Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/480

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erected by and are under the Government super- musical education in parochial schools to enable the

vision, which contributes nothing towards the sup- people to take part m the liturgical singing, Mrs.

f>ort of the strictly Catholic institutions. The f ol- Ward, with the help and guidance of the Rev. J. B.

owing Catholic associations exist: for the clergy, Youn^, S.J., wrote her method of teaching music

Verband der Deutschen geistlichkeit, Ceicilien- in which she has accomplished the simplification of

Verein, Kirchenbau-Verein, Marian Congregation, a great art. This work forms the basis of the work

AiKociation for Priestly Perseverance, Adoration of the Pius X Institute of Litursical Music. The

Society; for the laity, Mariascheiner Association for first volume of the Justine Ward Method of Teach-

the support of Students, Press Association, Young ing Music was brought out in 1913. In this volume

Men's and Journeymen's Association, Catholic and in those which followed, music is treated as a

National League, Catholic School Association, basic element in the development of intellect and

Marian Congregations, League of the Sacred Heart, in the formation of character. Throughout Mrs.

There are 1 Catholic daily and 5 periodicals pub- Ward has carried out the principles and methods

lished. which Dr. Shields embodied in his Catholic Educa-

T4**io viAUTA*. «# TAono c T««-«. ^- -„^ ^^^^ SeHes of Primary Text Books, and she has

r3i^ T.^rsLJ^ ^^ ^^^^ "^ ^™ correlated as closely L possible with all the ele-

i^HiLD JESUS, SISTER. ^^^^ ^^ ^^ curriculum, always stressing those

Iilttle Kellle of Holy Ood. See Organ, Nelub. aspects of music which would enable the child and

T4f4>iA -PAnir Tkr^^c-. «« /T>-«„»^r, .^,»^r«« . ^t oldeT studeut to appreciate and take an effective

Little Eock,rhocESB op (PErRiCTJLANBNsis; of. rt in liturgical smging. Her idea is that music

?; ^;V.^ nf VrS?^'^' tl^^^'^^rL^trt being basic must notle Wrved for the gifted few,

fin^ hi P? p5^Tn».n^n Mr^rJ^ l33S ,'n TT.n ^ut must be brought within the grasp of eveo' child

filled by Rt. Rev. John B^orrw. bom m Hen- to use with ease and joy. To accomplish this result,

dersonviUe, Minnesota. 18W, ordained in 1892 ^^^^^^^^ j^ ^he primary grades begiii with the basic

served as yicar general of Nashville and was principles of miiic it^lf^ at first In terminal form,

appointed titular Bishop of Acmonia and coadjutor ^^^ gr^duaUy unfolding ii greater richness and com-

to Bishop Fitzgerald of Little Rock 6 April, 1906, piexfty, according to t& cfild's developing capacity,

succeeding to the see upon the death, of his pre- ^ the plan of the Justine Ward Method, muic

aI^^J?\ ^ff'^'pZl ^^A . J^® .t^T"?^^ iT takes its place from the venr first as a natural form

^?^® ♦'^ flj W ^"^j' ^Sl*?"^ cathedral is dedi- ^f expression. It is not to be something arbitrarily

cated to St. Andrew. In 1920 two important events i^^po^ed from without, arrived at throu|h imitation

occurred m the diocese, the opening of a boys ^^^ memorized by dreary repetiUon, but it is pre-

protectoiy at Armstrong Springs, and the founding ^^^^^ ^ ^^^^ / /g to become part of the

of the Diocesan Catholic Lay Council, 8 September, ^ji^,j,g ^^ thought. He is taught to read music

for the purpose of looking after poor missions. The ^ naturally as he reads and thinks in his native

following year bt. Johns Seminary was opened at lanimaKe The work begins with a sinitle note

Little Rock on 28 September The new Little Rode alwlys sung, for all music comes from singmg. Thi^

College has also been opened at a cost of S250m original note, out of which the whole system

tV^%S^^^^^ ^-^^ u \°*io^r^?* r *^ P^T^,?S^°^ develops, must be pure in quality, that the voice

?L^ t'^' comprising about 1275 Italians, 700 Poles, ^i^y ^e weU placed and the tone beautiful from

500 Lithuanians and Slovaks, and 455 negroes: the the start. The importance of the vocal work in the

remainder are Amencans of German and Irish method can hardly be over-emphasized, for where

descent. By latest statistics there are m the diocese there is no beauty of tone, there is no music, and

47 secular and 45 regular dergy, 10 lay Brothers, method*.

606 nuns, 1 seminaiy, 40 seminarians, 2 colleges for m. ' i » • • u- j • . i. i _v _- *u_

boys with 28 professors and 500 students, 8 acad- ^^7'^ *!?'P"'8 achieved in schools where the

emies, 1 nora^U school with 10 teachers and 100 °'«**i°<* "» V^ed has won for it much renOTm. The

students. 45 elementary schools with 700 teachers '^lr%\^^"lBL^^'\^„%f^^l- iJ^C

and attendance of 2940, and an industrial school, Yo"°g, SJ., whose thorough acquaintance wth

which will open this yekr. with 7 teachers and 60 X^IS^!.^!}?'^:^?!'^! ^!.'^'S' ^TP.X In ^v

pupils. The charitable institutions include St. Sf™i^i^,w«^ t^ f J^j^^Jfif nfJ^^.iS.^

Jo^ph's Orphanage, 5 hospitals, and 1 home at "?^^^^°* fi'^ i^,*"; *i^^ .^SnJ l?f hi "v^^i

?£»'^=inlJe?!n^^^J^A"^S^^^^^^ iJ^ ^ c^'^'X^ancTrthe ^^fc 2"Sf

f?a?er nd"thfE^Sr£fc"Lea^g5l a^rr^M ^f^-^^-^^ ^t'^^ll^^^^^nr^i^^

among the clergy, and the Knights of Columbus ** K^'/*^?^ WT* W^^'i^i'^^ if **\^ ^^^'

and Diocesan L^ Council amoni the laity. "The "8»'ted and which he had tes^ by actu^use m

Guardian." the official diocesan o?gan. was founded *'»^^T'^ *** *^^ 5w^' T?^:*^t» ^nfe »^J

in 1911 and now has a circulatiol of 3000. ^^i^e-'^^w^roflh^ltudfnr' *° '"' ""^

Lltnrglcal Music, Pius X Insttfutb op. founded In 1918, when Mrs. Ward founded the Pius X

in 1918 and established at the College of the Sacred Chair of Liturgical Music (the term "Chair" was

Heart, Manhattanville, New York City, by Mrs. changed to that of "Institute" when the scope of its

Justine B. Ward, author oftheJustine Ward Method work was no longer that of a Chair), at the Col-

of Teaching Music, for the purpose of concentrating lege of the Sacred Heart, little headway had been

on the systematic working out of the reform in made toward carrying out the Motu Proprio of

church music decreed by Pope Pius X in his Motu Pope Pius X. The Supreme Pontiff had urged that

Proprio on the subject. At the request and through music be restored to the people as a means of

the inspiration of the late Rev. Dr. Thomas Edward sanctiiication; that such music as was used by the

Shields, Dean of the Catholic Sisters College, Wash- Church must adequately express the content of her

ington, D. C, one of whose ^eat desires was to messiige and that these things be done, not in a

restore music to its true place m the field of Cath- spirit of bhnd obedience but with that alacritv of

olic education, and finally by means of a thorough will that springs from interior conviction of its