Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/742

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Franciscan tertiaries under the jurisdiction of the Dubuque, I«wa. The number of professed SisterB First Order as 1,525,300 under the jurisdiction of the is 454. novices 53, and postulants 15. Friars Minor of the Leonine Union; 28,000 under the Miuvaley Perm. — ^This congregation, with mother- Friars Minor Conventuals; and 989,500 under the house at Mt. Alvemia, MiUvale, Penn., was founded Friars Minor Capuchin. in 1865 from Buffalo, N. Y. They established

Father Cuthbbrt. a hospital in a small frame dwelling, which has since

Third Order Regular of St. Francis in the given place to the large brick structure known as

United States (cf. C. E., XIV — 646b). — Allegany^ St. Francis Hospital, covering an entire block, with

N, Y, — ^This Franciscan congregation, with mother- a capacity of 600 beds, and containing a psychopathic

house at St. Elizabeth's Convent, St. Bonaventure, department. This department ?niLin»Ain« an occupa-

Allegany, N. Y., has at present 17 foundations, tion school, in which weaving, wicker work, sewing

including 1 college, 2 academies, 3 high schools, 14 and knitting are taught to patients whose condition

parochial schools, 3 homes for working girls. 1 home permits them to tak^ up uie work. The hospital

for children, 1 day nursery, and 2 hospitals. New maintains a hydrotherapeutic department, the largest

foundations have been made in the dioceses of of its kind in Western Pennsylvania; also a vocational

Ogdensburg, Pittsburgh and Buffalo. The com- school for disabled soldiers, and a training school for

munity now numbers 322 members. nurses which numbers 126 nurses, including pupils

Bay SetUementf Wis. — ^This congregation, with and graduate nurses. It has for years maintam^ a

mother-house at Bay Settlement, Green Bay, Wis- free oispensary, and the patients treated here during

consin, numbers 60 professed religious, 4 novices, the past year number 10.652. Hieir mission as

and 5 postulants. Tiie present superior is Mother teachers dates from 1868, wnen a colony of 12 Sistov

M. Angela, who succeeded Mother M. Teresa in opened a house on the South Side, then known as

1920. New foundations have been made as follows: Birmingham, but since incorporated in the city as St. Fidelis School, Meeme, Wis., 1917; St. Mary's the South Side. Here they took charge of the school School, Bear Creek, Wis., 1919; McCormick Memor- connected with St. Michael's parish. In 1871, at iai Home for the Aged (20 inmates), Green Bay. the request of Bi^op Domenec of Pittsburg, Wis., 1921. St. Aloysius Institute, a boarding school Bishop Timon of Buffalo released the community at Sturgeon Bay, Wis., was discontinued m July, from nis obedience, and a mother-house and novitiate

1921. The congregation is at present in charge of were permanently established in the Pittsburgh 10 parochial schools with 1215 pupils, 1 boardins diocese at the above named place. In 1884, through school with 58 pupils at Robinson ville, Wis., ana the influence of Rev. Father Luke, C. P.. the con-

1 home for the aged. stitutions were approved for a period of nve years. Buffalo f N. Y. — ^The present superior of this con- In 1890, His Holmess Leo XIII granted a definitive

gregation with mother-house at Buffalo, N. Y., is approbation, and the Sisters have thenceforth been

Sister M. De Pazzi, elected 2 August, 1919. The under the jurisdiction of the Holy See. Slight

E resent number of foimdations is 41, of which 12 changes, due to the revised Code of Canon Law, ave been established in the last ten years. These have been made affecting the novitiate. The time include: 2 hospitals caring for 120 patients; 3 homes of postulancy has been reduced from one year to six for the aged with 434 mmates; 1 orphan asylum months; the time of novitiate from two years to one with 450 orphans; 35 parochial schools with 7764 year; the time "of temporary vows has been increased children. Perpetual Adoration of the Most Blessed from two to three years. The development of the Sacrament was founded on 27 December, 1902, and community called for a larger mother-house and this association, affiliated with the one established novitiate, and the present structure at Mt. Alvemia, in Rome, is called The Association of Perpetual Millvale, was erected in 1898. The community Adoration and Work for Poor Churches. The con- numbers 262 professed Sisters, 18 novices, 14 pos- greg^ation now numbers 375 professed Sisters, 21 tulants, and 18 aspirants. It has 17 houses and has novices, and 7 postulants, a total of 403 members. charge of 2 hospitals, an insane asylum, a home for Clinton f Iowa. — ^The constitutions of this congre- aged ladies, an orphan asylum, and a nome for in- gation, with mother-house in Clinton, Iowa, have fants under five years of age. As educators they been revised according to the new Code of Canon have charge of 15 schoob, attended by 7300 pupils,' Law and are in Rome for approval. The present and engaging 138 teachers; 10 of these schools have superior is Mother M. Fidel is. The congregation their ownnign school. In connection with the mother- numbers 200 professed Sisters and 18 postulants and house is the Community Normal School, and a pre- novices,havin(; under their care 1 college and academy, paratory school in which young ladies desiring to

2 hospitals with 822 patients, 1 old people's home enter the community begin their studies preparatory with 30 inmates, and 30 parochial schools. There to the normal course (students 18, teachers 4).

are 3005 children under their instruction. Nevada. Mo. — ^This congregation, with mother-

Dubuque f lovxi. — This congregation with mother- house at Nevada, Mo., has its general mother-house

house at St. Francis Convent, Dubuque, Iowa, in Switzerland, from where the first Sisters came to

received the decree of praise and the approval and America in 1893. The community now numbers

confirmation of its constitutions in 1914. The 26 professed Sisters and 2 postulants, in charge of

constitutions, with revisions in conformity with the 115 orphans.

new Code of Canon Law, are to receive final approvjJ Oldenburg, Jnd. — ^This congregation, with mother- in 1922. Since the death of the foundress in 1892, house at Oldenbure, Indiana, was governed for the congregation has been governed successively by thirty-six years by Mother Olivia, who was succeeded Mother M. Elizabeth Hoenig, Mother M. Coletta in 1919 bv Mother Veneranda. Mother Olivia had Roehret, and Mother M. Dominica Wieneke, the celebrated her golden jubilee in 1915, and in 1921 present superior general, elected in July, 1920. Since Mother Veneranda and five Sisters celebrated their


inoBpijAijni.ows,. xj.nuwa3»B.2o^^oio^S^^m^ October, 1919. According to the new Code of l^an^ schools and 15 high schools and academies with a La^ the community subimts a triennial report to the total enrollment of 8609 pupils, 2 orphanages, 1 Holy See, the postulate is extended from three hospital, 1 home for the aged, 1 home for young months to six, and novices are admitted to final pro- ladies, 1 domestic department at Columbia CoUegei fession after three years of temporary vows, instead-