Page:Commentaries on Genesis (Calvin) Vol 1.djvu/29

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translator's preface. XIX by Calvin, for the purpose of explaining his hypothesis respecting the sicuation of the Garden of Eden, and which seems to have been the basis of the most approved theories on the subject, will be found in its proper place. The same Map is given in the French and English translations, and also in the Latin edition of Professor Hengstenberg, published at Berlin in the year 1838. It may be observed, as a coincidence, that the same sketch appears in the Anglo- Geneva Bible, to which reference has been made. A more elaborate Map accompanies the Amsterdam edition of Calvin's iJYorks, published in 1671. The edition now issuing from the press is also enriched by an engraving, in the first style of art, o^ facsimiles of various medals of Calvin never before submitted to the British public. Hull, January 1, 1847.