Page:Christian Greece and Living Greek.djvu/221

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GREECE BEFORE THE WAR OF 1 897. 1 99 " While Russia is frankly despotic and op- posed to democracy, and Germany is rapidly be- coming so, both thus assuming a definite direc- tion and aim. Great Britain is wasting her opportunities and strength in trying to follow two courses at once. She is internally divided against herself. Being more than any other nation dependent upon a state of peace, she has to sacrifice interests of humanity, honor, and authority. She is in a corner where she is com- pelled to aid her rivals in disgraceful acts against humanity. She has stood by while Turkey has committed atrocities upon her Chris- tian subjects such as would have disgraced the most barbarous nations in the darkest of the dark ages. Nay, she actually has lent her aid in carrying out the policy of Russia and Ger- many — the two greatest foes of human liberty — in coercing Crete, humiliating and paralyzing Greece, and thereby crushing out all movement toward freedom and democracy in the East. She has become the instrument of dirty work for the despotic nations." ^^^^OnJFgJxaiarjL.i,;lh, h^^^r.ui,iL.i Oilin r>r Biivfi ria, who had b een prp poRf^ d by, FrauoQy wa,^ tiaiiTPd King of the Hellenes, His father. King Lewis, insisted upon the annexation of Crete, but was