Page:Cyclopaedia, Chambers - Volume 1.djvu/16

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as this muft

gin -, but this in a loofer manner, to prevent the Embarrafs of an Analyfis fo complex and diffufive prove. Some of the principal Heads of each Kind will here come in fight, and fuch as will naturally & and lead to the reft; fo that this .will afford the Reader a fort of Summary of the Whole ■ And at the fame time will difpenfe a kind of auxiliary or fuccedaneous Order thro'out the Whole ; the numerous Articles omitted, all naturally enough ranging themielves to their proper Places among thefe. A Detail of this Kind is of the more Confcqucnce, as it may not only fupply the Office of a Table of 'Contents, by prefenting thedifoerf-d Materials of the Book in one View ; but alfo that of a Diredlcry, by indicating the Order they arelnoft advanta

geoufly read in. Note* then, That the initial Articles here, tally to the final ones of the Analyfis \ and that

the feveral Members hereof, are fo many Heads in the Book,

1 METEOROLOGY, or the Hiftory of Air and Atmo- sphere: including, i°, that of its Contents, JEther,Pire,Vapour, Ex- halation, Sec. z°, Meteors form'd therein, as Cloud, Rain, Shower, Drop, Snow, Hail, Dew, Damp, Sec. Rainbow, Parhelion, Halo, Thunder, Water- fpout,Sec. Winds, Mon-foon, Hurricane, and the like.

1 HYDROLOGY, or the Hiftory of Water* including that of Springs, Rivers, AciduU, Sec. of Lake, Sea, Ocean, Sec. of Tides, Deluge, and the like.

3 M I N E R O L O G Y, or the Hiftory oFEahth; i°, Its Parts, as Mountain, Mine, Mofs, Bog, Grotto ; and their Phenomena, as Earth. quake, Volcano, Conflagration, Sec. Its Strata, as Clay, Bole, Sand- &c. i°, Foffils or Minerals, as Metals, Gold, Silver, Mercury, Sec. with Operations relating to 'em, as Fufion, Refining, Purifying, Parting, Effay'tng, Sec. Litharge, Lavatory, Pinea, Sec, Salts, as Nitre, Na- tron, Gemma, Allum, Armoniac, Borax, Sec. Sulphurs, as Arfenic, Amber, Ambergreafe, Coal, Bitumen, Naphtha, Petrol, Stc. Semi- metals, as Antimony, Cinnabar, Marcafite, Magnet, Bifmuth, Calamine, Cobalt, Sec, Stones, as Marble, Porphyry, Slate, Asbeflos, &c. Gems, as Diamond, Ruby, Emerald, Opal, Turcoife, Sec. Emery, Lapis, Sec. whence Ultramarine, Azure, Sec. Petrifactions, as Cryjlal, Spar, Stalactites, Trochites, Cornu Ammonis, and the like.

4 PHYTOLOGY, or the Hiftory of P t A N T s ; their Origin, in the Seed, Fruit, Sec. Their Kinds, as Tree, Herb, Sec. extraordinary Species, as Tea, Coffee, Paraguay, V'me,Ginfeng,Cotton,Tobacco, Sec. Coral, Mufhroom, Truffle, Parafite, Miffelto, Mofs, See. Parts, as Root, Stone, flower ; Wood, as Guaiacum, Saffafras, Ebony, Aloes, Sec. Leaf, as Foliation, Roll, Sec. Bark, Quinquina, Sec. Piflil, Farina, Stamina, Sec. Operations thereof, as Vegetation, Germination, Cir- culation, Sec. Circumftances, as Perpendicularity, Parallelifm, Fer- tility, Sec. Productions, as Honey, Wax, Balm, Sugar, Manna, Sec. Cum, Reftn, Camphor, Sec. Indigo, Opium, Galls, and the like.

5 ZOOLOGY, or the Hiftory of Animals: Their Origin in

Egg, Embryo, Foetus, Generation, Conception, Gefiation, Hatching, Migra- tion, Sec. Their Kinds, as Quadruped, Bird, Fijh, Infect, Reptile, Rumi- nant, Carnivorous, Sec. Extraordinary Species, as Unicorn, Torpedo, Tarantula, Tortoifie, Cameleon, Salamander, Sec. Barnacle, Anchovy, Death-Watch, Sec. Monfters, as Double Animals, Hermaphrodite, Mule, Pigmy, Giant, Sec. Metamorphofes, as Aurelia, Metempfychofis, Sec. Parts, as Head, Hand, Foot, Finger, Tail, Fin, Wing, Gills, Stc. Covering, as Hair, Wool, Silk, Feathers, Sec. Armature; as Nail, Sting, Horn, Tooth, Shell, Probofcis, Web, Sec. Productions, as Pearl, Bezoard, Cafioreum, Civet, Meconium, Mummy, Ufnea, Sec. Kermes, Cochineal, Sec, Motion, as Flying, Swimming, and the like.

