Page:County Churches of Cornwall.djvu/79

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THE CHURCHES OF CORNWALL 55 E. window of N. aisle is large trefoil-headed image niche. Octagonal font, with tabernacled cover, new. In centre of chancel a large stone of grey marble, 90 in. by 36 in., bearing brass effigy of lady beneath crocheted canopy, wearing a long flowing gown, with hanging sleeves and double-horned head-dress. Inscription records Margery Arundell, lady of " Est. Antony," a daughter of Sir Warin l'Erchedekne, 1420. Many monuments of Carew family from 1555 to 1835. In N. porch stand six- holed stocks. (Registers, 1678.) St. Anthony - in - Meneage. — This beautifully situated church, close to the water's edge of the Durra Creek and embowered in trees, consists of chancel, nave of 5 bays, N. aisle, S. transept, S. porch, and W. tower. Tradition says it was a votive church built by shipwrecked Normans ; but there are no Norm, remains. There was probably an E.E. cruciform church; a 13th cent, lancet in N. wall of chancel. Early in 15th cent. N. aisle was added, and church much rebuilt and extended in the dawn of Perp. style ; good three-light E. windows to both chancel and aisle. Rood-stairs, on N. side, have the rare feature of an outside entrance. Granite tower of 3 stages, 65 ft. high, has handsome crocketed pinnacles rising from clustered shafts resting on angels. Circular font late 13th cent. ; bowl carved with 4 shield-bearing angels, and bears inscription — Ecce Karissimi de deo vero baptizabuntur spiritu sancto, together