Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/532

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Moravia. See Czechoblavia. Andalusia. In 1677 the Franciscans were expelled

by the Sultan Muley Ismael, but they returned in

Moravian Brethren. See Plymouth Bbbthren. iggg to take up their work. From that date the

•Kff^.^^^. / f i-. T? V cTA \ T o«T,=^« ^» Mission continued to flourish until the secularisation

Mormons (cf C. E., X-570c). -I. Church of of the religious orders in Spain, when the Mission was

Jesus Chwst OP Latter Day Shinto. -According to ^^^^^ extinguished, only two missionaries being left

the United States reports for 1906 and 1916 this ^ Morocco. In 1859 the Mission was restored and

organization showed considerable growth in every ^ ^^y ^^ established in Cuenco for missionaries

particular m the United States during the decade. ^ the Holy Land and Morocco. This college was

^^^^iSe^inl^P^'tSlx^^^^ membera (as compared transferred in 1862 to Santiago de ComposteUa, where

with 205,796 in 1906), 905 church edifices and con- it exists today . With this add the Mission experienced

tnbutions of $1,192,980 for missions and benevo- ^^^^ favorable years, the prefecture apostolic was

lences. The total number of ministers was 4790. restored, and continued until 1908, when it was

Foreign missionary work is earned on in Australia, j^jg^^j ^ ^ vicariate. Father Francisco Maria Cer-

Great Bntain, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the ^^^ O. F. M., who had been prefect since 1896 was

Scandinavian countries, Switzerland, Mexico, Japan, ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^j titular bishop of Fesse®, with resi-

India, the Society Islands, Africa, Samoa, and many jence at Tangier.

islands of the Pacific Missionary work in Ger- ^^ vicariate* contams 22 quasi-parishes; 30 many, Austria, and Turkey, including Palestine, was churches: 15 chapels and oratories; 42 stations; 1 discontinued during the war In 1916 the church convent with 13 religious; 69 regular priests (Fran- reported m the foreign fields 1183 missionaries, ^79 ciscans); 100 secular priests (chaplains); 36 lay native helpers, and. 75,450 communicants. The brothers; 158 Sisters; 9 schools for boys, 19 teachers, president of the Mormon church (1921) is Heber J. 1500 pupils: 8 schools for giris, 17 teachers, 1400 G^^ot- pupils; 4 schools for small children, 5 teachers, 200

II. Reorganized Chukch op Jesus Christ op pupils; 2 Franciscan Colleges for secondary education.

Latter Day Saints. — ^The death of Joseph Smith, in 1 Marist, 1 Marianist; schools for catechists with

1844, was followed by the development of several ngg pupils; 1 higher school in Tangier where the

factions among the Latter Day Saints. According to missionaries give a course in law, 3 hospitals. There

many it was one of these factions and not the orig- are numerous schools sustained b^ the different

in^ body which, imder the leadership of Brigham Governments, some of which the missionaries visit

Yoim^, settled in Salt Lake City. According to and explain Christian doctrine to the students,

this view the original body was scattered through- There are numerous institutions for both sexes, ten

out the Mississippi valley. Some of these scat- of which are religious, the others are charitable and

tered members and a few congregations that had under the vigilance of the missionaries. There are

preserved their identity effected a partial reor- numerous daOy papers which have a Catholic char-

ganization in Wisconsin in 1853, which was after- ,acter but are moependent of the Mission. The

wards completed under the name "Reorganised Mission possesses a printing establishment, where

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints." This many works of importance are printed and edited,

organization claims to be the true and lawful con- The missionaries have also an omcial meteorological

tinuation of and successor to the original Church observatory.

of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The chief The indigenous element of the coimtry is composed

point of doctrinal difference was the repudiation of of five distinct races. Moors, Arabs, Berbers, and

the revelation of plural marriage. In 1860 they negroes, who profess the religion of Mohammed, and

were joined by Joseph Smith, the son of the the Jews. There are besides numerous foreigners oj

prophet. He was presiding officer until his death different European and American nationality. The

m 1914, when he was succeeded by his son. The area is about 496,990 square miles and the population

headquarters of this church are now at Lamoni, is estimated at 10,000,000, which include 300,000

Iowa, although the largest branch is at Indepen- Hebrews, 100,120 Catholics, and the rest, excepting

dence. Mo. a few Protestants, are Mohammedans.

The two bodies reported, in 1921, 1740 churches, Among the recent missionaries of especial note who

9790 ministers, and 494,388 members in the United have died is Father Jos6 Tuchundi, prefect apostolic

States. from 1877-96, an excellent religious, a worthy supe-

La Rue, Foundation of Mormoniwi (New York, 1919) ; ^ior diplomat and Arabist. He took part in numer-

•KT A wiBRTO was when he carried Sultan Muley Hassan s jelicita-

iN. A. WBBKB. ^.^^g ^ p^p^ j^ ^jjj ^^ yg sacerdotal iubilee m

Morocco, Vicariate Apostolic of; (cf. C. E., 1888. He wrote many works concerning the Arabs,

X— 574b) .—Morocco is the country which forms the facilitating to the Spanish the study of theur language,

northwest comer of Africa, formerly an independent His funeral was attended by the consular and dip-

sultanate but now occupied by Spanish and French lomatic services of the different nations and an

troops. The country is today in an unsettled con- immense crowd of Christians, Moors and Jews, who

dition and there has been considerable fighting with venerated him as a scholar and samt.

the Moors in the Spanish zone, which lies on the The French part of Morocco has been separated

Mediterranean; the French have a protectorate over and entrusted to the French Franciscans, whose

a large part of the country and a small section in the superior. Father Mane-Lucien Dane, is vicar general

extreme northwest which includes Tangier (Tanger), of that distnct for Mgr. Cervera.

the most important port, is a neutral zone. The , . . . _ _. .

mission in Morocco (Marreucos) dates from the Mossul (cf. C. E., X— 598d) , m Asia Mmor, the

thirteenth century. In 1219 St. Francis of Assiei seat of a Chaldean archdiocese, a Sjrnan diocese, and

sent five of his or0er to evangelize the Moors. The an Apostolic mission. The Chaldean patriarch,

five Franciscans were martyred in the city of Morocco resident in Mossul, is His Excellency Emmanuel

(Marrakich) in 1220. For reasons completely for- Joseph Thomas, b. 1852, ordamed 1879. elected

eign to the Franciscan order the mission suffered a Bishop of Seerth 1890, promoted to the Chaldean

short period of decadence but was restored in the patriarchate of Babylon 1900. In the Chaldean

year 1630 by the martyr St. Juan de Prado, from archdiocese there are 31,900 Catholics, 46 sof-ulnr