Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/136

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SABINES Bolognese school ; called also Lorenzino da Bologna ; pupil probably of Prospero Fon- tana, but imitated Michelangelo, Eaphael, and Parmigiano. Went to Kome, after winning reputation in Bologna, and suc- ceeded so well that he was appointed (1572) by Gregory XUL superintendent of the paintings then in progress at the Vatican. Works : Assumption, Dead Christ, Pilgrims of Emmaus, Bologna Gallery ; Madonna (dated 1572), Louvre ; Madonna with Saints, Berlin Museum ; Marriage of St. Catherine, Dresden Gallery. Vasari, ed. Mil., vii. 415 ; Rape of the Sabines, Luca Giordano, Dresden Gallery, Malvasia, i. 181 ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole bolonaise ; Burckhardt, 761. SABINES, RAPE OF THE. Eomulus, his people having been refused the right of connubiuin or legal marriage by the Sa- bines and the Latins, instituted games in honour of the god Census and invited his neighbours with their wives and children to the festival. When they were assembled, the Roman youths seized and carried off the virgins and made them their wives. This led to war, and both parties were nearly exhausted with the struggle when the Sa- bine women rushed in among the combat- ants and brought about a reconciliation between their husbands and their fathers (Plut., Rom. 14 ; Livy, i. 13). By Luca Giordano, Dresden Gallery ; canvas, H. 7 ft. 2 in. x 8 ft. The Sabine women seized and borne away by the Ro- mans. In the background, near a Corinth- ian temple, Romulus, mounted upon a horse, is directing the movement. Painted for Marie Louise d'Orleans, Queen of Spain ; taken from Naples to Dresden. Engraved by R. Gaillard ; R. Sourique ; J. F. Beau- varlet ; Re veil Gal. roy. de Dresde, ii. PI. 40 ; Do- menici, iii. 415. By Pietro da Cortona, Blenheim Palace. One of the master's best works. Waagen, Treasures, iii. 126. By Pielro da Cortona, Capitol Museum, Rome. At right, a woman in a sol- dier's embrace, raises her hands in supplication ; at left, another, borne away by a Roman, looks pitying- ly at her infant, which cries and seeks to follow her ; iii middle, a third energetical- ly resists her aggressor. Copy by J. C. Naigeon, Di- jon Museum. Engraved by P. Aquila. By Nicolas Poussin, Lou- vre, Paris ; canvas, H. 5 f t. x 6 ft. 6 in. At left, on the peristyle of a palace, before which stand the lictors, Romulus, with two senators behind him, gives the signal for the seizure of the Sabine women by raising his mantle ; in foreground, at right, the Romans are capturing their prey ; in background, a temple and other buildings. Valued in 1816 at 150,000 francs. Engraved by Abr. Girardet ; Etienne Baudet ; P. L. H. Lau- rent ; Pool ; Bovinet. Same subject, differ- ently treated, formerly in collection of Sir Richard Colt Hoare, engraved by Jean Au-