Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/443

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Socialism in Slovenia, and one of the finest figures a canon penitentiary for the whole diocese, or an

in the history of modern Slavdom. He had repre- exempt religious superior over his own subjects,

sented Kamiola in the Austrian Parliament and Cardmals have no jurisdiction in cases in which

was an exemplary pastor, a wise political coun- there is a censure very specially reserved to the

sellor, and an indefatigable worker for the welfare Holy See or attached to the violation of the Holy

of the masses. He inaugurated a strong cultural See secre<^. A priest who is approved for hearing

movement amon^ the Slovenes and after his death confessions, and who has ordinary or delegated

in 1917 his work was ably carried on by his friend, jurisdiction, can licitly and validly absolve any

Dr. Anton Korosec, vice-president of the Servian vagus or person coming to him from another dio-

Cabinet in 1919, and a man of liberal views, who cese or parish, even if the person be a Catholic

embodies the democratic ideals of his countrymen, belonging to any Eastern Rite. No one should be

Catholic expectations, based on the unfidfilled granted faculties to hear confessions imless after

promises of Servian promoters of the Jugoslav examination; this does not apply, however, in the

movement, have been largely frustrated, and in case of a priest who is known to be well qualified,

the consequent disillusionment the Church passed Any priest who has been granted jurisdiction may

through several internal crises. In Croatia the be required to undergo another examination, if a

Belg^rade Government appointed as governor Dr. doubt arises as to his present skill as a confessor-^-

Lanjuja, a Croat politician conspicuous for his this applies even to parish priests and canon peni-

liberal, unecclesiastical proclivities, who attempted tentaries. Delegated jurisaiction is conferrea by

to impose the marriage laws of the Orthodox the ordinary of the place where the confessions are

Church on Catholics and was vigorously opposed to be heard; but religious must not exercise this

by the Archbishop of Agram. A so-called reform power without at least the presumed permission of

movement amongst the Catholic clergy in Croatia their superiors. No priest, whether he be a secular

similar to that which disturbed the Church in or a regular, can validly or licitly hear the confes-

Czechoslovakia, is now practically dead, owing to sions of female religious or novices without special

the loyal stand taken by the overwhelming majoritv authorization, and all privileges or private laws to

of the clergy. In spite of these unheavals, which the contrary are now express^^ revoked. This does

eventually will serve to 8treng[then Catholic or^ani- not, however, apply to cardinals; nor does it afifect

zation, the future of Catholicity in Jugoslavia is the permission that has been granted to nuns or

bright. Contact with the essence of Catholic teach- Sisters, of going to confession in any church or

ing will serve to dissipate racial and political ha- oratory, even semi-public (this has been interpreted

treds. A pioneer in this work of rapprochement is oJQScially as including any place designated in ac-

Mgr. Francesco Cherubino, titular archbishop of cordance with the law for the hearing of women's

Nicosia, first Papal Nuncio to Belgrade, appomted confessions), to a confessor authorized by the local

in 1920. In 1915 Servia sent a special mission to ordinary to hear the confessions of women; nor

the Holy See and in 1919 the legation of Jugoslavia finally does it limit the ri^ht which female reli|^ous

was erected. M. Louis Bakotic is the Envoy enjoy, when they are seriously ill, of calling m as

Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiaiy. confessor any priest authorized to hear women's

Jurisdiction (for confessions; cf. C. E., VHI- confessions.

567b).— No confessor can give valid absolution from A confessor loses his jurisdiction when his office

sin unless he has expressly received either in writing terminates, or if he is excommunicated, interdicted,

or verbally ordinary or delegated jurisdiction over or suspended from office by a declaratory or con-

the penitent. The pope and the cardinals have demnatoiy sentence. Holders of ordinary iurisdic-

ordinar^r jurisdiction over aU the faithful, local tion may delegate it wholly or in part, unless this

ordinanes, parish priests, and those who are in is expressly forbidden by the law; but neither parish

place of paridi priests have jurisdiction within the priests nor canon pemtentiary can delegate their

limits of their respective teiritories; so too has jurisdiction.