Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 8.djvu/715

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1910 pupils, sixty-six churches and chapels, twenty- five seminarians, ten orphanages with 622 children. In 1908: 1 bishop, 21 Lazarists. ten native priests, 96 churches and chapels, 2 seminaries with 31 students, 78 schools with 17S7 pupils, 2 hospitals, 1 leper house, 13 hospices for aged men with 150 inmates, 13 or- phanages with 539 children, 6 Sisters of Charity, 12 Chinese Sisters of St. Joseph, 16,295 Catholics, 3500 catechumens.

Misxiones Cnlholicce (Rome).


Kiang-si, "S'icariate Apostolic of Northern. — Father Mattco Ricci of the Society of Jesus was the first missionary who entered the Province of Kiang-si at the end of the sixteenth century. It was during his voyage from Canton to the capital of China, that he remained some time in this province and preached the Gospel with success. After him, during the seven- teenth century, some missionaries belonging to differ- ent religious orders came. Innocent XII organized this province into a vicariate Apostolic, and entrusteil it to Rev. Fr. Alvares Benavento of the Augustinian Order, appointing him titular Bishop of Ascalon. The new vicar fixed his residence at Kan-chou-fu. During his administration the Jesuit Fathers built beautiful churches, and founded flourishing Christian communi- ties at Yao-chou, Kiu-kiang, and Xan-chang, capital of the province. Bishop Benavento died at Macao, 1705. He was not replaced on account of the perse- cution. The mission was entrusted to Bishop Vental- lot, Vicar .\postolic of Fu-kien. The \-icars Apostolic of Fu-kien maintained the mission of Kiang-si under their jurisdiction till the appointment of Bishop Car- pena, who obtained in 1S3S that the missions of Kiang-si and Che-kiang be removed from his jurisdic- tion and transferred to the Lazarist Fathers. In 1722 we find Father Entrecolles, S.J., at King-te-chen, whence he sent a magnificent study on the art of Chinese moulding. In 17S5 the first Lazarist mission- aries arrived at Peking to take the place of the Jesuit missionaries. They were charged with the missions of Kiang-si and Kiang-nan. Unable to go themselves in those missions on accoimt of the persecutions of Yung- chins; anil Kien-long. they delegated the native priests to visit the Christians. In 1790 Blessed Clet was sent to Kiang-si where no European missionaries had set foot during the preceding forty years. He remained alone during three years. The persecution broke out again during the reign of Kia-king. Blessed Clet, as- sisted by Chinese Lazarists, administered during this time the missions confided to the Lazarist Fathers. He was arrested at Ho-nan in 1819, and on 18 Feb., 1820, suiTered death by strangulation at the age of seventy-two. In 1832 Father Laribe arrived in Kiang-si.

In 1838, at the request of Bishop Carpena, Kiang-si and Che-kiang were separated from the Vicariate Apostolic of Fu-kien. Bishop Rameaux, former mis- sionary of Hu-pe, was named vicar Apostolic of the new vicariate formed by the union of Kiang-si and Che-kiang. At this time there were approximately 6000 Catholics in Kiang-si. In 1S45 Bishop Ra- meau.\died of apoplexy. The mission of Che-kiang was separated from that of Kiang-si and Bishop Laribe was named Vicar .\postolic of Kiang-si. The mission then numljered 9000 Christians. Bishop Delaplace soon replaceil Bishop Laribe, bvit the new- bishop was transferred to Che-kiang in 1854, and Bishop Dani- court replaced him at Kiang-si. From 1856 to 1860 the ravages of Changraau (Tai-ping) reduced the Christians to 6000. In 1870, at the arrival of Bishop Bray, tlierc were 7388 Christians and more than 1059 catecliumens. There were then 4 European mission- aries and 10 native priests. In 1879 Leo XIII di- vided Kiang-si into the Vicariates of Southern Kiang- §i anil Northern Kiang-si. Finally, in 1885, the

