Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/523

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M188I0NAME8 507 MlSSlSSttM

province was formed in 1914 with headquarters at in the vicariate and, beffldes, 4 orphanages, 1 college

Guatemala City. In Colombia a novitiate of the for sons of native chiefs, 2 coUeges for catechiste,

province of that name was established at Bogota. 1 coUege (scholastic-catechistical) to develop native

In Chile the Archbishop of Valparaiso entrusted teachers, recognized by Endmh Government, .« 

to the French Lasarists the suburb of Playa Ancha semmanes (upi>er and lower) iwth 60 native studente,

of that city. The territory of Arauca in Colombia 1 monastery with a number of young »»t>7e *o™en

was erected into a prefecture apostolic in 1918. who aroire to become auwbary Sisters, 1 pra«m?

Ft. Emile Larqufere is first prefect apostolic. In estabhshment where a ™ont"Lr^*^i^ wi,mrri^

the same republic the district of Tierra-dentro, Dio- and religious books are prmted 1 •'^ '^ bSlt

cese of Popayan, is entrusted to the Congregation school where houses and movable chiu^hes are built

of the Misl^^on. In 1921 Ft. August Blessing. Vice- to be earned to the stations and a va^J*"" ^^ich

Visitor of Costa Rica, was named Vicar Apostolic provides food .«"PPi»^./°'.„f *^« J^**^^: ^'!

of Port Limon. recently created a vicariate. The are 60 pnests m the vicariate and each station has a

new Kenrick Seminary and the preparatory school school. „,„„„„ „« ♦),:. c,^ mioiinn thp

of the diocese of 8t. Louis are recent foundations „ In view of the succe^ of this fii^ m^<^^

in the Western Province of the United States, and P^f^*"** ?f ^*iS !?",*^f^:tri^^riS of^^

St. Joseph's College. Princeton. N. J., in the Eastern «» 1913 and entrusted *° "'t^^^o'^WV*^^^^

Provinc^. Duringthe Mexilsan revolution most f^^- ??7^"^ M,^Sidd?n to enter sS, it

of the houses of fhe congregation in that -puMc ^^^Y? befo^tL" F:^hers'°eS"as^i^^

ILrpr^^ce'^S'be^lTsWlS^SutS: '^ E^M^Lr'^T^e ^s "Si?ot' T^?

8T^TI8T,C8.-Thepf«ent number of houses of the ^i^S^'^ft^iasS, X r^lS" at" I^.

Congregation of the Mission is 348, of which 85 are V„ "S! " «* CTrX lCli«,ionarie8 of the Consolata

In the past year the Missionaries of the Consolata • * -^1-— i:->-> :- T_: — -'hichis


17 are m liurope, 4 in Affla,j m Ainca s in iNortn ^^ g^ Africa, now British territory, and en-

Amenca, and 1 m the East Indies. The present ^^^to the Germii Benedictines.

number of members is rfwut 3000. Owing to the ^ mother-house of the institute, which in the

great war vocations m France, Germany, Austna, wi^j^g could scarcely shelter 40 persons, has now

and Italy have dwindled considerably. In Poland, be^ra^erred to a new and commodious buUding,

Spam, Ireland and the United States the number ^^^j^ capacity for 250 persons, divided into four

of vocations has rather increased than dimmished. ^^^^ ^ namely: coO^ for students, seminary,

In the Latin American provinces there is great „^,^x:„*r ^r^A inninAnHp^t hoiiae for missionary

dearth of vocations to

of number and class of seculars cared for are not ^^^^ ^^e founding of

avadable except for foreign missions and panshes. f ^j^^ ^^ ^^ ^^i^ ^lencs in the seminary were called

In the Northern Province of China which com- ^^^j^^ ^ j^^^. ^ relatively numerous personnel was

prises five vicanates, there are 46W83 Catholics niaintained at the mission stations,

in a total population of about 21,000,000. There ^ m ^m a xt «r

were in 1921 : 20,654 catechumens, 10,484 pagan Mlaaionary Church Aflsoclation. See W b w

adults baptized, 8245 children of Christian parents, Thought.

and 96,022 children of pagans. In the Southern Missionary Society of St. Paul the Apostle. —

Province there are six vicariates with a Catholic gi^ce igii new foundations have been made asfol-

population of 130,742, an increase of 62,547 in ten lows- In New York City the Good Shepherd parish

years. China is the most promising mission field ^^^^ Newman Hall at Columbia University; in

in charge of the congregation. Whilst French Toronto Canada, St. Peter's parish and Newman

Lazarists are still in the majority in the Chinese ^all at the University of Toronto; in Minneapolis,

missions, other provinces of the congregation are Minn., St. Lawrence parish; in Portland, Oregon,

imitating the apostolic zeal of those pioneers who g^ Philip Neri's parish; and in Rome, Italy, a

for more than a century have borne the burden of residence and house of studies. At present the

the day and the heats. American, Irish, and Italian number of priests is 75, and the number of Paulist

provinces have already begun to help towards the students in preparation for the priesthood is 50.

conversion of the Celestial Empire to the One ju igjg on the death of Very Rev. John J.

Faith of Christ. Patrick McHalb. Hughes, Very Rev. Thomas F. Burke succeeded him

as superior general. Among the recently deceased Missionaries of the Oon8olata-(TnRiN). — Canon are: Fr. George M. Searle, a former superior gen- Giuseppe Allamano, rector of the Sanctuary and q^bI; Fr. Micnael P. Smith, a noted missionary; Convent of the Consolata in Turin realized the need Fr. 'Gilbert Simmons, for many years associated of an Institute to train foreign missioners in that ^ith the work of the Catholic World; Fr. Charles region, so in 1890 he composed a rule planned prin- j Powers, one of the consultors; and Fr. Hugh cipally for missionaries destined to evangelize Africa, g^ft of the Tennessee foundation. In 1900 his idea was approved and in June, 1901, ' ^, /. , « . ^ uir- • • • he opened the Institute in Turin and two missionary BlissisBippi.— The area of the State of Mississippi priests were sent to Tuso, in the Vicariate Apostolic is 46,865 square miles. In 1920 its population was of Zanzibar (Eastern Africa), arriving there in June, 1,789,384, of which 853,962 were whites and 935.184 1902. Here the work was started anong uncivilized negroes, with 1105 Indians and 364 Chinese. There natives of the Kenya district, and in spite of dif- were 4968 males and 4968 female foreign-bom; totals ficulty of language and other hardships, the king was 8019. The number of mal^ of voting age was baptised and in three years 12 stations were es- 441,331; of females, 434,775. Of these 215,098 males tablished. The Sisters of Blessed Cottolengo came and 206,561 females were white; 225,700 males and to aid them. In 1905 this province of Kenya was 227,963 females of negro blood. Of the illiterate erected into an independent Mission and in 1909 into males of voting age 9801 were native whites, 489 a vicariate apostolic with Mgr. Filippo Perlo (one were foreign-bom whites, 81,671 were negroes; of of the first two missioners) as vicar, with residence at the illiterate females 8063 were natives, 493 were Limourou. To day over 20 stations are established foreign-bom, and 81,210 were negroes. Illiteracy