Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/540

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ZEVIO " I confess I take a long time to paint ; but I paint works to last a long time " (Plut. Per., 13, De Amic. Mult., 5). Pliny relates (1. c.) that Zeuxis, having entered into a pictorial contest with Parrhasius, painted some grapes so naturally that the birds were attracted to them. Elated with his success, he haughtily demanded that the curtain should be drawn aside from his op- ponent's picture in order that he might see it, but was obliged to admit his defeat when he found that the curtain itself was Parrha- sius's picture. Zeuxis afterwards painted a boy carrying grapes, when the birds pecked at them as before. This vexed him greatly, and he exclaimed: "I have painted the grapes better than the child, or the birds would have been afraid of him " (Pliny, 1. c.). Festus relates (s. v. Pictor) that Zeuxis met his death by choking with laughter at a picture of an old woman he had just paint- ed, but the time of his decease is unknown. ZEVIO, STEPANO DA. See Stefano da Zevio. ZICHY, MICHAEL VON, born at Zala, Hungary, in 1827. History and genre painter, pupil of Vi- enna Academy and of Waldmtiller, on whose suggestion he was called to St. Pe- tersburg to instruct one of the grand duchesses ; left the Russian court in 1850, but returned there in 1856 and became court painter in 1859 ; moved to Paris in 1874. Works : The Prisoner (1847) ; Wound- ed Knight at Communion ; Closing the Coffin ; Descent from the Cross ; Life-Boat ; Empress Elizabeth beside Deak's Coffin, Pesth Museum ; The Weapons of the De- mon of Devastation (1878). Kunst-Chronik, xiv. 180 ; Miiller, 572. ZICK, JANUARIUS, born in Munich in 1733, died at Ehrenbreitstein in 1812. Ger- man school ; history and genre painter, son of Johann Zick (1702-62), pupil of his fa- ther and of Munich Academy ; went in 1757 to Basle, where he painted pictures in Rembrandt's manner, and in 1758 was in Rome, where he is said to have studied under Raphael Mengs ; hav- ing visited France, he settled at Coblentz in 1761, and became court painter to the Archbishop of Troves in 1764. Works: Old Scholar Reading, Bamberg Gallery ; two Genre Scenes with Fauns, etc., Artist's Portrait, Gallery, Co- blentz ; Four Evangelists, St. Castor's, ib. ; Trinity, Hospital Church, Mannheim ; Mag- dalen Repentant, Wiesbaden Gallery. In fresco : Justice, etc., Aurora, etc., Four Evangelists, Royal Palace, Coblentz ; Wash- ing the Disciples' Feet, Marriage at Cana, St. Florin's Stift, ib.; Jupiter, etc. (1789), Royal Palace, Mentz. Ch. Blanc, cole allemande. ZIEGLER, JULES, born at Langres (Haute-Marue), March 16, 1804, died in Di- jon, Dec. 29, 1856. History and portrait painter, pupil of Ingres in Paris ; visited Italy and Germany, allied himself to Cor- nelius in Munich, and devoted himself es- pecially to fresco painting. After his re- turn he painted historical subjects and por- traits ; subsequently executed the wall paintings in the Madeleine, for which he was made Officer of the Legion of Honour in 1838. Appointed director of the Museum at Dijon in 1852. His pictures lack expression and deep feeling, but they are excellent in drawing and colour. Works : Venice at Night (1831) ; Giotto in Cimabue's Studio (1833), Bordeaux Museum ; Death of Fos- cari (1833), Henri TV. and Marguerite de Valois, Arras Museum ; Prophet Daniel (1838) ; The Dew spreading its Pearls on the Flowers (1844) ; Jacob's Dream (1847) ; Judith at the Gates of Bethulia (1847), 464