Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/416

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During the European War Indiana funiished olic," of Indianapolis, and "The Grail," publiidied

106,581 soldiers or 2^ per cent of the United States at St. Meinrad.

Army, and 5516 to the "United States Navy^ In the j^ j, p^tbiarchatb op the (Indiakdm

nZ^^t^J^iTH^h-l^^f ^oZ«hL R^iid^ Obikntauum; cf. C. E., Vn-758d). erected in 1886.

t°h^' tt*St.Se SLdTud^'dSS^farextr?^ Sl^efr:^vreJ'ThV^su^Jef 'ffis^E^^e^SL^^

ment of artillery for the National G^ a^ Ohvei™ ^-Yano'valente'dlcl^im"'"'""

oflfered it to the Federal Government. For some "^ ^^ » » w t u , a^ w«.

unknown reason it was rejected as a unit, but went Indies, Wbst, Patrzarchatb of the (Indiarum

into active service through volunteer enlistment. Ocxjidbntauum), erected in 1620, and in 1886 united

The first American soldier killed in battle in France to the Archdiocese of Toledo. The purely honorary

was an Indiana man. Corporal James Bethel title of Patriarch of the West Indies was transferred

Gresham, of Evansville. The first shot fired against from the Archbishop of Toledo to the Bishop of

the Germans by an American gunner ^ fired by* Sion, Chaplain General of the Spanish Army, by

Sergeant Alex. Arch, of South Bend, Indiana. The Apostolic Letter of 9 December, 1920. summary of casualties among the Indiana members

of the American Expeditionary Force is as follows: Indo-Ohlna (cf. C. E., VII-765b) .— The territory

deceased, 57 officers and 1453 men: prisoners, 3 of this peninsula of Southern Asia is divided

officers and 53 men; wounded, 146 officers and 5054 politicaUy into Upper and Lower Burma, the Malay

men. Peninsula, the Empire of Siam, and French Indo-

Indiana ratified the Federal suffrage amendment China. For particulars concerning the first three

16 January, 1919, the twenty-dxth State to do so, see Bubma; India; Siam.

and the prohibition amendment 14 January, 1919, French Indo-China, a colony of France, with

the twenty-seventh State to do so. an area of 256,000 sq. miles and a population of

16,990,229 (1914), of whom 23,700 were European

Indianapolis, Diocese of (Indian afoutana; cf. (excluding military forces), consists of the colony C. E., VII-744a), comprises the southern half of of Cochin-China and the protectorates of Tong- Indiana. The population of the diocese (1920) is ki&g, Annam, Cambodia, and Laos. The territory 1,531,458, of whom 133,719 are Catholics, and of of Kwang-chau-wan, which was leased from China these 1000 are Italians and 3000 are Slovenians and for 99 years, is to be returned to China (1922). Slovaks. During the war most of the parishes were The inhabitants of Indo-China consist largely of active in welfare work, such as the Red Cross, Annamites (12,000,000), who are numerous in Liberty Bond sales, comfort kits, and books for Cochin-China, Annam, and Tong-king; Cambodians soldiers. The honor roll of the diocese shows 6738 (1,500,000) in Cambodia, and in provinces west of enlisted in the war, of whom 95 were killed or died. Cochin-China; the Thais in Ton^-king and Laos, Five diocesan priests were chaplains in the service where they still form a large portion of the moun- of the United States. Rt. Rev. Denis O'Donaghue. tain population; and the Chinese whose superior auxiliary Bishop of Indianapolis, was transferred commercial aptitude has given them command of to Louisville in 1910. Bishop Francis Silas Chatard the trade ana minor industries, died 8 September, 1918, and was succeeded by Rt. GovemmenL — ^The French power is represented Rev. Joseph Chartrand, b. 1870, ordained 1892, in the colony by the governor-general, who is also consecrated titular Bishop of Flavias and coadjutor supreme military authority. He is assisted by the Bishop of Indianapolis 15 September, 1910, elevated Superior Council of thirty-two members, which to the see of Indianapolis 25 September, 1918. meets once a year, generally at Hanoi, and con- Established in the diocese are the Benedictines, siders the budget of Indo-China and the five dif- Franciscans, Friars Minor Conventuals, Brothers of ferent states; when not in session the council delc- the Sacred Heart, and Brothers of the Holy Ooss. gates its functions to a permanent commission of Religious orders of women, are : Sisters of St. Bene- thirteen members. It corresponds to a legislative diet. Sisters of Charity, Poor Clares, Sisters of St. coimcil, and is composed of the governor-general F^ncis, Sisters of the Good Shepherd, Sisters of as president, the military and naval commanders- St. Joseph, Little Sisters of the Poor, Sisters of in-chief, the secretary-general of Indo-China, the Providence, Ursulines, and Sisters of Mercy. The governor of Cochin-China, the residents superior of diocese comprises: 145 parishes, 222 churches, 54 Tong-king, Annam, Cambodia, and Laos, the heads missions, 11 stations, 1 Benedictine Abbey (St. of departments of the government-general, the Meinrad's) with 107 religious, 2 convents of men president of the Colonial Council of Cochin-China, with 56 religious, 191 secular priests, 82 regulars, the presidents of the various chambers of commerce 21 lay brothers, 2763 Sisters, 3 seminaries with 83 and agriculture, two high native officials, and the seminarians, 2 colleges for men with 17 teachers and chief of cabinet of the {i^ovemor-general, who acts 174 students, 1 college for women with 16 teachers as secretary to the council. Each of the five states and 185 students, 4 high schools for boys with 17 has its own organization, at the heads of which teachers and 724 students, 8 academies for young are the residents superior, who are answerable to ladies with 40 teachers and 973 students, 2 normal the governor-general. Throughout Indo-phina schools with 17 teachers, 122 elemcntaiy schools Europeans can onlv be tried for serious criminal with an attendance of 20,163, 1 industrial- school offenses by French judges at specified centers, with 20 teachers and 200 students, 2 homes for There are native tribunals from which there is an the aged, 2 orphan asylums, 5 hospitals. The Cath- appeal to the two courts at Saigon and Hanoi, olic Community Center at Indianapolis is a settle- In these two courts the European judges, in matters ment house. Public institutions admitting the affecting the natives, are assisted by Annamite ministry of priests and Catholic visitors are the mandarins. Each state, province, and municipality state prison, state reformatory, and insane hos» has its budget. The revenue and expenditure of

gitals. Organizations among the clergy are St. the general budget in 1920 balanced at 57,092.640

lichael's, for deceased members, and the Clergy piastres. The outstandinfj; debt in 1920 was 403.-

Relief Union for the support of disabled priests. 000,000 francs. The military force totals 25,514

Many of the laity belong to the Knights of Uolum- men, and the naval force 2 gunboats, 4 torpedo

bus. Catholic periodicals arc the "Indiana Cath- boats, and 21 dispatch vessels. The recent policy of