Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/589

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Patagonia, Southern, Prefecture Apostolic op their right through their parents or guardians, but it is

(Patagonlb MERmiONALis; cf. C. £., XI — 540d), in suspended if the parents or ^ardians are non>Catho-

South America. This former prefecture apostolic lies. Where there is no just impediment the presents-

was erected in 1883, comprising all the territory of tion must be made within four months (or less if cus-

Maxallanes. On 4 October, 1916, that part of the tom or the laws of the foundation require it), after

pre^ture belonging to Chile was erected into the the person having the right of instituting notifies the

Vicariate ApostoEc of Magellan, and that part belong- patron of the vacancy and of the eligible priests if a

ing to the Argentine was attached to the Diocese of concursus is necessary; if the presentation is not made

Buenos Aires and divided into 4 deaneries, confided within the proper time, the church or benefice may be

to the Salesians. freely collated on that occasion: if^ however, a dispute

, X • T J- arises which cannot be settled within the time fixed

Patna, Diocesb of (Patnensis), m India, the ordinary should name a temporary oeconomus for

suffragan of Calcutta. The new see of Patna was the church or benefice. If the right of patronage is

created bv a Decree of 10 September, 1919. The terri- exercised by a college the candidate to be presented

tory of the diocese includes the whole of the former n^st have obtained the absolute majority of votes;

Prefecture Apostolic of Bettiah and Nepal (q. v.) and if no one is selected in the first two ballots, the person

the eastern part of the diocese of Allahabad (q. v.) getting the greatest number of votes is to be cnosen;

lying to the south of the River Ganges. It is entrusted § more than one received the highest figure all those

to the Fathers of the Society of Jesus of the Mwsouri ^ho have received it are to be presented. Where there

Province and mcludes all the districts of north and are individual patrons the candidate getting the relar

south Bihar (except the two districis of Pumeah and tive majority of votes is chosen; in this case, too, more

of the Santal Pargannahr) , the whole of Nepal and a than one person may thus be presented. A patron has

strip of about 80 square miles m the Darjeelmg Dis- ^ vote for every title to his right, and he may present

trict. It has an area of 126.000 square miles and a more than one candidate. The ordinary has the right

total population of 25.000,000. The total Cathohc to decide if the candidate is suitable and he should

population IS 6033. The first bishop is the Rt. Rev. investigate carefully before deciding but he is not

Louis Van Hoeck, S.J., consecrated 6 March, 1921, obliged and need not give his reasons. If the candi-

at Ranchi, bv the Most Rev. B. Meuleman, S.J., didate is unsuitable the patron can propose a second,

Archbishop of Calcutte. Bom m Antwerp, 17 Apnl, ^nd, if he also is unfitted, the benefice may be freely

1870, Bishop Van Hoeck entered the Jesuit novitiate collated for that occasion unless the patron or candi-

in 1890, made his scholasticate in Calcutta, and was date appeals to the Holy See within ten days after

ordained in 1903. He had been rector of Manresa being notified of the rejection; during the time of

in Ranchi for eight years precedmg his appointment appeal an ccconomus should be appointed by the ordi-

as bishop. Mgr. Van Hoeck was decorated with the ^ary if necessary. When one has been lawfully pr»-

gold medal Kaiaar-v-Hind. There are m the mission gented, found suited, and his presentetion has been

15 churches, 7 chapels, 10 head stations, and 12 sub- accepted, he has a right to canonical institution, the

stations four Fathers of the Society of Jesus, 1 nght of granting which is enjoyed by the local ordi-

Capuchm Father lent by the Diocese of Lahore, and nary, but not by the vicar general without a special

7 secular priests. Religious communities include the mandate. Canonical institution must be given within

Irish Christian Brothers (10); Sisters of the Institute two months after presentation, unless there is a just

of the Blessed Virgm Mary (18); the Sisters of the excuse. Holy Cross (Switzerland 10): the Sisters of St.

Joseph (5); and the Sisters of the Third Order of St. Patron Saints (cf. C. E., XI— 562a) .—The

Ftancis (Indian Sisters 11). 'These Brothers and practice of choosing a special saint as patron of a

Sisters conduct 2 high schools with 372 pupils (214 nadon ,province ,diocese or other locality, religjious

bo3rs and 113 girls); 1 middle English school with 55 institute, confraternity or other group constitutiong

boys; 1 convent day school with 76 girls, 2 industrial a moral person is again highly approved in the Code,

schools for Indian girls, 2 refuges for women ^ and When a selection 1ms been niade, however, the saint

many or{)hanages. Six public institutions admit the does not become the patron officially until the Holy

ministration of priests and the schools are aided by See gives its approval. The choice of a diocesan

the Government. The diocese has a printing press at patron by a bisnop requires the approval of the

Bettiah called The Catholic Mission Press.^ diocesan svnod to become effective. A special apos- tolic indult is necessary where there is a desire to

Patron and Patronafe (cf. C. E., XI-560b). — select as patron one who has only been beatified, for

No right of patronage can be validly created hence- as a rule the Church allows as patrons only those

forth; local ordinaries, however, may concede to those whose heroic sanctity has been definitively placed

who establish benefices or erect churches wholly or in beyond all question by canonization. By common

part a right to certain prayers, temporarily or per- ecclesiastical law the feast days of patron saints are

petuaJly, according to the liberality of the donor, or not holy days of obligation; and a local ordinary

they may allow the foundation of a benefice with the may transfer the external celebration of the patronal

condition annexed- that it is to be granted the first feast to the following Sunday,

time to the clerical founder or to another cleric named ^ ^, tx. m # i^ i? vt

by the founder. Ordinaries should endeavor to have ^»^ ??°.?=^ ^I (Pactcnsis; cf. ^-Ji^-, Al—

the interested parties accept prayers, even perpetual, 667a), m Sicily, suffrage of Mosma. The present

for themselves and their families in return for yielding hvahop is Rt. Rev. Ferdmaodo Fiandaca, b. 1857,

uptheirrightsof patronage or at least of presentation, elected Bishop of Nicosia 1903^ transferred to Patti •

Wiere popular elections and presentations ai« cus- 1?12, succeedm^ Bishop Trama, deceased. The

tomary they may be tolerated only if the people select Cathohc population of the diocese is 200,000. There

one of three clerics proposed by the local ordinary, are: 49parishes, 324 secular pneste, 43 regular priests,

The only honorary righte of a patron mentioned in 70 semmarians, 50 Sisters, 620 churches and chapels,

the Code are, if authorized by lawful local custom: Panllsts. See Missionary Society of Saint Paul

to have a genealogical record of their family erected ^hb Apostle; Saint Paul of Hungary, Hermits of. in the church, precedence over other lay persons in

processions and similar functions, and a more promi- Pavia, Diocese of (Papiensis; cf. C. £.,

nent seat in church , but this must not be placed within XI — 592b) , suffragan of Milan , Italy. The present

the sanctuary or under a canopy. Mmors exercise bishop is Rt. Rev. Francesco Ciceri, b. 1848, ordained