Page:Cradle Tales of Hinduism .djvu/314

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accepted on all hands that Prithi Rai was the bravest knight, but, alas, every one also knew that the most beautiful princess in the world was the daughter of Kanauj 1 She was tall, graceful, and lovely. Her long, thick hair was black, with a blue light on it, and her large eyes were like the black bee moving in the petals of the white lotus. Moreover, it was said that the maiden was as high-souled and heroic as she was beautiful.

So Prithi Rai, King of Delhi, determined to win Sanjogata, Princess of Kanauj and daughter of his mortal foe, for his own. How was it to be done ?

First he went to his old nurse who had brought him up. He prostrated himself before her and touched her feet, caUing her ** Mother," and she, with a smile, first put her fingers under his chin, and then kissed her own hand. For so mothers and children salute each other in India. Then the King sat down on the floor before her, and told her all that was in his heart.

She listened, and sat without speaking for a few minutes when he had finished. *^ Well," she said, after a while, *^ give me only your portrait. I shall send you hers. And I can promise you, that when you win your way to the girl's side, you will find her just as determined as yourself, to marry no one but you."

That evening the old nurse Jeft Delhi with a