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A true Relation of Dr. Dees Actions, with spirits.

Δ. I desire that they who love God should dwell with me, and I with them.

Ma. …… I love you now you talk of God.


Δ. Your eldest sister her name is Esemeli.

Ma. …… My sister is not so short as you make her.


Δ. O, I cry yoy mercy, she is to be pronounced Esemeli.

E. K. She smileth, one calls her saying, Come away Maiden.

Ma. …… I will read ever my Gentlewoemen first.

My Master Dee will teach me, if I say amisse.

Δ. Read over your Gentlewoemen as it pleaseth you.

Ma. …… I have Gentlemen and Gentlwoemen, Look you here.

E- K. She bringeth a little book out of her pocket,

…… She pointeth to a in Picture the book.

Mad. …… Is not this a pretty man.

Δ. What is his name?

Ma…… My …… faith, his name is Edward, Look you, he hath a Crown upon his head, my Mother saith, that this man was Duke of York.

E. K. She looketh upon a Picture in the Book with a Coronet in his hand and a Crown upon his head.

Ma. …… This was a jolly man when he was King of England.

Δ. How long since is it that he was King of England?

Ma. …… Do you ask me such a question, I am but a little Maiden? Lo, here is his Father Richard Plantagenet, and his father also.

Δ. How call you him?

Ma. …… Richard, Surely this was Richard Earle of Cambridge.

E.K. She turneth the book leaves, and said.

Mad. …… Here is a grim Lord, He maketh me afraid.

Δ. Why doth he make you afraid?

Ma. …… He is a stern fellow, I do not know him what he is. But this was the Duke of Clarence. This was Father to Richard Earle of Cambridge. Lo, here is Anne his wife.

E. K. Turning over the leafe,

The fame was heir to all Mortimers lands.

Edmund was her brother.

Lo, Sir, here be the wicked Mortimers.

E K. She turned over diverse leaves, and then she said

Ma. …… This same is Roger Mortimer.

…… My Mother saith this man was Earl of the Marches.

This fame is his wife.

He had a great deale of lands by her, for she was an Heire.

Pronounced Jenville.

This same is' wild Genvill, her Father.

Here is a Town they call Webley. Here is Bendley. Here is Mortimers Clybery. Here is wild Wenlock. Here is Ludlow. Here is Stanton Lacy. Genvill his wife was Heire of all these. Here is Hugh Lacy her Father. He weareth his haire long, for he was Deputy of Ireland; That maketh him look with such a writhen face.

My sister hath torne out the other two leaves, I will bring them when you have supped.

I pray do not tell any body of me.

Δ. We were earnestly called for to Supper by my folks.

After Supper.

Ma. …… Here is William Lacy Father to Hugh.

Here is Richard his Father. And here is Sir Richard his Father, and here is William, Sir Richards Brother. Here is his going into France.

Δ. Quo anno Christi?

Her eldest Sister. Her Sister is to tell the rest.

Mad. …… I warrant you my eldest Sister will tell you all. Here is his going into Denmark.

My Sister will come shortly, and tell you how he married in Poland, and what issue this William had.

Δ. I pray declare the Pedigree down to this Albert Lascy.

Ma. …… Alas, I cannot tell whats done in other Countries.

Δ. I know you are not Particular of this Country, but Universal for all countries in the whole world, which is indeed but one Countrey, or a great City, &c.

Mad. …… Well, my sister will shortly come and tell you unlooked for, If you judge these things well that I have spoken. Nam vera sunt. Nam verus est qui me misit.
