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Let 's be content.
Garland [to Overton, in an undertone.
Let 's be content. Our arms he shattered all
With but a word.
Cromwell [spying Gramadoch with his guards.
With but a word. What doth my fool, I prithee,
Amid four archers?
Gramadoch [with an impatient air.
Amid four archers? Oh! fool-keepers, they!
An Archer.The audacious dwarf took up your Highness' glove,
My lord.
Cromwell [angrily, to Gramadoch.
My lord. Thou knave!
Gramadoch. My lord. Thou knave! None but a fool, my lord,
Could e'er have done it.
Cromwell [smiling, and motioning to the archers to set him free.] Go!

[Gramadoch joins his comrades, who embrace him and give him a joyous welcome.—Meanwhile the Protector addresses Milton.

Could e'er have done it. Go! Are you content?
Milton.I wait.
Cromwell. I wait. Brother, I am content with you.
Speak; tell me is there aught that you would ask?
Milton.There is.
Cromwell. There is. What is it?
Milton. There is. What is it? 'Tis a favour.
Cromwell. There is. What is it? 'Tis a favour. Speak,
My friend; I grant it.
Milton. My friend; I grant it. All your enemies
Your Highness has forgiv'n, save one alone.
Cromwell.Who is that one?
Milton. Who is that one? 'Tis Davenant.
Cromwell. Who is that one? 'Tis Davenant. Go to!