Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/296

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39 churches, 84 missions, and about 25 mianon Alberto Vassallo di Torre Groesa, appointed 3

stations, 28 secular and 36 regular priests; 15 ele- December, 1913, Internuncio to Argentina, residing

mentary schools with 4535 pupils, 3 academies, 1 in Buenos-Aires. The Maronite titular is Rt. Rev.

training school for nurses, 2 mdustrial schools, 2 Joseph Sakr, consecrated 11 February, 1911, patri*

orphanages, and 1 day nursery; about ten of the archal vicar at Bikorka.

puMc institutions admit the ministiy of the prints. Emigration Bodetiefc— An act to Umit immigra-

The rehgious commumties represented m the dio- ^ion of aliens into the United States was paaed

cese are: men, 6 (Jesmt and FVanciscan Fathera); ,9 ^ay, 1921, by which the number of aliens of

womai, 9, with UO njms m the vmious communitiM, nationaUty who might be admitted during any

which are Sisters of Chanty of St. Vmcent de Paul, f^ gho\ild be limited to 3 per cent 0I the

Sisters of Loretto, Sisters Servants of the Swred number of foreign-bom persons of such nationaUty

H^ of the Poor, Su^ of the Inornate Wwd resident in the United States as shown by the

of San Antomo, Teas, Sistere of the Precious Blood census of 1910. This was the cuhnination of the

gsters of St. Joseph, and Sistere of the Immaculate agitation for restricUve immigration that had been

Heart of Mary, all m charge of the various institu- |i„^ ^n for the previous dWe. The law was

tions m the diocese. There are two l»9«w? of ^^ continue in force untU 20 June. 1922, but it was

novices, (me for the Jwrnts, and the other m Sdver f,^^^^ extended for two years from that date.

  • ^$I.*°fi*rk i-**^ 1 *• • JP^P^ c , ^. This, with the results of the great World War,

The Catholic population m the confines of the ^^^0^ ^^^^^ ^od the old time immigration ac-

dKxese is 112,504, Spanish wd Enghsh-sp^king, ^j^j^i^g ^^^ ,^^^^^ seriously impaired the tradi-

and they are admmistCT^ at pr^nt (19M.) by ^^^^^ ^^^y. ^f the older emigrant aid societies.

Rt. Rot. Anthray Joseph Schtder, S.J, first Bishop ^5,^ , number of Italians and PoliA immi-

^El Paso, b^20 September, 1869, m the dio«!se of j^ Wever, were well cared for by their

aie, ordamed 27 June, 1901, rector of the Sacred Respective societies. In 1921 the National Catholic

Hewt Church ml^nvetv appomted bjshopl? Jime, ^^^^^^ Council estobliAed a Bureau of Immigra-

1915, consecrated 28 October, 1915, succeeding Rt. tj^n ^t New York and sent a commissioner abrbad

Rev. John J- Brown, precomsed Bishop of El Paso ^^ develop the aspect of the work which was thus

22 Januwy, 1916, resigned the same year. Events t^ken up on an intSiiational scope,

of special importance m the diocese since 1915 are: '^ '^

the visit ad Umina of the bishop, the dedication Emmet, Tbomas Adoib, physician and writer, b.

of the new cathedral, and the general building up of 29 May, 1828, at the Umversi^ of Virginia; d.

the diocese. One periodical, "1a Regista catolica," in New York, 1 March, 1919. Be was the son of

is published in the diocese. John Patten Emmet, and the grandson of the

n..i.i> 'n. /-o - ^ <-( 13 Thomas Addis Emmet, physician, patriot and exile,

Hphln, D1008B OP (Elphinbnsis; cf. C. E, ^^ brother of Robert Emmet. His mother wa^

V-304C) in Connaught, IreUnd, includes neariy the jj g^ parley Tucker. He was educated in

whole of the county of Roscommon and a Urge gj f^omas HaU, Flushing, L. L, and in the Uni-

portion.of Shgo sad Galway. with cathedral church ^^^j^ ^j yj^^; andrecilved his degrees of M. D.

and readence at Shgo. Bishop John Clancy, k 23 j ^j, jn^jeffetson, Pa, in the ^r 1862. He

December, 1856, d. 19 October, W12, was succeeded ,^ ^^ president of virioii medic/l societies and

Iqr Most. Rev. ^rnard Coyne, b.. 1M4, educated ^f ^^^ j^^ Federation of America. The medical

Elphin, 30 Mirch, 1913. In the census of 1911 the ^^^^"'^t h" hVed toiij w his^omSete ^ndi! total population numbered 122,128, of whom 1154J62 S^r^'we * m w toten^ in C S natriSi Catholics and 6866 were non-Catholics. There are X^f^ wT!,^* ^iffi^Uv in oEiJ^a nT at present (1922) 33 parishes, 101 secular and 4 regu- gt* X?'The ^h Unde^lndish Rute^ He £ lar priests, 86 churches. 14 chapels, 10 convents, .4 '^™f a Cmvlrt to the Fai^ by lirtlkinTto a monasteries, 1 college, 3 intermediate schools. Soci- _:„_|_ ~-mo„ «* „ Rpdemntoriat miaaionanr who eties Of St, Vincent de Panl are organic through- ^^^'^^expEg^^^^^ JSt^of 8S>miU^7o^ out the dioceae. intelligence to the authority of the Divine Teacher

Emesa (or Homb), Diocbsb op (Emesbnsis); a in order that proper homage might be made by residential see for the Greek-Melchite and Synan that supreme faculty to the Creator. He was so Rites. It is an archdiocese of the Greek-Melchites thorougnly acquainted with the doctrines of the with the united title of Hama or Apama (Apamen- Faith that he needed no instruction, having lived flis), and the archbishop resides at Yabrud, by all his life with Catholics and having married a which name the diocese is sometimes called. The Catholic. He was baptized a quarter of an hour present incumbent is Most Rev. Flavian Kfoury, after hearing the sermon which swept away the bom in Lebanon, served as Abbot General of the only difficulty that he had about the Faith. His Basilians of the Baladite Congregation, and ap- Incidents of My life" was published in 1911. His pointed bishop 21 November, 1901. The 1920 last literary work was the life of his two great statistics credit this diocese with approximately ancestors, Thomas Addis and Robert Emmet. 7230 Catholics of the Greek-Melchite Rite, 7000 of

other rites, 10,000 Schismatics, and 180,000 Moham- England (cf. C. E., V-431b).— The area of Eng- medans; 12 secular and 4 regular clergy, 12 churches, land in statute acres (land and inland water) m and 8 schools with 215 pupils. 1921 was 32,559,868 acres, of which 594,185 were

It is also an archdiocese for the Syrian Rite, included in the county boroughs and 31,965,683 with the united titles of Hama and Nebek. At in administrative counties. In 1921 the population present (1922) it is administered by a patriarchal of England was 35,678,530, of whom 16,984,087 vicar, Rt. Rev. Theophilus Joseph Giorgi, titular were males, and 18,694,443 were females. The Bishop of Arethusa. There are 2200 Catholics of increase in the period between 1911 and 1921 was this Kite, 4 secular priests, and 5 churches or 4.8%. In 1921 Greater Londoc had an acreage of chapels. Emesa is a titular see for the latin and 443,449 statute acres; of this, 74,850 acres belonged Maronite Rites; the Latin titular is Most Rev. to the administrative county and City of London;