made arcb-

Cathohc population of 310,600 classified as follows: bishop 27 June, 1917. Archbishop de Souaa received

Croats, 87%; Germans, 8%; Hungarians, 2%; the pallium 18 October, 1919, from hands of Aroh-

Slovenes and others, 3%. There are: 98 parishes^ bishop Pimenta of Marianna. The archbishop is

98 parish churches and 115 missionary churches, 9 the author of many well known books published in

monasteries for men and 1 for women, 12 convents Brazil. On 13 December, 1918, Jos6 Antonio doe

for women, 171 secular priests and 25 regulars, 21 Santos, CM., bom at Cacheira, Diocese of

lay brothers, 1 seminary with 5 professors and 16 Marianna, was elected titular bidiop of Ooia and

seminanaiis, 1 college for men with 4 teachers and auxiliary of Diamantina.


Salerno, Southern Catholics. The

  • «« ««^ fK^ «fW fKo «TT«Jo,r,no«f> Amnn.rtKo PTOclauned 4 pecember following, succeedmg Rt.

St. FVancis, the Congregation of Marv, societies


^ , _ present

Pucke Slovine, published at Diakovu f Glasnik," name 20 Mayri913, and is confided to the Fatheni

published at Diakovu, and Christhche Volks- of the Holy Ghost. It covers an area of 77,220 sq.

zeitung," published at Osjek. miles, with a total population of 430,000, of whom

^. ... .-^ , . ^ r^ T? 21,000 are Catholics, 1,500 catechumens, 3,000 Prot-

TT?i!S}??**^.?^f OP (AnAMAN-KNA; cf. C. E.. estants. The diocese at present (1922) is adminis-

IV-772b), m the State of Mmas Gera^, Brazil, ^ered by Rt. Rev. August Fortineau. C.S.Sp..

This diocese was erected in 1854 as a suffragan of ^j^ular Bishop of Chytri. He was bom m 1873 m

Marianna and mcluded the northern Pa^ of the Machecoul, France, where he studied and left for

State, but on 10 December, 1910, the Djocese of Madagascar, 1898; chaplain of the military hospital

Montes Claros was created from its northern sec- ^f Diego Suarez, founder of the missions in Fen-

tion. and on 25 August, 1913, the Dic^ese of ^^ve, later in Merimandrado, rector of the cathe-

f^?f"^-^ ^^*?* °w '' *^® ®^' "^^A- °° ^ "^"^A dral and coadjutor to the vikr apostolic 17 July,

1917 Diamantina became an archdiocese, with ^914 proclaimed 8 September following, succeeding

Montes Claros and Arassuahy as suffragans. ^ y\^^ apostolic 26 April 1914 Mirr Corbet (b 9

The ajchdiocese has about 440,0(W inhabitants, November, 1836; d. 26 Jilly, 1914)7 ' According 'to

??f -y. ^^^n^^'- 1^ '^ ^'^'"^^"^ '?* '^^^^^ (1020) statistics the diocw^ includes 11 stations

districts, 59 parishes, and 1 curato with 66 secular ^^^ chapels, 17 schools. 5 orphanages, 21 Fathera

Md 17 regular priests, 6 lay brothers, and 13 nims. ^f ^j,^ g,i q^^^ 5 BrothereTl Premonstra-

There, are two missionao^ orders of men, the tensians, 35 Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny, 6 Fran-

Lazansts Mid Redemptoriste. The Lazarists have ^^.^^ missionaries of Mary, 24 Daughters of Maiy,

chaige of the archiepiscopal seminary and college. .^f -© ^

which has 79 seminarians and 60 students, and 1>lgby, Mabbl, Superior General of the Society

their church of the Sacred Heart is renowned of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, b. at Ashford House,

throughout Brazil, being magnificently constructed near Staines, Middlesex, 7 April, 1835; d. at

and decorated and havins a large congregation. In Izelles, Brussels, 21 May, 1911. She was the

connection with it Leo AlII erected an archconfra- daughter of Simon Digby of Osbertstown, Kildare,

temity and established there a guard of honor of Ireland, and Elizabeth Anne Morse, only daughter

the Sacred Heart, and Benedict XV accorded it the of Mr. John Morse of Sprowston Hall, Norfolk,

rights of a minor basilica. The Redemptorists have She belonged to the Protestant branch of the Digby

a convent attached to their beautiful church of Sao family, but in 1852 her mother and elder sister

Geraldo in Curvello. The orders of women are were received into the Church at Montpellier,

the Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, and France, where the family resided for several years,

the Poor Clares. There are 3 colleges for girls Her conversion followed two years later under

with 21 instructors and 240 students. The most circumstances that seemed to foreshadow the call

important of these is the College of Our Lady of to some special mission, and worked an extraor-

Sorrows at Diamantina, in charge of Sisters of dinary change in her character. In 1857 she was

Charity, and the other schools are at Serro, one admitted into the Society of the Sacred Heart

under Sisters of Charity and the other in charge by its foundress, Blessed Madeleine Sophie Barat,