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Cromwell [ironically.]An idol—head of gold and feet of wax!
Murray.A paltry creature I have always thought him.
Mere reputation does not me deceive
I have judged Cromwell. That man would be king!
What times we live in! He has not the art
To foil a plot, anticipate a ruse!
Why you yourself are many times more shrewd
Than the besotted fool who at this hour
Is taken in his bed!
Cromwell [aside.] …in his bed! If he but knew
How truly he doth speak, the idiot!
Murray.Thinks he 'tis such a simple thing to reign?
He, king! I would not have him for a courtier.
Cromwell.You would be well advised.
Murray. You would be well advised. We may agree
That he is skilled in brewing goodly beer.
But hath he right to bear the bassinet
And gambière? At most, no more than these.
Upstart nobility. And is his name
Equal in lustre to his trusty Milton's?
Cromwell [aside.]Impertinent!
Murray. Impertinent! He's not content to be
A brewer of renown, but needs must play
The great man, ape the tyrants and the heroes!
Are not such petty squires ridiculous?
He learns to yoke the people to his car,
The hydra to subdue, the world to rule,—
While brewing beer!
Cromwell [aside.] …ing beer! The villain!
Murray. While brewing beer! The villain! And because
Chance served him well, he deems himself a Capet,
A Moses, or a Cæsar, by my faith!