Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/544

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Francis de Sales (of Troyes) ; the Jesuits have had graded schools and 7216 district schools had 13.248

a residence and church at Tinos since the seven- teachers and 300,011 enrolled pupils. In 1919 tnere

teenth century ; the Friars Minor have 2 stations, were 534 public high schools with 2194 teachers and

with one Father each, on the same island and the 38,299 pupils. There are 4 state normal schools with

Capuchin Fathers have a station at Naxos with 1 118 teachers and 3804 students, and 2 private normal

priest. schools. The expenditure in 1919 was $16,690,000.

^^ ^ ,^, ^ ^ In 1918 $7,457,000 were expended for salaries among

Nazareth, Diocese op (Nazarensis in Brasilia) 12,758 teachers. The laws governing State private

in Brazil is suffragan of Olinda. It was erected by a and parochial schools are as follows (compulsory

decree of 2 August, 1918, but was not published education act): Grades, qualifications of teachers,

until 1 October. 1921. The territory of this new promotion of pupils, courses of study in private

diocese is taken from the northeast portion of that schools must be substantially the same as in public

of Olinda. The first bishop, Rt. Rev. Richard Ramos schools. The teachers must be certificated. History

Da Costa Viella, b. at Olinda 3 April, 1887, rector and Civil Government must be 'aught and patriotic

of Gravada, appointed at the CJonsistory 3 July, 1919, exercises held. Coxmty superintendents of county or

Bishop of Nazareth. The pariah church of Otur Lady city superintendents of city where any private denom-

of Nazareth became the cathedral with twenty-two inational or parochial school is located shall inspect

parishes in the diocese. The new diocese has two such school and report to the proper officers any evi-

studente at the South American College, Rome. - dence of failure to observe any provisions of this Act.

•Kr«....^v o m^ C3 n* No persou, individually or as a teacher, shall, in any

Naaareth, Sisters of CHARmr of. See CHARmr private, denominational, parochial or public school.

SISTERS OF, OF JNAZARETH. teach auv subjcct to any peTsou in any Other language


1910. Of this, 31.3 per cent was urban; 68.7 per cent «^?- ^ i^'^i^ T*?^^ ?*^u *^ tlS^ ^ **^?^ WM rural. T^e density is 16.9 peraons to th^uare relipon on Sunday. After September, 1919, ^ teach- mile. Of the native whites, (1 , 129,667) , 757,064 were f ",i?,5"^**®vP^*^^% or aenoDMnational schoote we of native parentage, 231,948 were of foreign parentage, J^^'^^^en to teach without a certificate; aU must be 140,555 mked; the foreign-bom whites^re 149,652: (uU «tizens of the United States, and they must attend There were 13,242 negroes and 2888 Indians, and institutes at least once a week. Teachers m pnvate 804 Japanese. The percentage of illiteracy was 1.4, ^J^^^ "?Mst keep attendance records. The wearm^ a slightdecreaae sincVmO (1.9). The lairgest citie^ of any religious garb wbdetewhing in a public school are Omaha (191,601), Lincob (54,948), Gr^d Island w a misdemeanor. TheState shaU not accept any (13,960), Hastings (11,647). «^^* conveyaiice or beouest of money, lands, or l^coNOMic CoS)iTioN8.-As an agricultural State o^^®' proDsrtv to be used for sectajian purposM. AU Nebraska ranks high, containing about 124,000 noraaal schools must be incorpomt^ farms in 1920. Of tW 3021 were irrigated. The NebrMka, with at Jeast $50,000 invested or ava^^^ North Platte and ite tnbutaries suppUS water to {?' school use, ^d not less than fi^^teachoB on f uM nearly 85 per cent of the land irrigated in 1919. The ^®' »^*?« mstruction as required by the State, following table shows the agricultural wealth of Ne- ??®L™r^^ ^^ ^^^ personal miction of the State braska in 1919* board of exammers or of the State supenntendent of ! public instruction, and must have the same entrance

Corn 184.186,000 buahda » reg^i^^^ente ss theState norm^ schools. Of the

Wheat 60.676.000 bushels 122,564.000 original grant of 3,000,000 acres of land made by the

Oats ®?'SS^'S59 ^^^^^ i5'*I5'S55 Federal Government for permanent endowment of

Auijfkv..;: :::::: :: IimtSsS SS wiiM «*«>»«. h^^'^ "?«» «« °?5 i»eid >y the state.

Horses 76,350,000 further sale, with mmor exceptions, being forbidden.

Hogs ...... . 70.349,000 The value of the endowment is $2,800,000. Among

p^toi ^ilis'ooo b!S££ 12 018*000 recently founded State institutions are the hospitS

Beets ....'."!!.".'.'!!!!."! *68o!ooo tons 5,781 jooo for tuberculosis (opened in 1912) , and the State public

Butter 62,586,000 pounds 31,293.000 school, created in 1909.

g»*»~i-i Jft'SffihSJhS S'Sn Religion.— The U. S. religious census of 1916

^"^^^*^^* ^*'°~ ^'"^^ ?^^ dves the foUowing statistics fol the State: Catholics

$775,105,862 135,537; Methodists 81,879; Lutherans 66,906;

Presbyterians 26,233; Disciples (Christians) 24,140;

The fourteenth census of manufactures in Nebraska Baptists 19,643; Congregationalists 19,423; Episco-

reveals (1919), 2,884 establishments, 49,076 persons pahans 7,931 (communicants); all other Protestants,

engaged, and a capital of $245,256,684. The value 81,879. For further religious and educational statis-

of the products was $596,042^498, an increase of 169 tics, see Omaha, Diocese of; Lincoln, Diocbss op;

per cent since 1913. The chief of these industries is Grand Island, Diocese of.

meat packing and slaughtering, carried on especially Recent Legislation. — ^The most recent laws of

at South Omaha. The Nebraska potash industry is the State provide for a State board of health, a

the largest in the United States, the estimated produc- conservation and public welfare commission, the

tion k^ing about 15,000 tons in 1918. In 1919 initiative and referendum, biennial elections, the dis-

there were 8,434 miles of railway in the State (total trict election of university regente and minor judges of

valuation $1 ,625,594,300) , besides 253 miles of elec- the supreme court, the sale of public school lands only

trie railway track. The State has no debt. In 1919 by auction, if any should pass from the State, Uie

the assessed valuation of real and personal property establishment of a court to determine labor and price

(under a law requiring the assessed value to be 20 per controversies, equal suffrage, the placing of the nor-

cent of the actual value) amounted to $568,456,926, mal schools under a single board, the increase of the

of which $212,697,098 was personal and $355,759,828 length of the term of the school superintendent from

was real. two years to four. The process of amending the oon-

Education. — School attendance is compulsroy stitution is facilitated, for instead of a majority, only

for children from 7 to 15 years of age for not less thirty-five per cent of the votes cast are needed to

than 12 weeks in the school term. In 1918 the 726 adopt an amendment. The '^Ckxie" Act of 1919 con-