Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/666

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England erected a monument to him on Molokai, the tulate of not over one year, after which, if accepted

place of his sacrifice, and Belgium erected a statue by the council, the candidate is clothed with the

of him at Louvain. religious habit and begins her novitiate year. Vows

Until 1909 the congregation admitted a novice to are made for three ^^ears, at the expiration of which

perpetual vows after eighteen months. Since then time, the religious is admitted to perpetual pro-

the novitiate lasts onlv one year, after which tern- fession, according to the rules and constitutions of

poral vows are made lor three years, and then per- the Sisters of St.. Agnes. From the small colony

petual vows are taken. The Belgian province form- in 1870, the congregation has grown to a flourishing

erly comprised all the houses of the order in Belgium, community of 611 professed members, 22 novices,

Holland, and Germanv. On 15 August, 19^, a 35 postulants, and has under its direction 42 schools,

German province was formed and a Dutch province 1 aicademy, 2 hospitals. 1 training school for nurses,

is to be erected in Holland. A novitiate for the 2 orphanages, 1 home for the ag^l, and 1 house for

French province was opened at Montgeron, 11 Sept., emigrants. These establishments are distributed

1920, and the same province took over a school at throughout the States of Wisconsin, Michigan,

Saturce, Spain, and a parish at Gibara, Cuba, in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York

October, 1918. New loundations of the Belgian and Kansas, in eleven archdioceses and dioceses, province are: a house at Ginneken (Holland) , founded

in 1916 as the national centre for the work of the ****** Albert, Diocese of. See Edmonton,

Enthronement in Holland, and a novitiate and Archdiocese of

scholasticate for Dutch students opened at Valken- OAinti A^»^at%Anr oi*a«m a^ \K,^r^„^

burg (Holland) in September, 1920. New founda- ****"* Alexander OroscL See MiBmrnB

tions of the German province are: novitiate and Saint AndrewB and Edinburgh, Abchdiogbsb or

scholasticate (philosphy) at Amstein (1919); apostd^o (s. Andrbjb bt Edinbubgensis; cf. C. E., Xin—

school (upper classes) at Niederlahustem (1920); 330c), in Scotland. The present bishop is the Most

?RS?m^^ ^^^^ ^^^^? divisions), at Waldembach jtev. James Augustine Smith, who has administered

(1920); residence and general secretariate for the the diocese since 1900. According to the statistics of

Enthronement m Germany, at Aachen (1916); 1922 the archdiocese contains: 99 churches, chapels

boaixlmg school at Herzogenrath; miMion at Chns- and stations, 69 missions, 22 convents, 92 secular

tiama, Norway (1920). A college and novitiate for priests including 6 retired, 14 regulara (5 Oblates, 9

the South American propnce was opened at^ Jesuits), 49 congregational day schools. TheCathoUc

Mar, Chile, and blessed 4 Nov., 1920. The apos- population in 1920 numbered, 77,804. tohc school of Grave, Holland, which was destroyed

by fire in 1920, will be reopened at Saint Oederode in Saint Augustine, Diocese of (Sancti Augus-

North Brabant, Holland. The congregation has a tine; cf. C. E., VI — 118c), in Florida, suffragan of

34. There are 15 almonries or chaplainships with the Spaniards, and about 2500 colored. On 15 December,

Sisters of the Sacred Heart; 6 apostolic schools, 1910, Maurice P. Foley, rector of the cathedral,

with 345 students; 6 colleges, with 1908 students; was consecrated bishop ot the newly-erected Diocese

and 1 boarding school with an attendance of 25. of Tuguegarab, P. I. At the death of Bishop Kenny

fiAiiArft VT^*»T*m« An^am^TTr. ^« Q^ XI. •,.^^. ©f St. Augustlue ou 23 October, 1913. the diocese

Ji^^rZ ^^ Apostouc op. See Bamako; ^^ admimstered by Very Rev. jihn O'ferien, V. G.,

Waghadugu ^Jjq ^^ g j^y^ jgj7 Qjj 3Q jy^g^ jgj4^ Michael

Saint Afnes, Sisters of. — ^The Congregation of the J« Curlev was consecrated bishop to succeed the

Sisters of Saint Ames of Rome, whose mother-house late Bishop Kenny. In 1915 the first Catholic

isatFondduLac, Wisconsin J was founded at Barton, hospital was opened by the Sisters of Charity.

Wisconsin, in 1846, by the pioneer missionary priest, Bisnop Curlev was appointed Arehbishop of Baltimore

Rev. Caspar Rehrl, who conceived the idea of found- 26 Juiy» 1921. Diuing his seven years as bishop

ing a community of Sisters for the education of chil- much progress was made in every feature of the

dren. The location first selected, proving undesir- Chureh, a number of churches and chapels were

able, the community was transferred, with ecclesias- built and several new parochial schools erected, the

tical approval, to its present location at Fond du Lac, total value of buildinjgs under construction bein^ over

Wisconsin, the first home being a small frame dwell- half a million. Florida become noted for its bigotry

ing. Here are now located the mother-house, the during the administration of Governor Catts (1916-

no vitiate and postulate, the training schools for the 20), who was elected on an anti-Catholic platform,

young members of the community; St. Mary's Springs The present Bishop of St. Aimistine is Rt. Rev.

Academy, a boarding-school for 3roung girls; St. Patrick Barry, appointed 22 February, 1922. In

Agnes Hospital, connected with wmch is a training January, 1920, occurred the death of Rev. Stephen

school for nurses: the Henry Boyle Catholic Home Langlade, a pioneer priest, who for over forty years

for the Aged. The young community was guided labored among the Catholics in Moccasin Branch and

throu^ many hardships and difficulties by its Bakerville, building churches and doing most of the

superior general, Mother Mary Agnes Hazotte. work himself. Over 700 Catholic young men were

Their spintual guide and adviser was Francis Haas, in active service during the World War and 21 died

O. M. Cap., one of the founders of the Capuchin for their country. Rev. John F. Conoley and Rev.

Order in the United States. On 7 Dec, 1875, the A. C. Baczyk served as chaplains. The laity were

Sacred Congregation of the Propaganda issued to the active in all war works.

community a decree of praise and on 16 August, Statistics for the diocese for 1922 give: 28 parishes;

1880, the institute and its constitutions were ap- 75 churches; 45 missions; 150 stations, 1 abbey for

proved by Pope Leo XIII. The congregation is men: 29 secular priests; 28 regular priests; 18 lay

governed by a superiorees general and a council brothers (16 Benedictine and 2 Jesuit); 16 convents

of four members, elected every six years. There is for women with 189 Sisters (Sisters of St. Joseph,

no distinction of dress or rank among members of Sisters of the Holy Names, and Benedictines); 1

the community, each being employed according to Benedictine seminary with 10 seminarians; 2 coU^es

her fitness ana aptitude. The time of probation for men with 19 teacnerp and 195 students; 13 acade-

confists of a juniorate for yoimg girls and a pos- mies; an attendance of 4318 pupils in academies and