4. Any dog of the type known as the Fila Braziliero.
5. Any dog which is a cross involving the breed of any dog of a type set out in any of the above sections.
[ss. 2 & 19]
Body Weight
20 kg or above.
[ss. 18 & 19]
Detention Fee
$120 for each day or part of a day during which a dog is detained under the Ordinance or this Regulation.
Mable CHAN
Clerk to the Executive Council
Council Chamber
15 June 1999
15 June 1999
Explanatory Note
This Regulation is made under the Dogs and Cats Ordinance (Cap. 167) to provide for the control and regulation of dangerous dogs.
2. Part I provides for preliminary matters including commencement of the Regulation (section 1) and definitions under the Regulation (section 2).
3. Part II (sections 3 to 8) deals with the control of fighting dogs (as defined in section 2)—
- (a) section 3 creates offences in relation to the removal of fighting dogs from a conveyance;
- (b) sections 4 to 6 create offences in relation to the importation and breeding of a fighting dog, and to the possession of a fighting dog without it being neutered;