Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/516

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are as follows: The superintendent of public in- Houses, without a single dissenting vote, ratified

struction has supervision of all the private, denomi- the Federal Woman Suffrage Act on 10 June, 1919,

national and parochial schools of the State. The and the Federal Amendment on 2 January, 1919.

sanitary conditions of such schools, the courses of In that year abo, boxing was prohibited on Sunday,

study therein, and the qualifications of the teach- and on Saturday if contmued into Sunday,

ers thereof must be of the same standard as pro- History. — On 22 December, 1917, five Grermans

vided by the general school laws of the State. No were convicted and sentenced in the United States

person can teach in any of the regular or elemen- District Court at Detroit, on indictnients for inaugu-

tary g^des in any private, denominational, or rating in Michigan military enterprises against Can-

Earocmal school without a certificate qualifying ada while the United States was still at peace im or her to teach in like grades of the pub{ic with Germany. The leader was connected with schools of the State. No money can be appropri- attempts to blow up the Welland Canal and other ated or drawn from the treasury for the benefit structures of military importance. In 1918 the trial of any religious sect or society, theological or re- of United States Senator Newberry for exceeding ligious seminary, nor can property belonging to the expenditure limit in securing his nomination the State be appropriated for any such purpose, and election roused a great deal of interest. It Incorporated academies or other literary institu- culminated in his conviction and sentence to two tions must annually report to the State Superin- years in Leavenworth Penitentiary. The case was tendent property, income, enrollment, course of appealed. On 12 January, 1921, the Senate voted studies, textbooks, etc. In 1920 great bitterness 46 to 41 to seat him but expressed their disap- arose over a proposed amendment to the State proval of his election expenditures. Constitution, designed to compel all children below During the European War Michigan sent into eighth grade to attend the public schools. It was the United States Army 135,465 soldiers, or 3j61 defeated by a 2 to 1 vote. The proposal was bit- per cent of the force. The Michigan members of terly fought by the private school interests and the national guard formed a part of the 32d Division those religious denominations who maintain schools at MacArthur, Texas, and those of the national of their own, as well as by many who oppose re- army joined the 85th Division at Custer, Michigan, ligious strife. Although the State attorney-general The summary of casualties of the Michigan mem- declared the amendment unconstitutional, the bers of the American Expeditionary Force was as supreme court decided that it should be submitted follows: deceased, 124 officers, 2627 men; prisoners, to the people. 6 officers, 84 men; wounded, 251 officers, 7277 men. The University of Michigan in 1919 had 555 in- For ecclesiastical history see Detroit, Diocese of; fltnictors, and 8857 enrolled students, the State Grand Rapids, Diocese of; Marquette, Diocese of. Agricultural CoUege had 158 instructors and 1753 Michoacan (or Mechoacan), Archdiocese of Si^nf fn;ri!!fif?^^^^^^^^^ wf^ ° T^^^' (MiCHOACANENSi8;cf.C.E.,X-i82c), in Mexico, is I?nn- f^^' ro%T«-: J Q* f"^^ T^"" ^"""^ appropria- ^^ metropolitan, with residence at MoreUa. The mU Kifrr. i^'Z^^^li*!^ I!!?! i^..?^i J fl" Rev, liSpold Ruiz Flores, b. 13 November, 1865,

employ 266 iMtructors and have an average of j^^ed 1 October, 1900, consecrated 27 December

340 pupils. The School for the Bhnd has 18 knowing, promoted as krchbishop of Linares, 14

m^ructors and about 165 pup^; the Employment Septem&r, 1907, transferred to Michoacan at the

giatitute, 8 mrtructors and 90 pupils, the State consistory of 27 November, 1911, to succeed Most

K l^^**"^"" 8 teachers 9 coUage managers and Re^. Antinogenes SUva (b. 26 August, 1848; d. 26

about 632 inmates. A State Training Scliool for Pebru^, 1911). In 1914 Mgr. Ruiz y Flores went

Women was estabhshed m 1917. r ,n,« into exile disguised as a drover. The Revolutionists

REM(noN.-The Federal Rehgw^ set a price upon his head, b'ut in 1919 he safely

published m 1918 giv^ the foll9wing ,. statistics: returned to his see.

Cathdics, 1,171,381; Methodist Ep^^ Statistics of the Archdiocese for 1922 give: 63 931; Episcopalians, 40^726; Baptists. 170,452;^^^^ parishes, 400 churches, 57 succursal parishes, 5 bytenans, 114j857; Disciples of Chnst, 116,639; chaplaincies, 246 secular and 91 regular clergy, 1 ^t^oSa"^^ 187,746; Jews, 33,377; Congregationalists, seminary with 299 seminarians, 1 home, 2 asylums, 57,926. 2 hospitals. No priests are admitted in public Recent Lbqislativb Changes.— These include a institutions; none of the schools or institutions receive new State Constitution, adopted 3 November, 1908. Government grants. Associations organized among It has been amended several times to give the the laity are: the Knights of Columbus, the Associa- people the initiative and referendum on legislative tion of the Fathers of Families, the Catholic Workere, matters and constitutional amendments, and author- the Catholic Association of Mexican Youth, the ity to recall elective officers, except judges. In Society of Catholic Workmen. Two weeklies are 1912 the Presidential Primary Bill waj9 passed, as published. The Catholic population is estimated at well as an Employer's Liability Bill. On 1 May, 900.000, of Spanish and Indian descent. 1918, state-wide prohibition went into effect by Events of importance since 1914 are: the perse- means of an amendment to the State Constitution, cution against the Church, confiscation of churches, In 1919 the Legislature permitted religious societies colleges, schools; religious instruction prohibited in to receive gifts, although the real estate received private schools and the cler^ forbidden to direct must be sold if unused for ten years; prohibited educational institutions; 30 priests exiled, the exile of sex discrimination in payment of wages, and pro- the priests of Morelia being prevented because of the vided for the primary election of township officials, protest of the people en masse; the 2 most ancient The following were created in that year: State churches of Morelia, built in 1541, were demolished. Police, Public Utilities Commission, State Athletic the stones being employed to macadamize the streets. Board of Control, Board of Examiners of Architects, The Socialists penetrated the cathedral and broke Surveyors, and Engineers, an Industrial Commis- with their fists the statue of Our Lady of Guadeloupe; sion, and a Commission to investigate the disputed the Catholic Association of Mexican Youth was boundary between Wisconsin and Michigan. Both severely persecuted, of whom about ten were iin->