Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/576

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Faro the following year, where he remained until 18 teachers and 700 pupils, 4 orphana^ses, 3 homes

1919. The latest available statistics (1920) give for for aged men and a Catholic population of about

the diocese 462 parishes, 480 churches, 1220 priests 5500. En^^, Dutch and Africans. The residence

and 650,000 Catholics. of tnc vicar apostolic is at Pella. In 1909 the

prefecture apostolic of Grand Namaqualand (q. v.)

Oppido Mamertina, Diocese op (Oppidensib; was detached from the vicariate, cf. C. E., XI — 262a). — in the province of Reggio

Calabria, Italy, suffragan of Reggio. Mgr. Antonio Oratory (cf. C. E., XI-271c). — The Code Golati, archpriest of Vallenlunga in the diocese of defines an oratory as a place set aside for Divine Mileto, was appointed bishop of Oppido Mamertina worship, though not chieny and expressly intended 15 December, 1919, to succeed Mgr. Scopellitti, who for the use of the public generally. It is called a resigned after ruling the see for twenty-one ye^rs and public oratorv, if wnile it is principally intended for was transferred to the titular see of Rhesaena. In a collegiate body or even private individuals, the 1920 the diocese contained 19 parishes, 4 vicarages, 30 general public haver a canomcally approved right of churches or chapels, 41 secular priests, 25 seminarians goin^ there at least during Divine services; a semi- and a Catholic population of 30,000. public oratory on the other hand is erected for a ^ . ^ , • ^ *, ^» ^«^. V rwt* community or a certain body of the faithful, without Option, Right OF (cf. C. E., XI-264b).— The the general public having the right to visit it; they nght of option which was formerly enjoyed by manv ^re erected by permission of the ordinary. Finally an chapters and until recently by a few IS now abolished, oratory is termed private or domestic when it has even where it existed in virtue of a special Apostolic been erected in a private establishment for the exclu- indult, and all customs to the contrary are reprobated, gjve use of a private person or family. The private This applies not merely to dignities (di^i^ates) but to chapels of cardinals and bishops now enjoy the same all canonries also. Of course where the right of privileges as semi-public oratories. Colleges, board- option was based on the ongmal provisions of a mg-schools, military barracks, fortresses, prisons, foundation it has not been affected by the Code legis- hospitals, and the like may not have minor chapeb lation, though it may not be enjoyed by a capittiar i^ addition to the principal oratory unless the ordiiiry emeritus. Cardmal-deacons and cardinal-pnests but thinks they are necessary or very useful. Mortuary but not cardinal-bishoM still po^ess the right of chapels erected in cemeteries by private individuals ODtion peculiar to the Sacred College: thus, on 7 or famUies for their place of burial are considered March, 1921, Cardinal I^ Fontaine, Patnarch of private oratories; while the ordinary may habitually Venice, who hwi the title of Saints Nereus and allow the celebration of several Masses in such a Achilles, resigned it and took the title of the Twelve chapel, in other domestic oratories they can allow Holy Apostles, which had been rendered vacant by only one Mass to be said as an incidental occurrence, the death of Cardmal Netto on 7 December, 1920. in an extraordmary case when there is a just and Cordex;urucanon«^.can..236.396,422. reasonable cause. When an Apostolic indult has

OradesrMare, Diocese or. See Nagy-Varad. '^'^ obtained for a domestic oratory, one Mass may

be celebrated there daily except on the more solemn

Oraxiy Diocese of (Oranensis; cf. C. £., XI — feasts, but no other church services may be held; if,

266c), m Algeria, suffragan of Algiers. Rt. Rev. however, there is a just and reasonable cause, different

Christophe-I^uis L^gasse, appointed bishop of this from those on account of which the indult was

see 6 December, 1915; was transferred to P^rigeux 13 granted, the ordinary may allow Mass to becelebrated

August, 1920. His successor was named in the person there on these feast^lays as an incidental occurrence,

of Rt. Rev. Ldon Durand, bom in Oran in 1878, Domestic oratories cannot be blessed or consecrated

studied at Marseilles, the French Seminary in Rome, like churches; they and semi-public oratories, whether

andtheAcademyof Noble Ecclesiastics, was ordainea they have received only the common blessing for

in 1902, served as a professor of theology and canon houses or no blessing at all, must be reserved exclu-

law in the upper seminary of Marseilles, entered the sively for Divine service and must never be used for

army as a military chaplain in 1914 ana received an domestic purposes,

honorary citation, and was appointed titular Bishop ^<»*'«* «*^ commici, cad., 1188-96.

of Hetalonia 10 January, 1919, transferred to Tn- ^ ^ __ / * ^ ,:, vx *^r^\ i^m- • x

comia 10 March following and named auxiliary at ^®'<*«:»' ^^lt (cf. C. E., XI-279a)--Minister.—

Marseilles, where he served untU his transfer to Oran The ordmary minister of the sacrament of orders is a

11 October, 1920. As a result of the efforts of Bishop consecrated bishop, but under certam circumstances

tenant for tke last ten years, to the city of Oran. ber of legitimate ordmary mmisters has been curtailed

The garden remains open to the public during the by the Code; formerly they mcluded the bishops of

greaterpartof the day and the city pays for ite upkeep origin, or benefice, or service, or incardination; today

m recognition of the advantage thus accorded to the the office is limited to one s own {propiuo) bishop or a

people. The old cathedral of St. Louis, in this dio- bishop who has received le^itunate dinussonal let-

cese, was replaced by that of the Sacred Heart 22 ters from hun. The expreasion "own bishop as far

August, 1913, this church having been blessed the " the ordmation of seculars is concerned means

preceding February. The chapter still has St. Louis «>lely the bishop of the diocese m which the candidate

for ite patron however. Latest stetistics credit the has a domicile together with origin, or a sunple domi-

diocese with 273,536 Europeans, and 686,444 Mus- cile without origin; in the latter case the candidate

sulmans, 87 first and second class parishes and 135 must swear that he intends to remain permanently in

prieste. ^^^ diocese, unless there is question of ordaining a

cleric who has already been incardinated in the diocese

Orange Biver, Vicariate Apostolic of (Fluminis by first tonsure, or a student who is intended for ser-

Orangensis). — According to stetistics for 1921 there vice in another diocese after legitimate excardination

were in the vicariate of Orange River, South Africa, and incardination, or a professed religious. The place

12 quasi-parishes, 12 churches or chapels, 30 stations, of origin is that in which a father has a domicile, or in

12 regular prieste, 3 Brothers, 16 Sisters, 6 catechiste, defect of a domicile, a ouasi-domicile, when his child

4 convents of nuns, 12 elementery schools with is bom, or the place of the mother's domicile or quasi-