Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/380

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chaplain of Santa Maria deirAnima in Rome. In enrollment of 1015 boys, their school in EUlo 1880 he was Vicar at Havizbech and then private (Island of Hawaii) has 319 bo3rs, and in Wailuku secretary of Mgr. Dingelstadt at Emmerich and (Island of Maui) 359 boys; under the Sisters of subsequently Vicar General, Dean and Prothonotary the Sacred Hearts there are, in Honolulu, a free in 1907, and consecrated Bishop of Munster 6 June, school for the poor and a select school and board- 1911. In 1913 he succeeded Cardinal Fischer in the ing department with 552 girls; in Kaimuki an see of Cologne, receiving the Grand Cross of Malta academy with 250 girls; undier the Franciscan Sis- in 1914. He was a member of the Prussian House ters a school for girls in Hilo with 325 children, of Lords in 1916, and was created Cardinal Priest Among the charitable institutions there are: 2 25 May, 1914, with the title of St. John at the orphanages, the Kapiolani Home for non-leprous Latin Gate. He died on the first anniversary of girls, the Bishop Home in Molokai for leprous girls the signing of the armistice. aiid women, and the Baldwin Home for boys and

_. _ . o T> Q^en on the same island, the Father Louis Home

Hauran, Archdiocese op. See Bostoa and ^^^ ^oys in Hilo, and the Malulani Hospital

Hauran. (County Hospital). In addition to these institu-

Hayaiia (San Cristobal db la Habana), Diocesb tions there is a colony in Honolulu of 55 girls, bom

OP (AvANENSis; cf. C. E., VII-153c), suffragan of of leper parents but not themselves afflicted, under

Santiago de Cuba, comprises the provinces of La the care of the Franciscan Sisters, and in Hilo

Habana and Matanzas, with an area of 2818 square Rev. Father Aloys has gathered together some 53

miles. The Catholic population is 500,000 and orphan or suffering boys. All the public institutions

there are: 100 secular priests, 80 regulars, 8 col- admit the priests and they are permitted to give

leges for boys with 1730 pupils; 14 boarding schools religious instruction to the Catholic children in the

. for young girls with 2200 pupils; 5 asylums, includ- public schools after classes are dismissed. The

ing 1 home for old people; 1 hospital; 2 houses of government gives financial support to the leper

the Good Shepherd; 60 schools for catechumens; homes and the home for children of leper parents.

57 parishes; and 55 churches and chapels. The The Apostleship of Prayer, Confraternities of the

present bishop is Rt. Rev. Pedro Gonzalfes y Holy Rosary and Holy Scapular, Sodality of the

fetrada, bom in Havana, 1865, appointed 16 Sep- Blessed Virgin, Propagation of the Faith, Society

tember, 1903, and consecrated 28 October following, of the Holy Childhood, Third Order of St^ Francis,

Hawaii, Vicariate Apobtouc of (cf. C. E., Columbus Welfare Club Young Men's and Young XIII-438a), formerly known as Sandwich Islands fa^^es Institutes, Holy Name Society and Catholic (Sandwigiensis in Oceania), comprises the Ha- ^a^^^ Society are established m the islands, waiian Islands which now belong to the United Healing Associations. See Christian SaENCs; States. According to the last census the entire ]^^y Thought population numbered approximately 256,912, com- prising native Hawaiians, Portuguese, Spaniards, Healy, John, Archbishop of Tuam, historian, b. Porto Ricans, Filipinos, Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, at Ballinafad, Sligo, Ireland, on 14 November, 1841 ; Caucasians. About 50 per cent of the native d. at Tuam on 16 March, 1918. He entered the Hawaiians are Catholic and in all there are from diocesan college at Summerhill, Athlone in 1860, 70,000 to 75,000 Catholics in the vicariate. and proceeding thence to JVIaynooth for philosophy

At the present time (1921) the vicariate is under and theology, was ordained in 1867. He next taught the administration of Rt. Rev. Libert Hubert for two years at Summerhill, and then spent seven Boeynaems, consecrated 25 July, 1903. The Church years in pastoral work. In 1879 he qualified for is constantly gaining ground in this territory, but the chair of classics and the chair of theology at the many different tongues spoken on the islands Maynooth College; selecting the latter he lectured is one of the greatest handicaps. On 20 November, there till 1883, when he was appointed prefect of 1921, word was received that the pope had approved the Dunboyne Establishment. The following years the transfer of the Hawaiian Islands by the Con- he was made titular Bishop of Macra and coadjutor gregation of the Propaganda to the jurisdiction of to Dr. Dugi;an of Clonfert, whom he succeeded in the Apostolic Delegation at Washington. The 1896; and in 1903 he was transferred to Tuam. islands were formerly under the jurisdiction of Archbishop Healy, who was only less interested in the Apostolic Delegation of Australia. Since 1912 the temporal than in the spiritual welfare of the the vicariate has lost many zealous workers from the Irish people, was an able administrator. He w.hs ranks of the clergy. Among these was Rev. a member of the commission that reported to Wendelin Moeller, of the Congregation of the Parliament on the Irish University question, and Sacred Hearts, successor to Father Damien in the it was largelv due to him in conjunction with Arch- Leper Settlement, bom in Germany 21 March, bishop Walsh that a solution of that problem, satis- 1850, ordained in Paris 26 May, 1877, transferred factory to Catholics, was reached. He was also a to Hawaiian Islands 1884, died 1 September, 1914. member of the Senate of the National University During the World War many of the citizens were of Ireland, a Governor of University College, Gal- drafted and one of the priests of the territory way, vice-president of the Society of Antiquaries served as their chaplain, but none of these men of Ireland, a momber of the Irish Board of Agricul- were sent overseas. However, numbers of the men ture and of the Royal Irish Academy. Brought in volunteered, and of these many gave up their lives, touch with nature in its wild and varied moods in

In all there are 30 churches and about 95 chapels Connaught, his natural gift of oratory rendered him

and missions, attended by 39 Fathers of the Sacred a charming extempore speaker, while some of his

Hearts and 1 priest of the Society of Mary. Works studied addresses, like his speech on the occasion

of education and charity are conducted by the of Edmund Burke's centenary and his address at

Brothers of Mary (from Dayton, Ohio) numbering the Eucharistic Congress in London were brilliant.

58, Franciscan Sisters (from SjTacuse, N. Y.) num- From his boyhood Archbishop Healy had an

bering about 24, and 7 Brothers of the Sacred enthusiastic devotion for St. Patrick, and to this

Hearts. love we owe his excellent "Life and Writings of

Very marked progress has boon made in oduca- St. Patrick," and the revival of the ancient pil- tion m recent years, and now St. Louis College grimage to the summit of Croaghpa trick, overlook- in Honolulu, under the Brothers of Mary, has an ing the Atlantic, where St. Patrick prayed and