Page:Christian Greece and Living Greek.djvu/310

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288 CHRISTIAN GREECE AND LIVING GREEK. (Shells and fragments of shells and balls which have been thrown from the Gulf of Canea by the united fleet of the six great powers into Prophiti Ilia of Acrotisi against the 700 Chris- tian Cretans encamped there on the 9th of Feb- ruary, 1897, at 4:30 P.M.) These projectiles tell of the greatest shame, not only of our century, but of the history of mankind. It was my good fortune while in Athens to see Professor Hatzidakis, whom I have quoted in the first chapter of this book. He is a Cretan. When the revolution broke out, he left his place at the university and fought for his country with the other insurgents. He told me : "In Crete mourning, poverty, and famine reign. There is no money. People are sadly in need of cloth- ing, and they have no bread." Hatzidakis was with his people. One day they baked bread. This became known, and children in masses came asking for a piece of bread. There was none with a whole garment. Early in September last I left the Piraeus to return home to America. It was two o'clock in the morning when we were passing the isle of Crete. We saw the men-of-war of the six pow- ers ; they had illuminated ; on board there were