Page:Celebrated Scottish song of Tullochgorum.pdf/6

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May dole and sorrow be his chance,
Dole and sorrow,
Dole and sorrow,
May dole and sorrow be his chance,
And a' the ills that come frae France,
Whae'er he be that winna dance
The Reel of Tullochgorum.


{ \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#f #f #f) \key d \major \time 4/4 \relative a' { \autoBeamOff
  a16[ fis8.] fis8. e16 fis8. e16 fis b8. |
  a16[ fis8.] fis8. d16 e8. d16 e fis8. |
  a8. fis16 \grace fis e8. d16 d'8. e16 \grace e fis8.\fermata e16 |
  d8. b16 a8. \grace { b16 d } fis, e8. d16 e fis8.\fermata \bar "||" }
\addlyrics { Roy's wife o' Al -- di -- val -- loch, Roy's wife of Al -- di -- val -- loch, Wat ye how she cheat -- ed me, As I came o'er the braes o' Bai -- loch.} }