Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/585

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Panama Oongrass on ChxlBtian Work In Latin which is unhealthy and often downright indecent

See Protestantism. Her greatest works are: "La Cuestion Palpitante'

(1883}: "Los pazos de UUoa" (1886); "La madre

Paraguay, Diocese OF (PAKAQUAYEN8is;cf.C.E., naturaleza" (1887); "La priedra angular" (1891);

XI^70b), suffragan of Buenos Aires, comprises the "Dulce dueflo" (1911); "Por la Europa cath61ica*' is

temtory of the Republic of Paraguay, South America, a charming book of travel. In her review "Nuevo

an area of 97,722 square Miles. The raresent bishop teatro crftico" she established a vehicle for a series of

ts Rt. Rev. Symphorian Norgarin. b. at Thacangua«u. remarkable literary studies (January, 1891). Pardo

Paraguay, 21 August^ 1863, ordained 1886. elected BazAn wrote a few dramas of which "Verdad" and

bishop 1894; succeedm^ Bishop Aponte, deceased. **Cuesta abajo'* were the most successful. She was

The population of the diocese is 635,000. There are an ardent supporter of the feminist movement. Not-

110 parishes, 125 churches, 2 missions, 68 secular withstanding the character of some of her fiction she

priests, 33 regular pnests, 1 semmary with 40 semi- ^as always a professed Catholic. In October 1916

nanans, 2 coUeges for ^Is, 1 asylum, 1 hospital, 1 her statue was erected in Corufia by her feUow-citi-

dav nursery, 1 association of the clergy, 1 Cathobc sens, publication.

S^nt'bi^^y^L' Rt^S^vn^uTut" ^r^iio'dl ««« of /««->. ani'Pointuated on the Adriatic,

\ Tu^ *^-<^a4^»4 the cathedr

_. i\J^^:^^. (f^ day« t

735,572 Catholics, 1000 Protestants,

secular priests, 10 regular priests, an. x .w.»c. . j^^ ^^p^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ ^ ^^^^

Paran&, Diocese of (Paranbnsis; cf. C. E., tJletta and the pectoral cross is m Greek form.

XI— 475d), suffragan of Buenos Aires, in Argentina. The former bishop, Rt. Rev. John Baptist Flapp,

It consists of the civil province of Entre Rios, with a died 26 December, 1912, after an admmistration of

population of 618,000, 33 parishes, 115 churches, twentv-eight years and was buried from the cathedral

3 monasteries for men and 1 for women, 35 convents church; he bequeathed the greater part of his posses-

for women, 75 secular priests, 140 regular priests, aons to religious works. His successor, the present

15 Brothers, 1 seminary with 72 seminarians. There bishop, is Rt. Rev. Tryphon PederzoUi, b. 28 January,

are 20 schools for boys with 1600 pupils, 30 schools 18^4, at Cattaro, elected 19 June, 1913, installed m

for girls with 3500 pupils, 1 normal school with 10 cathedral of Parenao 9 November, 1913, and at Pola,

teacners and 45 students. The Government con- 8 December, 1913. At the entrance of Italy into the

tributes to the support of the schools. Charitable War the southern part of the diocese was evacuated;

institutions include '2 homes, 7 asylums, 12 hos- some of the refugees were sheltered in barracks, the

pitals. Three societies are organized among the scattered people suffering great misery, resulting in

clergy. The present bishop is Rt. Rev. Juan Abel steadily increasing mortality. Priests served in the

Bazan y Butos, b. at Tama de la Rioja in 1867, made army as chaplains, but none were in battle; the special

his studies at the Latin-American College, ordained devotions carried on in the churches were commended

1891, elected to the see of Parand 7 Feb., 1910, by the Holv Father; and generous collections, which

consecrated 8 May following. the bishop himself went about to sssist in raising, were

given towards the relief of widespread suffering. The

Pardo Bszto, Emilia, novelist, b. of a noble Catholic population is 122,000. The secular priests

family at Corufia, Spain, on 16 September, 1852; number 130, regular priests 12, and lay brothers 5.

d. at Madrid on 15 May. 1921. A precocious child. There are 51 parishes: 270 churches; 11 stations; 2

she was carefully educated and could read with facility convents for men, ana 14 for women: 1 preparatory

at six. At fourteen her favorite works were the Bible, seminary with 3 students; 1 college lor boys with 4

the Iliad, and Don Quixote. In 1868 she married Don teachers and 16 students; 1 asylum; 5 hospitals. The

Jos^ Quiroga. and shortly after travelled extensively clergy have a mutual association, an organization for

in France and Italy, becoming familiar with the great missionary work, and one for priestly adoration,

poets: Shakespeare, Byron, Alfieri, Manzoni, Goethe, Among the laity there are 15 religious organizations. Schiller, Heine. In 1876 she won a prize at Orense

with her "Examen crftico delas ooras de padre Paris, Archdiocese of (Parisienbis; cf. C. £., Feijdo" which was followed by a brief study on the XI — 480d), comprises the Department of the Seine, Christian epic poets. She then read the novelists: France. Since its foundation the See has been ad- Scott, Dickens, Lytton. Hugo and George Sand. This ministered by 110 bishops and 21 archbishops, of course was followed by ner 'Tascuid L6pez," the auto- whom 7 are saints, and including also the Master of bio^aphy of a medical student, wnich was well Sentences Peter Lombard (d. 1160) and in the received. After reading Zola's "Assommoir '* she nineteenth century Cardinals de Belloy. de TaUey- became a realist and an apologist for the French rand-P^rigord^ Morlot, Guibert and Ricnard. The naturalistic school, first evioenc^ by "Un Viaje de present admmistrator is Cardinal Louis-Ernest Novios" (1881) though her delightful "San Francisco Dubois, b. 1 Sept. ^ 1856, ordained 1879, elected Bishop de Assis" in the following year was a reaction. .Fitz- of Verdun 18 April, 1901, consecrated 2 July follow- maurice-Kelly calls Pardo Bazdn the greatest Spanish ing, promoted Archbishop of Bourges 30 Nov., novelist of the nineteenth century; but Cejador in 1(^, enthroned 3 Feb. 1910, published 4 December his "Historia de la iengua y literatura Castellana" following, transferred to Rouen 1916, transferred to judges her otherwise, pointing out how she cut herself Paris 13 Sept., 1920, took possession 30 Novemb^. off from the Spanish tradition and spirit, breathes a enthroned 8 December following, succeeding Cardinal foreign atmosphere, exhibits an unnational frivolity, is Amette (q. v.), deceased. He was created cardinal a slave to Gallicisms; in a word, no one with judgment 4 Dec., 1916, with the title of Sancta Maria in could for a moment think of placing her on the same Aquiro. On 12 Dec, 1916, he received the pallium plane as Pereda, Men^ndez y Pelayo or Valera. Cer- from the hands of Pope Benedict XV. Assistmg him tain it is her reputation rests entirely on her fiction in the administration of the archdiocese are three