Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/537

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Doctor Murphy's reputation as a surgeon of the ^MoVNraAN. The John B. Murphy Oratwn '^nSurg^,

«.i^««<^<.t olriil nrkr^A fA/tk*«;ii.»A r.**A ^A^k^^o ^c Gyneeoloav and OhBUtncM (December, 1920) ; Mayo. The

greatest sklU whose technique and methods of jj^ jr^ ^ Murphy Oration in Surgery, Gynecdogy

operating were enabhng him to aCCOmphsh results and Obatetriea (1921) : Skillbrn, a Vieit to the Surgical

secured by no one else soon spread, and literally cimie of John B. Murpfcy^ in /ntcrnaetonajCHnfe*. I.

physician from aU over the country crowded to ^i,^ }'J!^^Zai"j'SS!;:^ Sn^

his operatmg room m Chicago to see him work. James J. Walsh.

They could be quite sure that they would see some -. •. ^ ,^, *"

surgery done in a new way that would be adopted Mush, Diocese op (Muscensis Armenorum;

by others before long. His work was thoughtful, cf. C. E., X— 647d), a see of the Armenian Kite in

suggestive, and eminently valuable for practical Upper Armenia, at presentvacMit. It comprises a

men. As he operated on his patients— they were total population ofl60,0()0, of whom 95,300 are

never cases to him— he talked freely to the group Christians and 65,000 of this number, Armenian

of physicians and-students who followed him. No Catholics. Th^ are served by 7 wcular and 2

wonder that these graduate students felt that they regular priests, 7 churches or chapels, 5 stations and

would like to follow Doctor Murphy's lessons when 5 schools with 300 pupils. The last bishop, Rt. Rev.

they could not be present in person, and so after Jacques Tapouzian, was put to death by the Turks

a time arrangements were made to have his talks 1"^K ^^J^V^e ™^^^ uL^™fi".^f /j^i?.il?^® ^

taken down and printed for distribution, under the

title of the "Doctor Murphy Chnics." These soon

had a wide circulation and were in demand from ... ^^ . ^ inii

the surgeons not only of this country, but of bishop 27 August, 1911.

Europe and from the medical libraries all over the Mykonos, Archdiocese of. Se^ Naxos and

world. TiNos. •

pnors soon came to Doctor Murphy from maiiy ^ Diocese op (Mysuriensis. cf. C. E., d^erent quarters, In 1902 the University of Notre x-661d), in India, sufrra«an of Pondlcherry, witll Dame awarded him the Lcetare Medal; in 1905 he residence at Baneafore is entrusted to the Society was given the de^ee of LLJ). by the State Uni- ^^ p^^j^ MiiS^ of Paris. The Catholic popula- versity of lUinois; the Umversity of Sheffield, ^^^ is Composed of 1671 Europeans, 5925 Anglo- England coiiferred the degree of DSc.m 1908; Indians, ana4S,093 Indians. ^STrecent bishop, and St. Imatius College that of M.A. He was a r^. Rev. Hippolyte Teissier, b. 8 November, 1853, hfe member of the Deutsche Geselhchaft jw appointed 22 August, 1916, consecrated at Bangalore Chymrgxe, an honorary naember of the 8(HSi6te 24 January, 1917, died 28 January, 1922. The see chtrurgic^e de Pans, an honorary fellow of the ^t present is vacant. The diocesan statistics for Royal CoUege of Surgeons of England, and a 1922 are: 31 parishes; 128 churches; 2 missions; charter member of the American CoUe^e of Sur- 51 stations; 63 secular priests; 2 convents for men geons. He was pr^ident of the American Abso- ^nd 8 for women; 8 lay brothers; 322 Sisters; 1 ciation of Railway Surgeons, the Chicago Medical seminary (native) with 53 seminarians; 2 colleges Society, the American Medical Association, and for men with 52 teachers and 1174 pupils: 1 coUege the Clmical CouCT^ of Surgeons of North America, for ^^en with 20 teachers and 300 pupils; 2 hiSi Pope Benedict XV crowned Doctor Murphy's life schools with 18 teachers and an attendance of 322 work by malong him Knight Commander of the gjpig. 3 secondary schools with 32 teachers and Order of St. Gregory in 1916. >, ,. , 609 students, 2 training schools with 7 teachers and Probably the best idea of Doctor Murphy's 55 students, 60 elementary schools with 100 teachers greatness as a surgeon will be secured from the and 4222 pupils, 3 industrial schools with 12 teachers «rafio« ,« «,,„^^ ^^1,,.^,^ K«r^,« *u« A«^erican and 150 pupils; 1 home for the ased with 125 in-

Jtober, mates, 10 orphanages with 646 boys and girls;

I Eng- 2 hospitals; 3 dispensaries; 4 refuges for women

, - , . , ,. . Lurphy with about 300 inmates; 5 Christian settlements or

was beyond question the greatest clinical teacher villages; 4 nurseries. Religious communities of

of his day It is easy now to see how great women in charge of educational and charitable

a figure he was in the worid of surgery of his institutions are the Sisters of the Good Shepherd,

day. When all his work is reviewed, when not only Sisters of St. Joseph of Tarbes, Sisters Catechists of

Its range, but the wonderful sincerity and the Mary Immaculate, and Little Sisters of the Poor,

permanent and piercing accuracy of so large a About one-fourth of the schools are aided by the

part of it are considered; when we remember his government; ail the others are supported by the

unequalled gifts as teacher, his power of lucid mission. One society is organized among the clergy:

exposition and of persuasive or coercive argument, the Indian Clercy Fund. Amoi^ the laity are the

his devotion for many years at least to experi- Society of St. Accent de Paul, St. Anne's Temper-

mental research, it is no exaggeration, I think, to ance Society, Cooperative Societies and Benefit

say of him that he was the greatest surgeon of Fund, libraries, clubs, St. Anthony's Society in aid

his time." His great American colleague and of the Poor Whites. One Catholic periodical is

fnend, Dr. William J. Mayo of Rochester, Minn., published, the "Angel of the Good Shepherd." The

in delivering the second John B. Murphy Oration Civil and Military Hospitals and Mihtary Schools

in Surgery before the American College of Surgeons admit the ministry of pnests. Noteworthy of clergy-

(1921) said: "The Great War brought to a close men deceased since 1910 were Rt. Rev. Augustin

a period of scientific surgery, of which Dr. John Frangois Basl6, d. 13 Sep., 1915, and Rt. Rev.

B. Murphy was the most brilliant exponent. Eugene-Louis Kleiner, d. 1915. llie headquarters

Murphy was a voluminous writer and greatly en- of the Apostolic Delation for India, Burma, and

riched surgical literature. By these printed pages the Strait Settlements has been established at

posterity will know him, but to those of us who Bandore. During the World War 10 priests were

have been inspired by his magnetic personality mobilized, several receiving decorations for their

and who have, with rapt interest, followed his bravery, and 369 former students of the college

clinical teachings, visible evidences of the printed joined the colors of whom 27 were kiUed. Many of

page are but the ghost hovering over the grave of the Catholic Indians served in France, Egypt, and

the greatest surgeon of the last generation.*^ Mesopotamia.