6 P H Y S I C S, or the Doctrine of Cadsis; as Nature, Law, Sec. Occasions or Means, as Principle, Matter, Form, Sec. Their Compofition or Conftitution, in Element, Atom, Particle, Body. Chaos, World, Vniverfe, Space, Vacuum, Sec. Properties of Body, as

Extenfion, Solidity, Figure, Divifibility, Sec. Powers thereof, as At- traction, Cohefion, Gravitation, Reputjion. Elafiicity, Electricity, Magne- tifm, Sec. Qualities, as Fluidity, Firmnefs, Ductility, Hardnefs, Volatility, Denftty, Polarity, Sec. Light, Heat, Cold, Sec. Operations or Effects thereof, as Motion, Rarefaction, Dilatation, Condenfation. Dijfolution, Ebullition, Freezing, Evaporation, Fermentation, Digeftion, Effervcfcence, Sec. Vifion, Seeing, Hearing, Feeling, Smelling, Sec. Modifications or Changes, as Alteration, Corruption, Putrefaction, Generation, Degene- ration, Tranfmutation, Sec. Syftems or Hypothecs hereof, Corpufcu-

lar, Epicurean, Ariflotelian, Peripatetic, Cartesian, Newtonian, Sec. .

Occult and Fictitious Qualities, Powers, and Operations, Antipe- riftafis, Sympathy, Antipathy, Arch&us, Sec. Magic, Witchcraft, Vir- gttla Divina, Ligature, Tali [man, Cabbala, Sec. Druid, Bard, Brach- man, Gymnofophifi, Magi, Roficrucian, and the like.

7 METAPHYSICS, or the Doctrine of E n s, E fence, Exif- tence, Power, Act, Undemanding, Sec The M 1 n d, Its Facul- ties, Apprehenfion, Judgment. Imagination, Reafon, Wit, Sec. Its Operations, Retention, Reflection, Afciation, Abfiraction, Sec, Its Perceptions, as Subftance, Accident, Mode, Sec. Relations, as Unity, Multitude, Infinity, Univerfal, Sec. Quantity, Quality, Whole, Part, Sec. Genus, Species, Difference, Sec. Proper, Oppoftte, Circumflance, External, Sec. Effects hereof, Knowledge, Science, Art, Experience, &c. Conditions, Probability, Certainty, Fallacy, Sec. Syftems here- of, Nominal*, Scotifts, Sec.

ARITHMETIC, including the Doctrine of Discrete or Difcontimtom Qu A N t i t v, viz. Number, Ratio, Proportion,Sec. Kinds, as Integer, Fraction, Decimal, Surd, Sec. Relations, as Root, Power, Square, Cube, Sec. Rules or Operations thereof, as Notation, Numeration, Addition, SubtraStion, Sec. Reduction, Practice, Position, Sec Extraction, Approximation, Sec. Inftruments fubfervient thereto, as Logarithms, Nepair's Bones, Sec.

9 ANALYTICS, or the Refolution of Problems by Species or Symbolical ExprefTions : Rules or Operations hereof. Ad- dition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Sec, Application thereof, in Com- binations, Permutations, Magic Squares, Chances, Gaming, Sec. Se- ries, Progreffions, Sec. Methods de Maximis, Fluxions, Exponentials;, ^"■""'nts, Sec.

10 ALGEBRA, or the Doctrine of Equations; Simple, Quadratic, Cubic, Sec. Operations thereof, as Reduction, Ceti- ftruction, Sec.

11 GEOMETRY,or theDoctrine of Extended, or Continu- ous Quantity, viz. l°,Liass t Right, Perpendicular, Parallel fib liqne, Sec. Angles, Acute, Scalenous, Vertical, Oppofite, Sec. z°, Figures, or Surfaces, Triangle, Square, Parallelogram, Trapezium, Polygon, See. Circumftances hereof, as Perimeter, Area, Sec. Operations relating hereto, as Biffiecting, Dividing, Multiplying, Meafuring, Sec. In- struments ufed therein, as Compajfes, Ruler, Square, Parallelifm, Scale, See. Curves, as Circle, Cycloid, Ciffoid, Catenaria, Cauflic, Evolute, ggadratrix, Sec. Circumftances thereof, as Axis, Diameter, Radius, Centre, Circumference, Abfcifs, Ordinate, Sec. Arch, Chord, Sine, Tangent, Secant, Sec. Inftruments ufed herein, as Artificial Lines, Canons, Sec. Operations arifing herefrom, as Surveying, taking An- gles or Bearings, Sec. with ^tadrant, Plain-Table, Semicircle, Circum- ferentor, Sec. taking Di/lances, with Chain, Perambulator, Sec. Plot- ting into Draught, Map, Sec. with Protractor, Sec. 3 , Solids Or Bodies, as Cube, Parallelepiped, Prifm, Pyramid, Cylinder, Polyhedron, Sec. Their Surface, Solidity, Sec. Operations relating hereto, as Cu- bature, meafuring of Timber, Gauging, Sec. Inftruments ufed herein,

as Carpenters Rule, Sector, Sliding Rule, Gauging Rod, Sec. The

Sphere, its Doctrine, Projection, Sec. Application thereof, in Plani-

fphere, Analemma, Sec. The Cone, its Sections, Ellipfis, Parabola.,

Hyperbola, Sec. Their Afymptotes, Foci, &c. Their Con fruition, Quadrature, Rectification, Sec.