Vicariate Apostolic of Eastern Kiang-si was separated from Northern Kiang-si. Bishop Paul Ferrant was named coadjutor to Bishop Bray in 1898, and Titular Bishop of Barbalissus; he assumed the direction of the mission in 1905. In the succeeding years the mission of Xorthern Kiang-si was the scene of bloody persecu- tions. Father Lacruche and five Little Brothers of Mary were massacred at Xan-chang on 25 Feb., 1906; the mission and the school were burned. Three other missionaries and five Daughters of Charity saved their lives by fleeing to Kiu-kiang.

The mission of Xorthern Kiang-si comprises to-day (1910) the sLx following civil prefectures: Kiu-kiang- fu. residence of the vicar Apostolic, Y"oei-chou-fu, Nan-chang-fu, capital of the province, Xan-kang-fu, Lin-kiang-fu, and Y'uan-chou-fu. It contains about ten million inhabitants. In 1899 the Catholic mission included: 2 bishops, 11 Lazarist priests, of whom two were Chinese, 2 native priests, 14 Daughters of ( 'harity, 5071 Cathohcs. Condition of the mission in 1907: 1 bishop, 16 European missionaries, 4 native priests, 98 churches and chapels, 2 seminaries with 24 stu- dents, 50 schools with 1439 scholars, 1 school directed by the little Brothers of Jlary, 24 Daughters of Charity, 8395 Catholics. In 190S: 1 bishop, IS Euro- pean rnissionaries, 4 native priests, 110 churches and chapels, 11, .397 Catholics.

Missiones Catholics.

V. H. MoNTAN.Ul.

Kiang-si, Vic^ri-^te Apostolic of Southern. — Southern Kiang-si was separated from the X'orthem mission of Kiang-si in 1879, and organized into an independent vicariate Apostolic. The mission pos- sessed at the time 3000 Catholics among a population of ten million. This part of Kiang-si had been greatly neglected up to this time on account of its remoteness. Father Rouger, a Lazarist, was the first superior of the new mission. He retained the title of pro-vicar till 1884, when he was named vicar .\pos- tolic. He established his residence at Ki-ngan-fu. At his death in 18S7, Mgr Cogret assumed the direc- tion of the mis.sion. The latter came from Peking, and found only two missionaries in the mission. Southern Kiang-si was often a prey to persecution. In 1884 the Christian districts were pillaged. At the end of August, 1900, the chapels on the frontiers of Kwang- tung were again pillaged, then burned, and the Chris- tians driven from their homes. Later, towards the end of September, 1907, Father Canduglia, an Italian Lazarist, and more than sixty Christians were massa- cred at Ta-ho-li ; the churches and more than twenty Christian villages were pillaged and destroyed by fire. The following is the account rendered at different periods of the condition of the mission. In 1899: 1 bishop, 16 priests, 27 chapels and churches, 2 semi- naries with 28 students, 4 colleges with 87 students, 7 native Daughters of St. Anne, 4 orphan asylums with 136 children, 5229 Catholics, and more than 4500 catechumens. In 1908: 1 bishop, 15 missionaries, 6 native priests, 43 churches and chapels, 2 seminaries with 42 students, 1 college with 30 students. 4 orphan asylums with 317 children, 4 Little Brothers of Mary, 5 Daughters of Charity, 15 native Daughters of St. Anne, 8637 Catholics, and about 3000 catechumens.

Missiones Catholicce.


Kiche. See QmcHE Indians.

Eichua. See Quichua Indi.v^is.

Eickapoo Indians. — .Apparently corrupted from a longer term signifying "roamers": a tribe of .\lgon- quian stock, closely related dialectically to the Sauk and Foxes, and living when first known in south cen- tral Wisconsin, whence they gradually moved south- ward, taking up a position about the lower Wabash in Illinois and Indiana, upon lands seized from the lUi-