Page:Dave Porter on Cave Island.djvu/246

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I was carrying. I grew suspicious and tried to hide the money between the rocks. The three caught me at it and pounced on the money like a pack of wolves. Then, when I remonstrated, they laughed at me, and told me to keep quiet, that they were going to run matters to suit themselves."

"They must have intended to rob you from the start," said Dave.

"You are right, and I was a fool to trust them. As soon as they had my money, one of them, Rumney, tore up the chart and threw the pieces in my face. That angered me so greatly that I struck him with my fist, knocking him down. Then the three leaped on me and made me a prisoner, binding me with the rope. I tried my best to get away, but could not. That was at night. In the morning they went off, saying they would come back later and give me something to eat. But that is the last I have seen or heard of them."

"If we hadn't found you, you might have starved to death," murmured Captain Sanders. "They ought to be punished heavily for this—and for robbing you!"

The Englishman was glad enough to get something to eat, and then said he felt much stronger.

"But what brings you to this island?" he questioned, while partaking of the food.

"We are after a pair of criminals," answered Dave, as the others looked at him, not knowing