Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 17.djvu/794

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Zaverian Brothttn (cf. C. E., XV— 728b).— The tenure of office of minor superiors |s three years,

Since 1912 the Xaverians have become prominent in and limited to six. The election for delegates to the

educational matters. Annually several members are^ general and provincial chapters is also according to

sent to the Catholic Educational Conventions, at the Code. In the United States the Xaverians have

which some take active part in reading papers, dis- opened six new foundations. Catholic hig^ school,

Sutations, etc. In 1915 the third supenor general, Clarksbuig. W. Va. (1914); Catholic hig^ schools at

Irother Chrysostora, died in Mayfield, England. Wichita, Kans. (1916); Utica, N. ¥7(1917); Rich-

As no general chapter could be held durins the war, mond, Va. (1917); parochial school, Alexandria, Va.

Brother Thtophile acted as superior general till 1919, (1918); Holy Cross School, Brooklsm, N. Y. (1920).

when the general chapter elected Brother Bernard In 1921 the novitiate was transferred to Old Point

(Gr3rson) an Englishman by birth and a Beldan by Comfort, Va., where all the niles and regulations

long residence, he having taught classes in the English prescribed by canon law are strictly followed. The

department at Bruges, Belgium, for twenty-eight Brothers have (1921) a total of 32 establishments in

years. The same ^neral chapter appointed a com- the United States, of which 6 are preparatory schools

mittee of the provinciate of America (Br. Isidore), for colleges, 6 of them accepting boarders, 7 high

England, (Br. Cyril), and Belgiuin (Br. Adolph), to g^hools connected with parishes, with a teaching staff

revive the constitutions and nfles m conformity with ^ jQg Brothers, 17 parochial whools taught by 92

the new Code of Canon Law. Steps have been taken p* iTl^ Th^JL oJTi«X a;«^««lXi^«S^

to obtain the full approval of thV Congregation of ^^^^^^' V^^^ "T k1^ \^^^ ^^"^^J^c

Religious. According to the revised constitutions 5p«if ^ ^^^^ <>' ^1 Brothers. The number of

the time of postulancy is changed to six months. Brothers otherwise employed w 13, and there are 6

To the canonical novitiate of one full year, another superannuated and infirm, makmg a total of 270

year's novicecdiip is added by the rule of the order, professed members, with 29 scholastics and novices,

and temporary vows of three years precede final vows. The Brothers are in charge of 6540 boys.