Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/482

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teacher-students in the Justine Ward Method, port as well as lending to it valuable influence. This extension teaching is carefully followed up by But in spite of financial aid secured from various the faculty of the Institute. Written examinationfl sources, the work of the Institute is not yet self- are required and certificates are awarded upon the supporting. This wiU probably take years to accom- successful passing of these examinations, wnich are plisn andf at present its needs arising from the conducted on the plan of the State Regents' tests, mass of work connected with the movement, are Sealed questions are sent out from the mstitute and great. Established as a Chair of the College of the the examination papers are returned to the center Sacred Heart, it has long since outgrown the space for correction and rating. Records are kept, and the allotted to it by the College and an adequate build- work of all teachers trained through the Extension ing and funds for supervisors are greatly needed. Work Department, as well as that of teachers who Through its extension work, schools m m,any im- come to the Institute, is carefully followed up from portant cities from Maine to California are working the center through its staff of supervisors. Diplomas m close co-operation with it in methods and pur- are awarded for practical work. In this way the pose. In May, 1022, the Society of Saint Gregory work has been made a living thing, constantly being held its fifth annual convention at Rochester, NT Y., developed to meet new needs discovered in the ex- under the auspices of the Rt. Rev. Thomas F. perience of teaching it. Two sessions a year are Hickey, Bishop of Rochester. The Institute was conducted by Mrs. Ward and Mother G. Stevens in represented by a class of children from the parochial the normal school, a summer session and a winter scnool of the Annimciation, New York City, tau^t session. The courses given include the Justine by Mother G. Stevens, who gave a demonstration Ward Method, harmony, psychology pedagogy and in the advanced work of the Justine Ward Method, elementary and advanced Gregorian Chajat. The School children of Rochester also took part in the courses in the Chant are always given by well demonstration of the Method, known authorities on the subject. Ci the summer Mrs. Ward has completed three volumes of her session of 1922, advanced Gregorian Chant was work and the fourth is nearly foiished. The latter given by the great master, Dom AndrS Mocquereau, deals exclusively with Gregorian Chant and has and a course in Gregorian Chant Accompaniment been written in close collaboration with Dom Moc- was given by Dom Desroquesttes, organist of Quarr quereau, who ^ves it the highest possible praise in Abbey, Isle of Wight, England. As an aftermath of the introduction which he himself has written, the Confess, widespread interest in. the movement Dom Mocouereau, more than any single figure, has showed itself in the greatly increased attendance at contributed by his researches to the restoration of the courses of study given in the Normal School of the Gregorian melodies to their original purity in the Institute. The student body includes Sisters of the form now embodied in the Vatican edition of almost every teaching order, priests and seminarians, the Gradual, which since its publication has become organists and choirmasters, as well as many pianists a matter of musical dogma to the Church. He and singing teachers among the laity who are in- is the authoritative interpreter of his own die- terested in new and progressive methods. Although coveries of rhythmic principles, which break away t^e work of the Institute is distinctly Catholic in from some of the rules which musicians of the last aim and purpose, the phenomenal musical results few centuries have held as axiomatic, but from obtained everywhere in the schools that are working whose shackles modern musicians are gradually free- imder its supervision, have aroused the interest of ing themselves. like Vincent d'Indy and^ other non-Catholic educators. The Justine Ward Method composers of our day, Dom Mocquereau denies the has been adopted in many of their private schools dominance of the first beat of the measure as being and the directors of these schools are working in of necessity a stressed beat; the stressed beat for close co-operation with the faculty of the Pius X the first measure he considers suitable only to the Institute. This branching out into the non-Catholic most obvious types of music. Those who have been field of education was partly brought about by a privileged to hear the Gregorian melodies as they number of influential ladies who attended the In- are sung at Quarr Abbey realize that they are shorn ternational Congress of Gregorian Chant and were of their charm when they move with a heavy beat, deeply impressed by the beauty of the children's when they crawl or ascend with painful jerks. They singing ana who witnessed at a public demonstration only become themselves when they rise and fall like given m Cathedral Hall during the days of the Con- clouds or like the flight of a bird. When our ^ess an exhibition of the method as it is conducted musical perceptions are lifted into a seraphic region m the class room. The beautiful quality of the where the art of singing becomes a matter of the children's voices and their power of sustaining an spirit rather than the vocal organs, then it is that absolutely true pitch without the support of an in- we begin to understand the meaning of that art strument have amased all who have heard them, which the Holy Spirit whispered into the ear of among whom have been manv musicians of inter- st. Gregory and we realize why it is that the national reputation. The children can read at sisht Church preserves for us one of her holiest treasures a new melody with as much ease as they read a — ^the traditional phrases of her Gregorian melodies, printed statement. They can write down a melody "What is more pleasing to God than to hear the at first hearing with equal facility. They analyze whole Christian people sing to Him in unison?" intelligently the melodies they hear, both as to (gt. Clement of Alexandria). To teach the people content and form. They improvise phrases and to sing to God is the task that the Pius X Institute responses with ease and delight and compose orig- of Liturgical Music aims to carry on under the inai melodies of musical value in two and three inspiration of Mrs. Ward to whom it owes its parts as well as in unison. After the meeting of foundation and life, the Congress, these ladies under the leadership of

Mrs. Adrian Iselin, formed themselves into a com- Liverpool, Archdiocbsb op (Livbrpoutanbnbis; mittee to work for the spread of the Justine Ward cf. C. E., IX-314a). in Lancaster County, J&igland. Method of Teaching Music in both public and On 28 October, 1911, Most Rev. Thomas Whiteside private schools, for they reco^ized in it an educa- was promoted to this see and filled it until his tional movement of power, i. e., this bringing of death, 28 January, 1921. During his administration a great art into the lives of the neople instead of he made an energetic campaign- against the three to the cultured few alone. For tnis purpose they great evils which he found in the diocese — mixed have given the Institute substantial financial sup- marriages, drinking, and poverty. He was sue-