Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/496

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Bchools shall make such statistical and other re- tional amendment was re-eubmitted to a popular

ports as the State superintendent may require. vote, and retained by a majority of 758 votes. The

State Government. — ^The following have been national Prohibition Act was ratified in 1919 by

addeid as heads of State departments: 2 highway the State legislature.

commissioners, 1 bank commissioner, 3 public The State constitutional amendment of 1841 for-

utilities commissioners, a deputy secretary of State bidding the legislature to loan the credit of the

commissions and corporations, a commissioner of State, directly or indirectly, or to increase the State

labor and industry, a superintendent of public build- debt over $300,000, except in emergency cases, was

ings, a commissioner of health, 3 industrial acci- felt by many to be a serious obstacle to the

dent commissioners, a commissioner of harbor and development of Maine, but in 1912 the State was

tidal waves, a live stock sanitary commissioner, 3 allowed to increase a debt of not over 12,000,000

prison commissioners, and one woman factory in- for highway purposes. In 1913 another law allowed

spector. The commission of inland fisheries has the legislature to tax intangible personal property

been reduced from three to one member. There without regard to the rate applied to other classes

are also appointed 3 for the board of accountancy, of property. In 1915 child labor was prohibited in

4 instead of 8 for the public health council, 4 em- factories or mercantile establishments, and in the

balming examiners, and 3 for the board of arbitra- same year the Workmen's Compensation Act was

tion and conciliation. nassed. In 1916 the first national park east of the

JuDiaAL Department. — Superior Courts have Mississippi River, comprising 500 acres, known as

been established in the counties of Cumberland, the Sieur de Montes National Monument, was

Kennebec, Androscoggin, and Penobscot. Maine created on Mount Desert Island. In 1918 the legis-

has 20 cities, 434 towns, and 69 plantations. The lature passed an Act forbidding the feeble-minded

State Board of Charities and Corrections, estab- to marry. The federal suffrage amendment was

lished by the Legislature of 1913, is composed of ratified on 5 November, 1919.

five members, unsalaried, one of them a woman, Prisons and Reformatories. — There is a county

appointed by the governor and with the consent jail in each county, except Lincoln and Sa^adorhoe,

of the council. The board appoints a salaried which use jails in other counties. There is an In-

secretary and other agents. The board is required dustrial School for Girls at Hallowell, a State

to investigate and inspect the whole system of Reformatory for IVomen at Skowegan (1915), and

public charities and correctional institutions of the one for men at Windham (1919).

State, to examine into the conditions and the Rbcbnt History. — ^During the European War

management of all prisons, jails, reform schools, Maine contributed 24,252 soldiers to the U. S.

schools of a charitable and correctional nature, and Army (0.65% ) . The members of the national guard

all such institutions as hospitals, houses, sani- joined the 26th Division, and those of the national

tariums, orphanages, to give its opinion of their drafted army the 76th Division, both at (}amp

organization and to pass upon all plans for new Devens. The summary of casualties among the

institutions under their supervision. It acts ex Maine members of the American Expeditionary

officio as a board of mother's aid, and also as a Forces is as follows: deceased, 21 officers, 497 men;

board of children's guardians. A number of asso- prisoners^ 2 officers, 15 men; wounded, 64 officers,

ciations, hospitals, and other institutions receive 1491 men.

appropriations from the State, and are subject to For ecclesiastical history see Portland, Diocesk

supervision by the State board, as long as they of. receive such aid. Appropriations are made for

certain charitable and benevolent institutions, not Bfainx Diocese of, (MAGUNnNENsis; cf . C. E.,

and St. Mary's General Hospital at Lewiston. April , 1921) with the right of succession, succeedinjc

Overseers of the poor, not to exceed seven in num- 7 March, 1912, consecrated 10 April, 1921, published ber, are chosen by each town. The semi-inter- 15 April, 1921. The diocese is divided into deaneries mediate sentence law is applicable to all State and 188 parishes and contains 186 parish priests, 1 institutions, for each of which the governor acts rector, 8() curates, 43 priests in other positions, and as a parole board. Any property left to educa- 20 who are pensioned or on leave of absence. The tional,. charitable, relieious or benevolent institu- diocesan seminary has 10 professors and 60 students, tions is exempt from the inheritance tax. A legis- The only male order existing in the diocese is that of lative Act of 1913 allowed any corporation or the Capuchins with 3 houses (Mains, Bausheim and association holding funds bequeathed for religious, Dieburg), 19 Fathers and 17 brothers. The female moral, and benevolent purposes to transfer the orders are: Sisters of Mercy from the mother-house same to another corporate body for similar pur- at Trier, 2 houses, 26 Sisters; English Ladies, 7 houses, poses with the approval of the resident judge. 271 Sisters; Franciscan Sisters from Aachen, 3 houses, Lbgislativb Changes.— Maine was the first State 27 Sisters; Franciscan Sisters of the Perpetual Ador- to enact prohibition. The first prohibition law, ation, 1 house, 42 Sisters, Sisters of Divine Provi- passed through the influence of Neal Dow in 1851, dence, mother-house at Mainz, 85 filial houses, 657 was repealed. In 1850 another law went into effect, Sisters; Sisters of the Most Sacred Redeemer, mother- but the enforcement was very lax. In 1884 an house at Niederbronn, 23 houses, 230 Sisters* Sisters amendment was voted into the State constitution, g^ *^® Good Shepherd, 1 house, 29 Sisters; Sisters of forbidding the sale of liquor except to invalids. St. Vincent de Paul, 9 houses, 137 Sisters. Though the Legislature of 1905 enacted the Sturgis

Law, creating a State Enforcement Commission, Maitland, Diocesb op (Maitlandensib; cf. C.

prohibition has always been considered a farce in E., IX-555d), in New South Wales, Australia, is

the State. The extreme bitterness of the campaign suffragan to the Archdiocese of Sydney. It has

and the accompanying charges of fraud led to the been growing steadily in recent years during the

initiation and passage of the Davies Direct Primary incumbency of the present bishop, Rt. Rev. Patrick

law, which applies to the election of county officials Vincent Dwyer, and now numbers a Catholic popu-

as well as federal officials. In 1912 the constitu- lation of some 38,000. of whom 36,000 are Aus-