Page:Christian Greece and Living Greek.djvu/307

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EPILOGUE. 285 Constructions of w h i c h no translation can be given. KepaffeXivTjj Kos. xspaffoXivT^y Lemnos. xepaffoXi^ Ikaria. xoupaXy)<Td, Libision (Asia Minor). IIavaYia<s to ^cuvdptj belt of the Blessed Virgin^ Leu- kadia. xaXoYp-qa<s to ^lovdpt^ belt of the nufi, Sparta, Messina, Argolide. xaX6yp-qa<s^ Elide. xaXoypi^j Gortynia. '^Ayia '^(ovrj^ the holy belt, Syra. Kaiidpa, Megata, Keos, Andros, Kypros. Add I xai xpaffc, oil and wine (because the prophecy is : If the rainbow has much of the green color there will be a rich harvest of olives, and if there is much red there will be a good wine year), Monemuasia. 'Avefiod6;(u?, Mykonos, Tinos. MapooXi (xa/jL/j.apodXi2), Magne. xanipdvi, Sphakia (Crete). Dr. Stephanos is preparing a bibliography for his own use and also to aid every student of the subject, giving the titles of all books, pamphlets, articles in periodicals, and manuscripts which treat of the anthropology of Greece or may serve for its study. The books, pamphlets, prints of all kinds, and manuscripts which form the library of the Mu- seum of Anthropology of the University of Ath- ens, it goes without saying, make the most com- plete collection of its kind. The nucleus of this