Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/494

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liACeiO 47g MADRAS

to pass to the Orthodox Church, while the Serbs of Norodom/' a romance of the Far East; "The

seized two more and forced them to become CJonquest of Europe;" "The Light of Faith" (1905);

schismatic, putting to death one of the pastors. "The Mystery of the Holy Trinity in Oldest Judaism"

Large numbers of Catholics were massacred but (1916).

the exact number is not known. »» •_ _^ •, . , , ,

Mackeniie, Vigabutb Apoerouc or (db Mac-

Maceio, Archdiocbbb op (Macbjensis; cf. C. E., kenzib; cf. C. E., IX--504a), in Canada, suffragan I-244c), in the State of Alagoas, Brazil. This see of Edmonton, with episcopal residence at Fbrt was erected in 1900 under the name of Alagoas, but Resolution. By a decree of 1908 the limits of this a Decree of 27 August, 1917, changed it to the vicariate were somewhat changed and it now com- present title, and a subsequent Decree 13 February, prises that part of the Northwest Territory which 1920, raised it to the dignity of a metropolitan see. lies north of the 60° latitude, east of Yukon Ter- The first bishop, Rt. Rev. Antonio Manuel de ritory and west of the 100° longitude. The terri- Castilho-Brandao, died in Maceio, 15 March, 1910, tory is entrusted to the Oblates of Mary Immacu- and his death was deeply mourned throughout the late, the present vicar being Rt. Rev. Gabriel- diocese, his zeal and devotion having been greatly Joseph-Elie Breynat, appointed in 1901 and conse- appreciated by his people. He had made himself crated titular Bishop of Adramattium 6 April, much loved, and almost all the dioceses of Brazil 1902. Latest statistics (1922) credit the vicariate held' solemn services for the repose of his soul. The with a Catholic population of 4500; 19 regular second bishop was appointed in the person of Rt. cler^, 31 religious women (Gray Nuns), 2 hospitals. Rev. Manuel Antonio de Ohveira Lopes, bom in 2 dispensaries, 12 churches, and 4 schools. Sao GouQalo de Campos, Brazil, in 1861, ordained

1886, served as a pastor and canon of the cathedral MacSwiney, Tebence; the famous Lord Mayor of Bahia, founded the journal "O Mensageiro de of Cork, b. on 28 March, 1879; d. at Brixton prison F6," was appointed titular Bishop of Tabia 25 of a hunger strike on 26 October, 1920, which he January, 1908, and made coadjutor to the Bishop began as a protest against English rule. The strike of Fortaleza, and transferred 26 November, 1910. lasted seventy-three days. When the Irish "Rising" By the Decree which raised Maceio to an archdio- occurred he was frequently in jail, and at one time cese he was named first archbishop. This territory in e»le; when his mtimate friend, Thomas Mac- covers an area of about 22,525 sq. miles and com- Curtain, the Lord Mayor of Cork, was murdered, prises a total population of 800,000. No statistics MacSwiney was elected in his place. He is the are pubhshed. author of "Principles of Freedom.

Macerats and Tolentino, United Dioc!B8bb of Madagascar. See Dieqo-Suarez, Fianarantsoa,

(Magbratbnbib bt Tolbntinbnsis; cf. C. E., IX- Tananarive, Vicariates Apostolic of; Antsirabr

492a), in the Marches, Central Italy, suffragan of Prefecture Apostolic of. Fermo. This see is filled by Rt. Rev. Domenico

Pasi, bom in Faenza, Italy, 1870, served as a pastor ICadelelne-Soplile Barat, Blessed (cf. C. E.,

and was named a prelate of the Holy See in 1909, II-283b), was beatified 24 May, 1908, by Pope Pius

prothonotary apostolic 3 August, 1912, and ap- X, and her feast is celebrated 25 May.

pointed titular Bishop of Philadelphia, 9 September, -. - . ^,, . ^

1913, and made auxiliary and vicar general of the Madras, Archdiocese of (Madraspatan; cf. C.

Diocese of Comacchio, and then administrator of E., VI-603c), now has a Catholic population of

the Diocese of Ferrara. He was promoted 15 about 58,246, divided as follows: 30,000 Telegus,

December, 1919, to succeed Rt. Rev. Romolo 20,000 Tamilians, and 8000 Anglo-Indians, out of

Molaroni, appointed 30 September, 1916, died 14 a total heathen population of nine million. On

August, 1919. By a Brief of 21 April, 1921, the 12 February, 1911, Archbishop Colgan died after

Sanctuary of Our Lady at Macerata, which bears twenty-nme years m this see. He was nominated

the title of Mary, Mother of Mercy, was erected Bishop of Aureliopolis and Vicar Apostolic of

into a minor basilica. The statistics of 1920 credit Madras in 1882, and raised to the archiepiscopal

Macerata with a Catholic population of 31,112 dignity by the decree of 25 November, 1886, and

Catholics, 17 parishes, 65 secular and 6 regular ^as nominated assistant at the papal throne on

clergy, 30 seminarians, 5 Brothers, 63 Sisters, and ^^^ occasion of his golden jubilee. He died at the

92 churches and chapels. Tolentino has 15,090 «^§6 o^ eighty-six, and was buried in the Cathedral

Catholics; 8 parishes, 28 secular and 9 regular of St. Mary of the Angels. His successor is the

clergy, and 48 churches and chapels, Most Rev. Jean Aelen, D.D., of the Mission Hill

Fathers. He was bom at Waspite, Holland, in

McGloln, Frank, jurist and publicist, b. at 1854, and was named titular Bishop of Themisonium

Gort, Galway, Ireland, on 22 February, 1846; d. in December, 1901, and coadjutor to the Archbishop

in New .Orleans in September, 1921. The son of of Madras in 1902.

Patrick and Nora (Comber) McGloin, he was brought In 1921, on 4, 5 and 6 of January, the All Indian

to New Orleans in early childhood, and fought in Marian Congress was held at Madras, and was pre-

the Confederate Army, after which he was ad- sided over by the Apostolic Delegate to India,

mitted to the bar. He was one of the chief assistants Archbishop Pisani. This congress, originally in-

of the late Chief Justice White, in his fight, as an tended to be held in 1914, had the war not in-

attomey, against the Louisiana lotteries. In 1880 he terfered, was, when finally accomplished, an imprea-

was appointed Justice of the Louisiana State Court of sive manifestation of the Catholic Faith. It waa

Appeals. A zealous Catholic, he was one of the the first Marian Ci^ngress ever held on the continent

Ant-_.i_ •_ » . . - . . , ., , ... Catholics,


  • »*****^, w-^ *— — ~- t" — « -* v..^ .<^><-x.vT iiuixi vuc ^wi^co^^, »T*i,« ***o **«,, ^^^L*^^ face to the

of the Holy Spirit, the builder of St. George's Chapel, distinctive Madrassi; at least twenty different lan-

Siegen, Louisiana, and one of the founders of the guages were being spoken in this great gathering.

Catholic Winter School. In 1910 he was made a All the bishops and archbishops of India attended

Knight Commander of the Order of St. Gregory by or sent representatives and the apostolic delegate.

Pope Pius X. Among his writings are: "The Story speaking to the 1200 assembled in the hall, which