Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/538

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Nabik, DiocBBE of (Nabikensis Strorum), lege, and the other institutions are under the care

inSyria, was erected by a decree in 1921 for the S3rrian of the Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus, Franciscan

Rite, and is sufrrag;an of Damascus. The bishop has Missionaries of Mary or the Sisters of St. Paul of

not yet been appointed. Chartres. The administrative statistics for the

Nagasaki. Diocese of (Naoasakienbis. c£. C. E., lZJ^%m i^'t&.^^l:rftr'l pS?Sf,?-

X-867C). on the south-eastern shore of the IslanJ ^^^.^J Vl^ ;„ J^inl^ ^^S'iat IS^^^i'

of Kiuahiu, Japan, is under the administration of i±°^.^7if^^vt'?'^^Jf,nil"^'^i5^ hS?J

Rt. Rev. Jean-Claude Combaz. who succeeded to (^ ?°lf 'i^| ^t^^^'^.n^^JT"?,!? '^ir-nS

  • u^ ««« ..*.^« 4.k« ^»«*k rvf \>r«. rtr^iioi'n A or\ a^«% Viaticums 619; extreme unctions 712; marriages

the see upon the death of Mgr. Cousin, d. 20 Sep- ^^ y^ ^^^j^ jq32 increase 1160.

tember. 1911. after forty-five years of fruitful work ** n^y^." ^^»»'"o ™*'» a**^*^ewc **Yy* .

« +1^ To»x««™ «r>;=««i»«« Ti^iwx^ n^r^kot «rKrt Associations are formed among the clergy for

" a^'meSC^ ^"^^^^ mS^ Sfe, w^ ^'^ '^-. ^f^^ of the diocesi from thfSands

bom at Saini-B^ron in thT diocese of Chamb^ry 8 ^^ P^f^ instructors whenever possible There is

December; ifee, and studied at the seminaiy^of S;!, ^^^^l\\Ch^i^f ^.'l^^^.t^hJfnlci^'L^'^n

Pont-de-Beauvoisin, entering the Foreign MisMons ^^^^ great number of rehgious books have been

in 1877. In 1880 he was sent to the Japanese Mis- P™^a-

sion and became a professor in the Seminary of Nagl, Franz Xaver, Cardinal, Prince Archbishop

Nagasaki. He was elected Bishop of Nagasaki 3 of Vienna, b. there on 26 November. 1865; d. there

June, 1912, and consecrated the following 8 Sep- on 4 February, 1913, after wearing the scarlet robes

temoer. ^or two years. He made his academic studies at

In 1912 the mission mourned the death of Mgr. Krenas and Seitenstettin, was trained in theology at

Bonne, director of the Seminary of Nagasaki for Sankt P6lten and ordained on 14 July, 1878. He

thirty years and afterwards Archbishop of Tokio, continued his studies m his native land and m Rome,

and within the last few years the mission has lost 't^JV^i^ ^, Austria as professor of exegesis. In

fifteen of its missionaries and four Japanese priests. l?o5 he wm imperial and court chaplam and spintual

During the World War its ranks were stiU further director of the Augustinum at Vienna and from

depleted by the mobilization of eleven mission- tt^ere returned to Rome as rector of the Austaan

anes, one of whom was killed at Champagne, one ambassadorial church. S. Maria dell Anuna Teu-

received the medcaUe mUUaire as well as the croix tomcorum, of which he wrote a history on the oc-

de guerre, and four others received croix de guerre c¥l?n of its fifth centenary. In 1902 he wa» made

and many other citations. ?.«^op, <>/ Tn^te-Capo dlstna, where he had the

According to the 1920 census of the diocese there difficult task of managing two conflictmg races, tiie

is a Catholic population of 57,499 as against 47,104 J^^? *?<^ Slovenians. After seven years of this

in 1910. The personnel of the mission is: 1 bishop, hardship he was promoted to the coadjutorehip of

22 missionaries, 29 diocesan priests. 440 native Vienna, with the nght of succession to Cardinal

catechists entrusted with the instruction of the Y.^S*' T ^^Ji'^^^n-^l^^V^i' ^^ i?i\ *^"

Christian communities, 18 native catechists en- dmalGruscha died and B whop Nagl succeeded to the

trusted with the instruction of infidels. 20 itinerant ^^^^^ °* archbishop and cardinal,

baptizers (female). The mission auxiliaries en- Nagpur, Diocese of (Naqplorensis; cf. C. E.

gaged in works of charity and education are: 38 X— 669a). in India, suflfragan of Madras. The see

Brothers of Mary, 11 of them foreigners, including is filled by Rt. Rev. Francois Etienne Coppel,

2 priests and 27 Japanese; 27 Sisters of the Holy O.'S. F. S., b. at Gets 5 January, 1867. ordained 6

Child Jesus (Chaufailles), of whom 15 are Japan- July, 1890, vicar at Devizes and Mahnesbury in

ese; 36 Franciscan Sisters (Missionaries of Mary), England, arrived at India 2 July, 1892, superior of

of whom 17 are Japanese; 19 Sisters of St. Paul of St. Francis de Sales College at Nagpur, appointed

Chartres, of whom 13 are Japanese; and 12 com- 22 June, 1907, consecrated 15 September, 1907,

munities of native women with 227 members. The proclaimed 19 December following, to succeed Mgr.

establishments include 48 mission stations with Etienne Mane Bonaventure, b. 26 April, 1851; d.

residences; 38 sub-stations; 165 Christian com- 12 March, 1907. The diocese has (1922) a total

munities; 77 blessed churches and chapels; 54 un- population of 15,000,000 of whom 19,000 are Cath-

blessed oratories and chapels; 1 seminary with 31 olics, 7 churchy, 33 chapels, 16 head-fltations, 37

students; 2 schools for female catechists; 1 apos- pnests and 4 Brothers of the Missionaries of St.

tolic school with 57 pupils (7 novices; 50 Brothers Francis de Sales, 6 Franciscan mwsionaiy BroJ^iera,

of Mary) ; 1 college with 600 pupils; 2 high schools ^ Sisters of St. Joseph, 22 Daughters of the Cross,

(boarding) with 257 students; 2 primary schools 1 seminary 5 high whools with 1395 pupi^ 5 i^^

with 178 pupils, 2 professional schools with 62 ™®^»**S schools with 625 pupils, 1 mdustrial school

pupils; 2 kindergartens with 323 children; 13 or- "^^^^ ^0 pupils, 5 pnmaiy schools with 815 pupils,

9 dispensaries which have cared for 27,333 patients , j • i x u xi. xu u i

in the year, besides nursing done in the homes, and ^y^ ^^ «^"« connected with the schools.

1 home for the aged. The Brothers of Maiy have Nafy-V&rad (Oradea Mare-Grosbwardein), Dio-

the direction of the apostolic school and the col- cese of (Magno-Varadinensis; cf. C. E. VII — 40ft)