Page:Christian Astrology (Lilly, 1659).djvu/122

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subtill or slender

then grosse; a round, lovely and


An Introduction to Astrologie.

beautifull Visage, a pure sanguine colour; in Youth, no abundance or excesse in either white or red, but in Age usually some pimples, or a very high Colour, the Hair yellowish, smooth and long.

[KINGDOMS, COUNTRIES, CITIES.] The higher Austria, Savoy its Dukedom, Alsatia, Livonia, Lisbone in Portugal, Frankeford, Vienna, Placentia the territory, in Greece where sometimes the City Thebes stood, Aries, Friburge, Spires.

[QUALITY AND PROPERTY OF SCORPIO.] Scorpio is a cold, watry, nocturnal, flegmatick, feminine sign, of the watry Triplicity, fixed and North, the house and joy of Mars, feminine; usually it doth represent subtill, deceitfull men.

[DISEASES.] Gravell, the Stone in the Secret parts, Bladder, Ruptures, Fistulaes, or the Pyles in Ano, Gonorrhea’s, Priapisaics, all aflicting the Privy parts either in Man or Woman; defects in the Matrix.

[PLACES.] Places where all sorts of creeping Beasts use, as Beetles, &c. or such as be without wings, and are poysonous; Gardens, Orchards, Vineyards, Ruinous Houses neer Waters; muddy, moorish Grounds, stinking Lakes, Quagmires, Sinks, the Kitchen or Larder, Wash-house.

[FORM AND DESCRIPTION.] A corpulent, strong, able Body, somewhat a broad or square Face, a dusky muddy complexion, and sad, dark Hair, much and crisping; an hairy Body, somewhat bowlegged, short necked, a squat, wel-trussed Fellow.

[KINGDOMS, COUNTRIES, CITIES.] North part of Bavaria, the Woddy part of Norway, Barbary, the Kingdom of Fez, Catalonia in Spain, Valentia, Urbine and Forum Julit in Italy, Vienna, Messina in Italy, Gaum, Frankenford upon Odor.

[QUALITY AND NATURE OF SAGITTARIUS.] Sagittarius is of the fiery triplicity, East, in nature fiery, hot, dry, Masculine, Cholericke, Diurnall, Common, by-corporall or double bodied, the House and Joy of Jupiter.

[DISEASES.] It ruleth the Thighes and Buttocks in the parts of mans body, and all Fistulaes or Hurts falling in those members, and generally denoteth blood heated, Feavers Pestilentiall, fals from Horses, or hurts from them or four-footed Beasts; also prejudice by Fire, Heat and intemperatenesse in Sports.