Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/707

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691 SIAM

York, and two years later graduated in law from the 17 succursal stations, 9 houses of the nii88ionar>' University of the City of New York and was ad- Fathers, 4 convents of the Daughters of Wisdom w^ith mitted to the bar, of which he became one of the 128ister8, 24 regular priests, 3 lay brothers, 1 seminary most distinguishedf members. He was probably the with 7 seminarians. The educational institutions greatest lay authority in America on the laws of are: 1 boarding school for gitls, 2 teachers, 25 pupils, the Catholic, Episcopal, and Orthodox Russian 2 training schools, 2 teachers, 30 pupils, 296 element- Churches. He took an important part in the New ary schools, 200 teachers, 17,530 pupils. The ele- York Constitutional Convention of 1915. He was a mentanr schools receive an annual allowance of member of the Board of Regents of the University £130 from the government. Two orphanages, 3 of the State of New York, and an active worker in hospitals and six dispensaries for the natives exist in the all the chief Catholic organizations and charitable diocese. A catechism, prayer book. Bible history, associations in New York. Apart from the law, hynin book and 2 grammars have been printed m his chosen work was for the peoples of Eastern Cinyanja, the language of the natives. In 1922 there Europe, among whom he was wont to pass his annual were 8000 native Catholics, 5130 catechumens, 50 vacations. He interested himself in the Slavic, Hun- European and 30 Goanese Christians, garian and Italian immigrants ^ he lectured and wrote

about Russia, Poland, Ruthenia and the Greek Rites, Shorter, Dora Sigebson, poetess, b. in Dublin;

and on the occasion of the dedication of St. George's d. on 6 January, 1918. Miss Sigerson, who became

Ruthenian Greek Catholic Church in New York, later Mrs. Clement Shorter, published her '^Verses"

October, 1911, he published "The Holy Mass Accord- in 1894. Her other works are "The Fairy Change-

ing to the Greek Rite," in Slavic with his own trans- ling," "The Lady's Slipper," "Ballads and Poems,"

lation in English. He was advisor to Mgr. Soter S. "The Father Confessor,^* "The Woman Who Went

Ortynsky, the first Catholic bishop of Greek Rite in to Hell," "The Song of Earl Roderick" and "Collected

the United States, and acted as a counsellor of the Poems." All her writings are said to be rac^ of the

Syrian Catholics. His zecd is instanced in his expo- soil on which she was bom, absolutely origmal and

sure in "America" in 1910 of the attempt of the no mere imitative culture product. Presbyterians at Newark in New Jersey, New York.

and other centres to proselytize the newlv-arrivea Shrewsbnry, Diocese op (Salopiensis; cf. Slavic Catholics by the fraudulent use of the Greek C. E., XIII — 759c), in England, suffragan of Bir- Rite Litursy and ceremonial, a Presbyterian "Mass." mingham. According to the census of 1921 there His funeralservices were held in St. Patrick's Cathe- were 867,960 inhabitants in the diocese, of whom dral, New York. After the solemn requiem Mass, 67,591 were Catholics of English and Irish extraction, a burial service was conducted according to the On 8 July, 1914, took place the opening of St. Ed- Greek Rite by Bishop Ortynsky, attended by Greek, mund's Oiphanage and Certified Poor Law School. Ruthenian and Maronite priests. Members of the named in nonor of Bishop Edmund Knight, second Ukranian choir chanted the music of the service, bishop of the diocese. In August, 1920, the Faithful This was the first time a burial service according to Companions of Jesus celebrated the centenary of this rite was held in a church of the Latin Rite in their foundation at Upton Hall. Cardinals Bourne the United States. Shipman was one of the chief and Gasquet^ many archbishops and bishops and promoters of the publication of the Catholic Enct- heads of religious orders were present at the celebra- CLOPEDiA, to whicn he contributed numerous articles, tion. Durins the war 9 secular priests went to the

Pallbn, a Memorial of Andrew J. Shipman; Hia Life and Writ' front aS chaplains, of whom 1 WaS killed. NumeroUS

inge (New York. 1916). ^^^P memorials were erected in churches throughout

^ ^ « '# ^® diocese. The diocese contains 46 parishes, 68

Slilre, Vicariate Apostolic op (Shirensib; cf. churches, 6 missions. 3 stations, 22 convents for

C. E., XIII— 759a), in Nyasaland Protectorate, women, 86 secular priests, 12 regulars. The educa-

Africa. In the beginning of 1915 an insurrection tional institutions are: 12 high schools with 1305

fomented by a negro, John Chilembroe, the head of a pupUs, 42 elementary schools with 11,678 pupils, 1

Protestant mission, broke out in Nyasaland, and industrial school with 60 inmates. Of these 40 ele-

several Europeans were massacred. The principal mentary schools, 1 industrial school and 1 orphanage

Catholic mission, St. Joseph du Nguludi, seat of the are supported by the Government. There is one

Vicar Apostolic, was attacked at night by the in- house of retreats in the diocese. The following char-

surgents. Most of the missionanes were able to save itable institutions exist in the diocese: 2 homes, 1

themselves, but one of them was severely wounded orphanage and poor law school, 1 infant welfare

and left for dead, and his recovery was almost centre. All the institutions admit the ministry oe

miraculous. Six large buildings of the mission were priests. Organizations among the clergy are: Shrewsf

reduced to ashes, the losses amounting to more than bury Secular Clergy Fund, Diocesan Conferences-

100,000 francs. The government of the Protectorate Among the laity: Catholic Young Men's Society,

of Nyasaland (En^ish) indemnified the mission to the Catholic Women's League, Society of St. Vincent d,

extent of £800. Since then the Mission of Nguludi has Paul, Catholic Needlework Guild and the Rescue

been rebuilt but the effects of the insurrection are Society, still being felt. When the war broke out in 1914 one

Father and one Brother who were in France at the Slam, Vicariate Apostolic of Siamensis: of. time were mobilized and remained in the French army C. E., XIII — 765), Asia, is governed by Mgr. Ren^ throu^out the war. Father M . Ryo was several times Marie^Joseph Perros, b. at Guewenheim in Alsace, 12 cited m orders of the day and received the Croix de March, 1870, entered the Seminary of the Paris Ouerre. The French Government excused the other Foreign Missions in 1888, ordained on 15 October, missionaries from military duty. They offered their 1893, and sent to Siam in December following, ap- services to the English. Nine priests and four sisters pointed titular Bishop of Zoara and Vicar Apostolic during several years worked in the sanitary division on 17 September, 1909 Jsein^ consecrated at Ban^ok of the English army and in the ambulance service and on 30 January, 1910. The diocesan statistics for 1921 hospitals. All of them were remarkable for their record a native population of 5,200,000 (Siamese, devotion, their endurance and their self-sacrifice. Annamites, Chinese), with 26,600 Catholics; 20 mis- One priest and one Sister died in the service. Ac- sions; 60 churches and chapels^ 25 Brothers of St. cording to the statistics of 1922 the vicariate apostolic Gabriel; 51 Sisters of St. Paul of Chartes, Europeans; contains 2 churches, 23 chapels, 9 principal stations, 96 native Sisters, Lovers of the Cross; 1 seminary