STATICS, or the Doctrine of M o t I o n ; Its Laws, Veloci- ty, Momentum, Sec. Caufes. as Gravity, Percuffton, Communication, Sec. Modifications, as Compofition, Acceleration, Retardation, Reflettion, Refraction, Sec. Kinds, as Afcmt, Defcent, Central, Centripetal, Sec. Ofcillatton, Undulation, Projection, Sec. Powers or Applications there- of, in Lever, Screw, Sec. Pendulum, Projectile, Sec. Operations directed hereby, as Gunnery, the Mechanical Arts, Sec. enumerated hereafter.

13 ETHICS, or the Confederation of Natural Inclinations, Paf- Jtons,TaJles, Sec. Objects thereof, as Good, Evil, Virtue^ Vice, Beauty, Deformity, Sec. Pleafure, Pain, Sec. Rectitude, Equity, Confidence, Sec. Law, Obligation, Sec. Will, Liberty, Action, Affent, Sec. Neccffity, Pre- motion, Providence, Sec. Syftems hereof, Stoicifm, Platonifm, Acade- my, Cynic, and the like.

    • POLICY, or the Confideration of Society and Com-

monweal; Its Origin, in Contract, Sec. Conftitutions and Forms thereof, as, i°, Monarchy, Defpotifm, Sec. Powers thereof, King, %ueen, Prince, Duke. Emperor, Sultan, Sophy, Caliph, C&far, Czar, Inca, Ethnarch, Tetrarch, Defpot, and the like. Their Titles, Majefiy, Highnefs, Grace, Excellence, and the like. Their Reaalia, Crovjnj, Sceptre, Tiara, Fafces,Sec. i°, Ariftocracy ; its Powers, as Archon, Dic- tator, Doge, Senate, Council, Sec. 3°, Democracy j States-General, Stadt- holder, Protector, Sec. Their Succefllon, Elective, Hereditary, by Prti mogeniture, Sec. Their Tranfactions, as Peace, War, Treaty, Union, League, Croifade, Sec. By Armies, Fleets, Embaftes. Secretary, Ple- nipotentiary, Envoy, Legate, Nuntio, Sec. Their Territories, Empire, Principality, Signory, Sec. Their Eftates, Nobles, Commons, Cler- gy. Cenfus, Enumeration, Tribe, Quarter, Sec. Province, Circle, County, City, Town, Sec. Magiftrature, Chancellor, Judge, Sheriff, Juflice, Mayor, Alderman, Bailiff, Confiabte. Inter-Rex, Conful, Pretor r Cenfor, Vizir. Tribune, Triumvir, Provo ft, Ephori, JEdile, Prefect, gluefior, Proconful. Vice-Roy, Lieutenant, Steward, War den, Keeper. Juriftonfultus, Procurator, Advocate, Barrifier, Prothonotary, Cuflos, Philazer, Chiro- grapher, Ufher, Clerk, Sec. Their Jurifdiction ; Courts, as Areopagus, Comitia, Sec. Parliament, Diet, Divan. Chamber, Affize, Privy Coun- cil, Sec. Chancery, King' s-Bench , Exchequer, Admiralty, Verge, Sef- fions, Turn, County Court, Leet, Eyre, Sec. Terms, Circuits, Commif- fions, Oyer. Convocation, Arches, Prerogative, Faculties, Delegates* Rota, Inquifition, Sec. Their Revenues, Treafury, Fife, Exchequer, Tally, Political Arithmetic. Duties, Cnfioms, Gabel, Excife, Sec. Coin- age, Money, Intercft, Ufitry, Sec. Their Houfhold, Chamber, Green- Cloth, Ward-robe, Sec. Under Steward, Chamberlain, Comptroller, Cof- ferer, Aga, Oda, Sec. Guard, Stables, Ordnance, Sec. directed by Captain, Mafter, Equerry, Sec. Militia, Navy, Pofl, Timariot, Arriere-ban, Sec. Dignities, Dauphin, ^lector, Palatine, Grave, Palf- grave. Thane, Earl, Count, Knight, Garter, Baronet, ' Bath, Teuto- nic, Malta, Elephant, Sec. Gentleman, Yeoman, Sec. Their Names, Sirnames, Titles, Precedence, Sec. Factions, Patrician, Guelf, Tory, &c. Corporations, or lefler Communities, Univerfity, Academy, CoU
