Page:Celebrated Scottish song of Tullochgorum.pdf/3

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{ \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#f #f #f) \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f \time 2/2 \relative g' {\autoBeamOff
g8. g'16 d8. g16 b,8. g'16 d8. g16 | 
g,8. g'16 d8. f16 c8. f,8*1/2 a8. b16 |
g8. g'16 d8. c16 b4 a8. b16 |
g8. g'16 d8. f16 c8. f,16 a8*3/2 b16 |
g8. g'16 d8. e16 f8. g16 a8. g16 |
f8. e16 d8. f16 c8. f,16 a8. b16 |
g8. g'16 d8. c16 b4 a8 \bar"||" }
\addlyrics { Whig and to -- ry, Whig and to -- ry, | Whig and to -- ry all a -- gree To | drop their whig -- meg -- mo -- rum. Let | whig and to -- ry all a -- gree To spend the night wi' mirth and glee, And | cheer -- fu' sing a -- lang wi' me The Reel of Tul -- loch -- go -- rum.} }